Diary of A.L.J. 1966

The work of a curious fellow

This page is a year's entries from the diary of Alice L. Jones, who was my father's mother. She kept a diary from 1909 into the 1970's. I have recovered 7 volumes of her effort and transcribed her very legible handwriting into these web pages. I have not corrected her word usage, abbreviations or spelling. Please send an email to jdj@mcanv.com if you would care to question or comment.

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Diary of Alice L. Jones


Sat. Jan. 1st

Fair, very mild. Winnie and Harry, Sr. came down in P.M. I went home with them for few days. We called to see Arlene Butcher to say “Farewell” (going to Hawaii).

Sun. Jan. 2nd

Cloudy. We went to church in A.M. and eve. (Harry, Sr. Win and I). Arlene B. left at midnight for New York to go to Hawaii. Grampa Small went to Everett's to board a few days while Shirley was having mumps.

Mon. Jan. 3rd

Snowed about 3 in. during night – then was misty and rainy. I went down St. with Harry in A.M. Win- and I baby-sat at Margaret's in P.M. and eve. Joyce Morrison came home from a vacation in N.Y. at Catherine'a.

Tues. Jan. 4th

Nice day, cooler. Winnie went to Bessie Lange’s to stay with Eva Webber who was sick there. Everett and Freda came after me in P.M.

Wed. Jan 5th

Beautiful, mild day. Grampa Small went home to stay in P.M. Mayota over to dinner. Everett and Freda went to town in P.M. Stayed to super. Grace Coombs and Dominique Couture called in eve.

Thurs. Jan. 6th

Rained in late P.M. then snowed a little during night.

Fri. Jan. 7th

Clear, mild, sunny morn. Then cloudy before noon and began snowing about 3 P.M. in Rockport. Freda and I went to Camden to see Alfred Darrow (he was at college) then went to Rockland to dinner, then to Rockport Baptist church to funeral services for Carl Small (Rev.). Mayota over at noon to have coffee with Everett. She and Ernest called in eve. Hilda Mitchell called.

Sat. Jan. 8th

Colder, snowed all day. Everett went up to Bob Woodworth's in A.M. Mayota and Ernest came in at noon for coffee.

Sun. Jan. 9th

Cleared during night, windy. Everett, Freda, Ernest and Mayota went to church in Litchfield.

Mon. Jan. 10

Partly cloudy. Everett, Freda, Mayota, “Willie” and I went to Portland in morn. to meet Sandi's bus from N. Carolina. Everett and Freda went to town in P.M. Cal and Dot Stewart's house on Summer St. burned in Falls on Summer St.

Tues. Jan. 11

Squally in early morn. – mostly fair, colder in eve. Sandi gave me a “permanent” in A.M. Mayota over to dinner. Everett and Freda went away in P.M. Ernest and Mayota over in eve. for Ernest to take his “plumbing” lesson from Sandi.

Wed. Jan. 12

Nice day, cold. 10° below in Portland. Ruth Wilson worked for Sandra and Freda in A.M. Everett and Freda went to Bath in P.M. after taking Marion Smith, Elwilda Stackpole and me to Dotty Black’s to Sewing circle.

Thurs. Jan. 13

Partly cloudy, milder. Everett and Freda went to Litchfield in A.M. Came back in P.M. and took me to Morrison's for a visit. Brian McGowan putting insulation in our attic. Doris boarding a man from the mill across the road, “Dave”.

Fri. Jan. 14

Few snow flakes during night. Dot, Kathy, Sylvia and I took a load of boys (Galen included) to Parsonage in eve. We went down to Roy's.

Sat. Jan. 15

Clear, cold day. Doris went out in A.M. and took Kathy and Sylvia to party in P.M. Winnie Stewart called to tell me that Clara West had passed away. She and Harry went to Bracket’s to funeral services for Mabel Coskery.

Sun. Jan. 16

22° below, clear. We all went to church and Sun. school. Arnold, Joyce and Galen went to eve. service. Roy, Judy and boys came up in P.M. also Joe and Eva and Earland, Betty and 3 boys in late P.M. Galen stayed at Gloucester in P.M.

Mon. Jan. 17

Good day, milder. Doris , the girls and I went up to school to get Joyce in P.M. Had a flat tire, a post man fixed it for us. Had callers in late P.M. Doris went out to play cards in eve.

Tues. Jan. 18

Mostly fair. Doris had sick spell (gas) in P.M. I called Dr. Russell from Gray.

Wed. Jan. 19

Light snow and drizzle most of day. Galen at home sick. He went with Doris in P.M. to get Joyce at school. Arnold went to church in eve. Eva Webber passed away.

Thurs. Jan. 20

Very light snow and mist in A.M. – cloudy. Doris went to Gray to Dr. Russell’s in P.M. Galen out of school sick.

Fri. Jan. 21

Snowed very lightly during the night and today, very mild. Galen went back to school but teacher called for Doris to come to take him home. Doris and I went to “Mart” shopping in eve. Shirley Rand met us down town and came home with us. Then about 9.15 P.M. Doris had to go back to town to take Donald.

Sat. Jan. 22

Beautiful, warm, sunny day. Doris was away in P.M. taking children to their activities. Eddie _______ stayed over night.

Sun. Jan. 23

Snowed all day. We went to church in A.M. Faye Morrison came up and spent P.M. Joyce went to church in eve. when Wayne ? took Faye to church.

Mon. Jan. 24

Snowed part of day. Roads blocked badly. 14-14 in. John and Priscilla Morrison came up in eve.

Tues. Jan. 25

Fair. Doris, Shirley Rand and I went to Shaw’s in Auburn shopping in P.M. I called to see Alice K. at Colby’s

Wed. Jan. 26

Nice day - 16° below. Man here on business with Arnold most of day. Doris and I went to Gray (I to Bessie Libby's) she to Dr. Russell’s and Roy's in eve. Arnold stopped at Mr. Studenroth’s (parsonage) for prayer meeting and business meeting.

Thurs. Jan. 27

Partly cloudy, began snowing in early eve. Doris, Kathy, Shirley Rand and I went to town shopping in eve. Aunt Eva Davis died age 86.

Fri. Jan. 28

Mostly cloudy, wind blew a gale all day - 8° above, roads drifted. Shirley Rand and Jean Thurston came in A.M. to play cards (with their children) Little Rand boy stayed all day. Doris was out most of evening taking Donnie places. Jean and older girl over in eve.

Sat. Jan. 29

Nice day. Judy and Darrell came up in A.M. to take me to their house for wk-end. Laura came down in eve.

Sun. Jan. 30

Started snowing in night – snowed most of day, roads blocked.

Mon. Jan. 31

Fair. Judy took David and Darrell to Barber’s in A.M. Laura came down to supper. Doris, Galen and Kathy came after me in eve.

Tues. Feb. 1st

Fair. Doris went away in P.M. and eve.

Wed. Feb. 2nd

Cloudy, mild. Doris, girls and I walked up to their other house in A.M. (Arnold repairing it to rent). Judy came up in P.M. Doris, Shirley Rand and I went shopping up to Shaw’s in eve. Dot and I called to see Alice K. at Colby’s. Sandra working at “Louis’ “ in bath the last 4 days of the wk.

Thurs. Feb. 3rd

Very light snow in A.M. Mayota came after me in A.M. We called Stewart's on the way home – had dinner at “Clare’s” and did errands at Brunswick. Ernest over in eve. Everett, Brian and Ernest working on “Holiday Inn” at Cook’s Cor. (plumbers). Aunt Eva Davis up at Stratton passed away, age 86.

Fri. Feb. 4th

Partly cloudy. Freda went out in P.M. Ernest and Mayota called in eve.

Sat. Feb. 5th

Mostly fair, mild. Everett, Freda and I went to Bath and Brunswick in P.M.

Sun. Feb. 6th

Fair. Freda went to church at Litchfield Plains. Sandra and I went down here. First Sunday I heard new minister, Mr. Belcher, who came here in Jan. Frances and Clif here to dinner. Sandra took Hugh Johnson up to Mechanic Falls to see Phyllis (Teaching school there).

Mon. Feb. 7th

Nice day. Shirley and little Delmar spent the day here. Freda took them up to “Chuck Wagon” for dinner. Sandra gave “sets” to all of us –Shirley, Freda and me – hair trim for little Delmar.

Tues. Feb. 8th

Nice day. Hugh Johnson taken to Regional Hospital by ambulance in A.M. Freda spent the day at Hilda's and Jennie Carlson's. Ernest, Mayota and Sandi went to hospital in eve.

Wed. Feb. 9th

Nice day. Margaret and Dean brot Winnie down in eve. for a few days vacation. Dr.s giving Hugh Johnson all kinds of tests.

Thurs. Feb. 10

Partly cloudy. Freda and Everett went shopping in eve.

Fri. Feb. 11

Nice day. Freda, Winnie and I went shopping in Brunswick in A.M. (Freda went to Regional Hospital to see Hugh Johnson). Winnie took us to Claire’s for dinner then we went up to Mary Young's (recovering from another heart attack).

Sat. Feb. 12

Mostly fair. Winnie and I went to walk to P.O. and over to Mayota’s in A.M. Everett and Freda went out in P.M. Winnie and I went out for walk. Dr. decided Hugh had gall bladder trouble. Alice K.’s heart troubling her, had Dr. this week.

Sun. Feb. 13

Began snowing about 12.30, some rain. Everett and Freda went to church at Litchfield. Sandi took Winnie and me down to our church. Everett and Freda went to Topsham Fair grounds to snowmobile races in P.M. Dean, Margaret and Deano went to the races and came down here to take Winnie home in late P.M. Sandra did Phyllis and Frances Johnson's hair in A.M. Heavy rain in eve.

Mon. Feb. 14

Mostly fair, cooler. Freda went down St. in A.M. and to Brunswick in P.M. She and Everett went to town in eve. with Ernest and Mayota.

Tues. Feb. 15

Partly cloudy. I went down St. in P.M. Sandi “set” my hair in A.M. Mayota here most of day. She, Ernest and Sandi had turkey supper with us.

Wed. Feb. 16

Started snowing in P.M. Freda took me up to Dr. DuBois to have eye’s tested for new glasses. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us also Mayota. Ernest called at 2 A.M. to get car to go to Dr.’s (Regional Hospital). Infection in his eye.

Thurs. Feb. 17

3-4 in. of snow fell during night (heavy wet snow). Good day, colder at night. Freda took Ruth Wilson to work on Prince's Pt. road then took Sandra to work at Bath and went after them in P.M. Everett, Freda and Sandra took supper out. Pam Doughty up to do some book work with Freda in P.M.

Fri. Feb. 18

Nice day. I was over to Mayota’s to help her – under Dr.’s care. Everett and Freda went to town in eve.

Sat. Feb. 19

Mostly fair. Mayota spent day here (in bed). Ernest took his old car up to Leo's for the boys to play with. The 4-H girls were entertained here in P.M. by their leaders.

Sun. Feb. 20

3° below – coldest for the year. Sandi and I went over to Mayota’s – helped til after dinner (she’s in bed). I went over to do dishes after supper and cook a little. Faye Steinman and her family there to supper. Man here in P.M. to figure out Everett’s income tax. The Tremblys and Susie went to Norwich, Conn. to Lura's.

Mon. Feb. 21

3° below, nice day. I went to Mayota’s when Everett went after Ernest to work. Freda took Mayota to Dr.’s in P.M. He pronounced her OK to do her work so I came home for good in P.M. Sandi took Hugh Johnson and me to vote on Sunday sale of liquor in P.M. Winnie called in eve. to tell me Dickey Owen Lura Small’s boy) had a bad accident.

Tues. Feb. 22

Nice day. Freda took me to Stewart’s for few days when she went to spend the day with Shirley and Delmar. Margaret took Win- and me to Auburn in P.M. to see Alice Keegan while she did errands and took me to Mary Young’s in eve. while she and Win- went up to Small's.

Wed. Feb. 23

Nice day. Margaret and Shirley spent day at Trembley’s and Harold's, etc. and left me at Mary’s to cook. Winnie and I baby-sat at Margaret’s while they went to Small’s.

Thur. Feb. 24

Nice day. I went down St. in A.M. with Harry, Sr. Glady’s Cornish spent day here. We all went to funeral parlor in evening. The Small family and Owens arrived in Bowdoin from Norwich, Conn. about 4 A.M. Dickey Owen’s body was brot to Crosman Undertaking parlor. Everett and Freda called this eve. (Ed Jaquith passed away this week.)

Fri. Feb. 25

Began snowing in early morn. and continued all day, heavy winds in late P.M. Winnie, Harry, Margaret and I went to funeral services for Dickey Owen at Crosman’s Funeral Home at 1.30 P.M. Mr. Brackley had service.

Sat. Feb. 26

Cleared away in morn. 10 in. or more of snow. Win- and I walked down St. in P.M.

Sun. Feb. 27

Beautiful day. Harry, Sr. went to church. Everett and Freda came for dinner (after going to church at Litchfield) and took me home in P.M. Ernest and Mayota over.

Mon. Feb. 28

Mild, partly cloudy. I went to town with Mayota in A.M. to get my new glasses. We had dinner at Newberry’s.

Tues. Mar. 1st

Rain during night and early morn, - faired off at noon – showery in P.M. Freda took Ruth Wilson and me to WSCS meeting at Louise Coombs’ in A.M.

Wed. Mar. 2nd

Fair – heavy winds. Freda had company from Litchfield – Shirley and some other ladies to spend day. I went to town with Mayota then to her house to dinner and supper. Mildred Hillman there to supper too.

Thurs. Mar. 3rd

Nice day. Freda and Mayota spent day in Lewiston and Brunswick shopping and at Shirley’s (Granville’s).

Fri. Mar. 4th

Nice mild day. Freda took me up to Sue's in P.M. for visit. Sue and I went over to Myrt’s in eve. Alexander Anderson at Bill's. Harry Stew- Jr. had his teeth all out.

Sat. Mar. 5th

Misty, rainy day. Bill, Sue, Lola and I went to town meeting at Central school in Bowdoin. Joan had a birthday party (1 yr. old) for Frankie. Sue and I went over in late P.M. Everett and Freda went to Chester's in eve. to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.

Sun. Mar. 6th

Cloudy, foggy. We went to Falls then to church. Myrt went with us.

Mon. Mar. 7th

Fair. Bill and I went to Falls in A.M. Met Harry and Winnie coming to tell me that Doris Morrison had come home from the hospital and wanted me to stay with her a while. Freda and Mayota came after me to take me home. Everett and Freda took me to Doris’s in eve.

Tues. Mar. 8th

Nice day. Had several callers – Lloyd and his wife, Bill and his wife, Shirley Rand. Arnold and Sylvia went to town in P.M.

Wed. Mar. 9th

Nice day. Several callers in P.M. – Priscilla and neighbors.

Thurs. Mar. 10

Nice day. Judy was up in P.M. and four other ladies to see Doris.

Fri. Mar. 11

Nice day, colder. Callers in A.M. and P.M.

Sat. Mar. 12

Cloudy, started snowing in eve. Callers – Ira and Janice up in eve. Dr. Russell came to see Doris in early morn.

Sun. Mar. 13

About 2 in. of snow fell during night and day. Arnold took all the children to church in morn. Galen stayed down til eve. Earland and family called in late P.M. and took Joyce to evening service. Joe called in P.M. also neighbor.

Mon. Mar. 14

Nice day. Henri Crosley passed away (83). Sylvia spent day at Dot Witham’s. Alta Foster, Marilyn Cole and Emily Maxwell (?) called in eve.

Tues. Mar. 15

Clear, cold, windy. Arnold went to town in A.M. (took girls). Doris went to Gray in P.M. – first time out of door since home from hospital. Harry Stewart, Sr., Winnie, Margaret and Deano came over in P.M. Several callers during day. Arnold took Doris to Dr. Russell’s in P.M. He was out.

Wed. Mar. 16

Nice day, warmer. Several callers – Dot Witham and children, Mr. and Mrs. Studenroth.

Thurs. Mar. 17

Nice day. Dr. Russell came up in P.M. to give Doris a shot. Judy came up in P.M. Maxene Hodgkins, Dawn and boy and Emily Parker came in eve. Other callers in P.M.

Fri. Mar. 18

Mostly fair, mild. Freda and Mayota came in A.M. Callers in P.M. and eve.

Sat. Mar. 19

Cloudy, showery in late P.M. foggy eve. Joe and Eva spent P.M. with us. Arlene and 3 younger ones went shopping in A.M.

Sun. Mar. 20

Mostly cloudy, few sprinkles. They all went to church (except Dot and me). Several callers during day. Foggy eve.

Mon. Mar. 21

Fair. Callers – Winnie called to tell me that Dot was sick (nervous exhaustion).

Tues. Mar. 22

Nice day. Arnold and children took Doris to Dr. Russell’s for shots in P.M. Earland and family here in eve. Vivian's son, Wheeler, taken to hospital in Boston to reduce his high blood pressure.

Wed. Mar. 23

Cloudy. Callers in P.M. and eve. Dot Stewart having nervous breakdown.

Thurs. Mar. 24

Dark day, started raining in late P.M. Arnold and Galen went shopping in eve.

Fri. Mar. 25

Heavy rain during night and A.M. Tapering off in P.M. Thundering during night. Company all P.M. – Dot Witham and two children – Joe and Eva – Jean Thurston and Lisa.

Sat. Mar. 26

Few snow flakes during night – windy and cold day. Callers.

Sun. Mar. 27

Squally during day. All Except Dot and I went to church. Arnold and Joyce went in eve. Lloyd and family called in late P.M.

Mon. Mar. 28

Cold and windy, fair. Arnold went to dairy meeting at Eagle Hotel in Brunswick in P.M. Everett and Freda over in eve. Shirley Rand called in P.M. Next door neighbor called in A.M.

Tues. Mar. 29

Fair, cold. Barbara Bishop called in A.M. Dickey Hodgkins and family called in eve.

Wed. Mar. 30

Cloudy, started raining in late P.M. Dr. Russell up in P.M. to give Doris a shot.

Thurs. Mar. 31

Few light sprinkles during day. Callers in A.M. and P.M.

Fri. Apr. 1st

Mostly fair. Freda came after me in A.M. to take me home for few days. Leo’s family came in eve. Left Clif and Timmy for the wk-end.

Sat. Apr. 2nd

Drizzily – showery day. Freda and I went to town in A.M. Everett went to Dr. Bailey for back trouble in P.M. Mayota here in A.M. to do her laundry.

Sun. Apr. 3rd

Nice day. Freda went up on hill to Baptist church. Sandra and I went down to Methodist (Mr. Belcher pastor). Freda took Clif and Timmy home to W. Gardiner in P.M.

Mon. Apr. 4th

Good day. Freda took me back to Doris’ in P.M. after being home over the wk-end.

Tues. Apr. 5th

Nice day. Callers as usual. Dr. Russell up in P.M. to give Doris a shot.

Wed. Apr. 6th

Nice day. Arnold went away in eve. Joyce baby-sat for Bruce and Dot Witham.

Thurs. Apr. 7th

Mostly fair. Callers. Shirley Rand took Joyce shopping in P.M. Arnold took Galen shopping in eve. Betty called in P.M.

Fri. Apr. 8th

Began raining about noon then snowed most of P.M. Had callers in A.M. and P.M.

Sat. Apr. 9th

April showers all day. Callers in eve.

Sun. Apr. 10

Cold and showery. All except Dot and myself went to church. Joyce Galen stayed down til eve. Joe and Eva down all P.M. Lois Morrison and Paul called in eve.

Mon. Apr. 11

Showery. Dr. Russell up in A.M. to see Doris, “shot”.

Mon. Apr. 12

Partly cloudy. Colby’s Nursing Home called down home to tell me that Alice Keegan was very low. Everett and Freda came after me in eve. to take me home. I called to see Alice on way home. She knew me.

Tues. Apr. 13

Partly cloudy. Freda went over to Mayota’s in A.M. (She is sick with prevailing distemper.) Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working for Sandra). Everett working half a day at “Holiday Inn”- down here the rest of the day.

Wed. Apr. 14

Partly cloudy. Gramp Small came down in A.M. Freda went to Alwilda’s in A.M. and to town in eve. Mayota over in P.M. making dress for Sat. wedding at Orono. Freda had callers in P.M. Went down the Island with them.

Thurs. Apr. 15

Nice day. Mayota over in P.M. to wash. Freda and I went up to Stewart’s then to Colby nursing home to see Alice Keegan. She was slightly improved. We came back to Stewart’s for “tea”. Leo and family down in eve. to bring Clif and Timmie. Arnold took Doris to town again. Snow storms thru the west.

Sat. Apr. 16

Partly cloudy. Chester and family had dinner with us. Freda, Clif and Timmie spent P.M. in town. Freda went out in eve with Everett on work. Ernest, Mayota and his cousin and wife from Windham came in late eve. to play with Everett on his guitar.

Sun. Apr. 17

Nice day. All except me had picnic supper up at Gramp Small’s cottage. They all went out in eve. Ernest and Mayota called in P.M. on business with me.

Mon. Apr. 18

Nice day, cool. Mayota took me to see Alice K. and to Depositor’s Trust Bank at L. Falls then round by Sue’s. Bill gone to cemetery work. Ernest and Mayota here to supper. Everett and Freda went out in eve. Ernest and Mayota paid Mr. Fides for land to build a house on.

Tues. Apr. 19

Fair and cool. Freda went to town in A.M. also Clif and Timmie. Sandra took me to see the land (next to Ernest and Mayota’s lot) that she had bot of Fides. Dan Bisbee died at Damariscotta hospital.

Wed. Apr. 20

Mostly cloudy, cool. Freda and Mayota went to town in P.M. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working for Sandra).

Thurs. Apr. 21

Cloudy and cold. Sandra, Mayota, Mildred HillmanDianne Hillman, Clif and Timmie went to “Movies” in eve.

Fri. Apr. 22

Nice day, cloudy in early morn. – warmer. Freda went to Bath to Luie’s to get her hair done in morn. Took Clif and Timmie with her and took them home then went to Granville’s in P.M. Mayota came over to wash in morn.

Sat. Apr. 23

Fair and warmer most of day. Jean Campbell here in A.M. making bread for “club fair” and stayed to dinner. Freda took me to Doris’ to work in P.M. Called at Colby’s to see Alice K- on our way. Ira and Janice here in eve.

Sun. Apr. 24

Heavy rain showers during night and all day. Went on “fast time” at 2 A.M. Arnold took the children to church but he didn’t go. Joyce and Galen went to church in eve. Joe Mc- came up in P.M. Marion Sawyer came to see Doris in eve.

Mon. Apr. 25

Mostly fair. Dr. Russell came in P.M. to give Doris a shot. Judy came up in P.M.

Tues. Apr. 26

Clear, cold and heavy wind. Dot Witham and children came in P.M.

Wed. Apr. 27

Fair, cool. Shirley Rand called in P.M. and a neighbor with several children called in eve. Mr. Studenroth called in P.M.

Thurs. Apr. 28

Cloudy. Lloyd’s wife called in A.M. Arnold and 3 youngest went to town in eve. Joe Mc- and Malcolm's two oldest ones called in A.M. Joe and Eva had the children while Malc- and Sue were here to attend Sue’s father’s funeral.

Fri. Apr. 29

Mostly fair, very light rain in morn. Callers in eve. – Bruce Witham, Dot and children.

Sat. Apr. 30

Partly cloudy, showery in eve. Callers as usual. Ralph Vickery died.

Sun. May 1st

Mostly fair, warmer. Everyone went to church (except Doris and me). Arnold and Joyce went in eve. Joe and Eva came up in P.M. Vera brot Bill and Sue over in P.M. after they went to see Alice K- at Colby’s.

Mon. May 2nd

Fair, windy, cool. Lloyd’s wife and children called.

Tues. May 3rd

Fair, cool, frosty early morn. Bruce and Dot Witham came up in eve. Brot a desk for Joyce. Janice, Clinton and Faye called in late P.M. John called in P.M.

Wed. May 4th

Cool, windy, few sprinkles and hail in P.M. Arnold, Joyce and I went shopping in eve. for Sylvia’s and Kathryn’s birthday. Went to King’s and Shaw’s. Shirley Rand spend eve with Doris.

Thurs. May 5th

Nice day (except a few sprinkles). Janice stayed with us while Ira, and Arnold and Clinton went to help someone build a corral. Sylvia’s third birthday.

Fri. May 6th

Nice A.M. – cloudy, cooler P.M. – few sprinkles. Galen missed the bus – home all day. Callers – Lloyd’s wife and girl hung Kathy and Sylvia their first maybasket in P.M. Everett and Freda came in eve. to take me home. Hubert Bowie passed away suddenly.

Sat. May 7th

Fair most of day, cold – few snow flakes in morn. I rode down to (where Sandra worked – Mackeral Cove Mkt.) at Bailey Is. in morn with Freda, Sandra and Mayota to get their breakfast (coffee). Freda helped with a party for Virginia Johnson in P.M. Everett played violin at Lisbon.

Sun. May 8th

Snow and rain in morn. – cloudy, dark day. Freda went to Baptist church on the hill. Sandi and I went to Methodist – then she took me to “Square Deal” for dinner. Mr. Berry from Baptist church and his mother had dinner with Freda and Everett here. More than 3 in. of snow at Bowdoinham.

Mon. May 9th

Drizzily, cold and dark. Sandra set my hair in A.M. Everett and Freda went to Augusta on business in P.M. Fields up thru country covered with snow. Mayota helped Sandi. She and Ernest here to dinner.

Tues. May 10

Cleared away cool and windy in A.M. Ernest went to Augusta to take his examination for plumber. Everett worked most of A.M. then took Freda and me on a ride. Had picnic lunch up near Gypsum. Went up to Robinson’s shopping then up to John Tarr’s place on Mechanic Falls road to shop – round Lake Thompson. Had supper at “Claire’s “ in Brunswick.

Wed. May 11

Mostly fair. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working for Sandi). Freda and Mayota went out in P.M.

Thurs. May 12

Partly cloudy, few sprinkles in eve. Freda and Mayota spent the day at Gramp Small’s. Grant’s new store and new bank opened at Cook’s Cor. Everett took me up in eve.

Fri. May 13

Rained hard during night and in A.M. – clearing in late P.M. Freda went to Gramp Small’s in P.M. then to Bath with Everett. She went to town in eve. with Everett.

Sat. May 14

Fair, warmer. Freda and Sandi went out for breakfast. Mayota came over in A.M. to do her laundry.

Sun. May 15

Nice mild day. I went to church in A.M. Everett and Freda went to car races at Oxford in P.M. Took me to Stewart’s on the way and came after me on their way home. Harry, Winnie and I went up to Sue’s in late P.M. Emil and Verna King there, also the Calderwoods from North Haven. Ernest had a chain saw and worked all day clearing his house lot.

Mon. May 16

Fair. Mayota over in A.M. Freda went out with Everett in eve.

Tues. May 17

Few sprinkles in early morn. – mostly fair. Freda and I went to get groceries in A.M. at Bailey Is. (Mackeral Cove Mkt.) Freda went out with Everett in eve. Sandra sick (distemper – chest, throat, etc.). Worked part of day.

Wed. May 18

Light showers during night – mostly cloudy. Sandra at home sick. Freda and I went to Bailey Is. after groceries in A.M. I went over to help Mayota in in P.M. (sick like Sandra). She and Ernest came over here to supper. Everett and Freda went out in eve. to town.

Thurs. May 19

Showery during night – heavy fog, mist, showery in eve. Freda went to Lewiston and Auburn in P.M. to do errands for Everett and took me to see Alice K- at Colby’s. Then Freda took Sandra to Dr.’s in late P.M. (We met Mayota with Sandi at Dyer’s Cove. Mayota came back with me and Freda took Sandi to Dr.’s.)

Fri. May 20

Foggy, showery most of day, sun peeped thru a few minutes. Mayota came in A.M. to sew. She went to town with Freda in P.M. Sandra slightly better, cold settled on her chest. Dr. ordered her to bed for 3 days.

Sat. May 21

Showery during night – mostly cloudy. Mayota had back trouble while washing floor in P.M. Freda went over. Called Everett and Ernest from work to take her to bed upstairs, then I went over to stay til work was done after supper.

Sun. May 22

Cloudy, warmer. Everett and Freda left at 5.30 A.M. on fishing trip. I went over to Mayota’s to get breakfast and cook supper then came home. Went over in late P.M. to do work. Mayota came down stairs in P.M. Everett, Freda and I went to Mackeral Cove Mkt. in eve. Sandra much better,

Mon. May 23

Nice warm day. Sandra started work on small scale after her sick spell. Mayota feeling better and working some. Sandi gave me a perm in P.M.

Tues. May 24

Beautiful day. I went over to Mayota’s in A.M. Everett and Freda took me to Sue’s and Bill’s in early eve. (They were on business trip to Litchfield.) Helen and Alexander Anderson came up in eve. to play cribbage.

Wed. May 25

Nice day. We went down to “Biff” Morgan’s in morn after plants for the cemetery and for us. Went to old cemetery at Bowdoin Ctr. in eve. then to Morgan’s – to Falls and over the Ridge to Howard Goss’s.

Thurs. May 26

Nice day. Sue and I went over to Myrt’s in A.M. We all went to Stewart’s in eve. Candace been there 3 wks. or more. Susie Small called in at Stew’s while Candy was doing Patty’s hair.

Fri. May 27

Nice day. Bill, Sue and I went to Ma and Dad's grave – then called at Dot Morrison at Danville, then went to Ella and Roy's lot in Gray, then to Gorham Teacher’s College to bring Lyn and Cheryl home. We went up to our lot in Litchfield in eve. and called at Wheeler’s (Nettie Allen there). Bill went to Monmouth with Wesley Goss in P.M. Ernest Rowe taken to hospital (bad throat).

Sat. May 28

Showery in P.M. John (Aunt Belle’s son) brot her to West Bowdoin cemetery in P.M. Bill brot her up to Sue’s for visit. We all went to B.Y.F. supper.

Sun. May 29

Bill, Sue, Aunt Belle and I went to church in A.M. (Bill worked in cemetery). William, Evelyn, Karlene and Gailene came down in P.M. (also Inez’s little girl). We went to B.Y.F. meeting at church in eve. Mr. Carter showed pictures. Refreshments after in “Parrish House”.

Mon. May 30

Very nice day. Bill, Sue, Aunt Belle and I went over to Carrie Sheene’s in morn. then to Merton's, to Litchfield cemetery – to Bertha Esterbrook’s and home for dinner. Then we went to cemetery meeting at “Parish House” and home to early supper then we took Aunt Belle home to Lewiston then to West Bowdoin cemetery to water flower bed., then up to Howard Goss’s and home for the night. Ed Reynolds died.

Tues. May 31

Bill took Lola to Falls in A.M. We went down in P.M. (Lola went too). Helen and Alexander Anderson came up in eve. to play cribbage.

Wed. June 1st

Mostly fair, few sprinkles in P.M. Bill and I went to West Bowdoin and Woodlawn cemeteries in A.M. hunting up the Marr family. We went over to Mabel Pooler’s in P.M. While Bill went to Howard Goss’s then we went to Jim Roberts’, Gladys Cornish’s and Sadie Bartlett’s. Went to Sabattus after seed in eve.

Thurs. June 2nd

Few light showers in P.M. Bill and Sue went to funeral services for Ed Reynolds at Falls in P.M. I stayed at Stewart’s. Candace and her husband staying there, In eve. we went up to June’s – called at Vera’s – then went to Wallace Rideout’s to get beans.

Fri. June 3rd

Good day. Bill, Sue, Myrt and I went to Falls in A.M. Had trouble with car coming home so Bill took it back to Falls in P.M. to have it repaired. Sue went to foot Dr. in Lewiston in P.M. when Phyllis went to hospital to see Ernest. I stayed at home. Went to see Lola and Myrt. Vera took us up to see Alice K- at Colby’s in eve.

Sat. June 4th

90° - Partly cloudy. Bill went to Falls in A.M. to get his car after it was repaired. The Calderwoods (Harvey, Shirley and Maria) called in late P.M. He and Bill went to Falls to have something done to car, then they went on to “Skip’s” for the night. We went to Ray's in eve. (gone), (Sadie Garland – gone) so we went down to Lewis Young’s.

Sun. June 5th

Partly cloudy. We went to church in A.M. and to meeting of “Woodlawn” cemetery Asso. at church in P.M. (not enough came for meeting). Had early supper and went up to Greene to Wm.’s.

Mon. June 6th

Distant thunder shower in night (first light rain for long time). Bill and Howard Goss went to Monmouth in A.M. after garbage barrels for cemetery. Howard ate his dinner here. We went up to Fishers in late P.M. Distant thunder showers in eve.

Tues. June 7th

Hot, muggy – thunder showers part of P.M. and all eve. Heavy hail at Center and Falls. Bill took Sue, Myrt and me to Charlene Bickford’s at Falls to West Bowdoin church sewing circle for all day meeting. I had sick headache (first one for years) and stayed in bed most of the time I was at meeting. Wm. and Evelyn called in eve. on way to Cheryl’s graduation from Lisbon High school.

Wed. June 8th

Thunder showers in P.M. Bill brot Sadie Garland up in morn. to spend the day. We all went up to Ramona’s (?) at W. Gardiner to see Weston Allen in P.M. Left Sadie at home on way home then went to Stewart’s. Helen and Alexander came up in eve.

Thurs. June 9th

Fair, windy and much cooler. Sue and I went to Myrt’s in A.M. We went down to Sheppard’s in P.M. Had early supper and went over to Alberta Wheeler's to go thru the old cemetery on Grammy Wagg's old home place. Had flat tire by Groves’ place on River Rd. Vera called in eve.

Fri. June 10

Rainy day, cold. Sue and I stayed at Stewart’s while Bill had his car at garage. We all had dinner at Stew’s. Freda came after me in P.M. to take me home (nearly 3 wks. at Sue’s). Chester and Marion called in eve. “Candy” Stewart still at Winnie’s (five weeks there).

Sat. June 11

Cleared off in A.M. Mayota came to do her laundry in A.M. (brot Faye Rogers Steinman's) two little boys she is taking care of while their parents are away. David Small came in P.M. Went in eve. with Everett and Freda to Oxford car races. Sandi set my hair in A.M.

Sun. June 12

Beautiful day. Freda took me to church, Mayota came after me. Seven there besides preacher (Mr. Belcher) and organist (Ethel Linscott). Ernest and Mayota and two Steinman boys had dinner here. Everett and Freda went to Baptist church on the hill in eve.

Mon. June 13

Light showers. I went to town with Everett in A.M. Freda went to Litchfield to dinner. I went to town with Everett in P.M. Freda went out with Everett after supper. Ernest had dinner with Everett and me. Mayota went with Freda.

Tues. June 14

Showery, fog and mist. Freda out most of day. I went to last WSCS meeting of season at the church in A.M. Everett and Freda went to David Small’s graduation from high school.

Wed. June 15

Nice day, few sprinkles in late P.M. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working for Sandi). Everett and Freda went to town for supper.

Thurs. June 16

Showery P.M. and eve. I went to Bowdoinham with Freda in P.M. to get towels for Sandi’s shop. Dickey Prosser wife and Sandra gave a demonstration of “Bee Line” clothes in eve. (8 here).

Fri. June 17

Fair. Freda and Sandra went to Bath in P.M. Everett and Freda went to town in eve.

Sat. June 18

Beautiful day. Mayota came in A.M. to do her laundry. She and Ernest were here for dinner. Freda, Sandra and Mayota went out to breakfast. Sandi and Phyllis Johnson went to car races at Oxford Plains. Funeral services for Josephine Fowler Tarr.

Sun. June 19

Cloudy part of day. I went to church. Freda and girls gave a “father’s day” party – Gramp Small, Chester and Marion, Granville, Shirley, Delmar, Leo, Frances, Malcolm, Clif, Timmie, Emerson, Hilda, Patty, Brenda, Granny Wayne, Debbie, Mildred Hillman, Ernest Hillman 2nd, Martha and Dianna, Ernest 3rd, Mayota, Walter Steinman, Faye, Guy, Todd, Everett, Freda, Sandra and “Me”. Everett, Freda and I went up to “Claire’s”.

Mon. June 20

Beautiful June day. Freda took me up to school house to vote in the “Primaries”. Freda, Sandi and Mayota went out to breakfast. Ernest and Mayota had dinner with us here. Mayota fell and hurt her ankle. Took her up to Dr.’s.

Tues. June 21

Beautiful day, warmer. I was over to Mayota’s all day to help her. Freda brot Larry Hall and his wife over to see us in A.M. They arrived from Cal. about 5 A.M.

Wed. June 22

Very nice day. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working Sandi). Freda and Sandra went to town in A.M. shopping. Mayota over in A.M. Everett and Freda left in P.M. on few days vacation.

Thurs. June 23

Good day. I went with Sandi to Bailey Is. when she went to breakfast. Sandi set my hair in A.M.

Fri. June 24

Hot A.M. Light showers in late P.M. and eve. I went to supper at “Sou’west” place (Theberge’s) with Sandi. Ernest, Mayota. The Steinman family (Faye) went along, too. Everett and Freda came home in eve. from their 2 day vacation. Bad accident up by Marshall Judkins (drunken driving – car smashed).

Sat. June 25

Cold, rainy day. Mayota over. Everett and Freda went out in eve. Relatives and neighbors gave Lyn a shower at Myrt Yenco’s.

Sun. June 26

Cloudy, cool day. I went to church. We all went over to Mayota’s to lunch. Men putting timbers under their garage, getting ready to move it to their new lot. Everett and Freda went up to Lisbon Falls in eve. (Eben’s).

Mon. June 27

Mostly cloudy, muggy – distant thunder in P.M. – no rain. Freda and Mayota went to town and Litchfield (?) for dinner.

Tues. June 28

Nice day – hot. Freda went out to breakfast then I went to town with her in A.M. Mayota did her laundry here. Everett and Freda went plumbing in eve.

Wed. June 29

Mostly fair – cloudy in late P.M. – distant thunder showers and rain all the eve. Freda went out to breakfast. Ruth Wilson had dinner here (working for Sandi). Grandpa Small here to dinner. Larry Hall and wife came in late P.M. Had coffee and donuts with us then Freda took them down to “Square Deal” for lobster. She never had eaten any. They came back here for evening also Ernest, Mayota and Steinman’s. Mayota took on a little ride in the evening.

Thurs. June 30

Beautiful, clear day. Freda and Sandi went out to breakfast then Freda went away on errands.

Fri. July 1st

Beautiful day 80°+. Freda and Sandi went out to breakfast. Mayota and I went to town shopping in A.M. Had dinner at “Claire’s”. Larry Hall and wife down. He found work at __________.

Sat. July 2nd

Nice day – in the eighties. Larry started work at 6 A.M. (at Bailey Is. wharf eating place). Ernest and Mayota had their garage moved to the lot they bot of Fides (in early morn. – 6 A.M.). Freda, Everett and Sandi went over. Larry and his wife called. Everett, Freda, Ernest, Mayota and David Small went to car races at Oxford in eve.

Sun. July 3rd

Light shower during night. Warm, sunny day, 80°+. Freda and I went up on hill to Baptist church (Mr. Berry pastor). Everett, Freda and I took ride down the Island in eve. and up to see the little house on Ernest’s and Mayota’s lot.

Mon. July 4th

Beautiful day, 90° but nice breeze. Everett, Freda and I went over to Dyer’s fruit and vegetable stand in morn. We all had picnic dinner up on Ernest and Mayota’s lot. Gramp Small, David, Faye Steinman and 2 boys (Johnny Merrill there). Kenny Severy called in P.M. Margaret and Deano Logan brot Winnie and May Ward down in P.M. Larry and his wife called.

Tues. July 5th

Beautiful day - 80°. Freda went to town in A.M. Larry and his wife called in A.M. He left his cooking job at Bailey Is. Freda and Sandi went out to supper. Mayota over.

Wed. July 6th

Drizzily, wet day, cooler. Ruth Wilson had dinner with us (working for Sandi). Freda went out shopping in morn. Everett and Freda went out in eve. 576 traffic accidental deaths over holiday wk-end – 850 with drowning, etc. in U.S.

Thurs. July 7th

Heavy fog in morn. – mostly cloudy. Everett, Freda, Sandi, Ernest, Mayota and I went up to Grandpa Small’s cottage to lobster, clam supper. Chester and Marion there also Leo, Frances and Malcolm having a week vacation there. They gave the supper.

Fri. July 8th

Very nice day, 80°, distant thunder shower at suppertime. Freda and girls went out to breakfast. Then Freda went to Dr.’s at Brunswick then went to Granville’s and took Grandpa Small to Dr. Chattergee’s in P.M. He arranged for Gramp to go into hospital for operation. Freda brot him down here and rode home with Granville. Mayota took Sandi to town in P.M. to have her eyes examined. Everett and Freda went to town in eve.

Sat. July 9th

Nice day, 80°+. I went to town with Everett and Freda in morning. Freda went to breakfast. Gramp Small taken to GMG for operation. Everett and Freda went up to Ernest’s lot in eve. Frances (Leo’s wife) came down from camp in A.M. David Small called in P.M.

Sun. July 10

Mostly fair, few sprinkles and distant thunder in P.M. Everett and Sandi went deep sea fishing. Freda took me to Sue’s in morn. Bill, Sue and I went to church. Went up to Vera’s in P.M. and home by Litchfield to Giroux’s and Noyes’ after strawberries.

Mon. July 11

83° - few sprinkles in early morn. then beautiful. Bill, Sue and I left in a. m. for Thomas Beach to anniversary (50 yrs.) party for Will and Molly Fisher. 16 of us had lobster dinner. We called to see Larry Hall and Ida in their trailer home on road from W. Bowdoin to Ctr. Called to see Florence and Helen. Lola up in eve.

Tues. July 12

80° - mostly fair. Winnie and Harry Stewart came up to dinner. I went home with them in P.M. for visit. Light shower at noon. We baby-sat for Marg- while she and Dean went to Oxford car races. Arleen B- over in eve.

Wed. July 13

Nice day, 90° in Lewiston at 6 P.M. Margaret took Winnie, Deano, Susie French Sawyer, Mickey, Tammy and me to Reid State Park.

Thurs. July 14

Beautiful day. Arleen Butcher took Winnie and me to Pejepscot to see Mary Hinds in A.M. Grandpa Small operated on at CMG. Freda called on her way home from hospital in P.M. Margaret and Deano here to dinner. Harry took us up to Cal’s in eve. I went to see Nib and Laura. We walked home.

Fri. July 15

Nice day. Marg- and Deano took Win- and me to Auburn to see Alice K- at Colby’s, then to see Geo. McDonald and Gramp Small. Win and I spent eve. at Edna Pike’s then baby-sat for Marg- while they went to Brunswick.

Sat. July 16

Nice day. Harry, Sr., Winnie and I went to Angie Williams’ in P.M. (no one home) so we came home by Bowdoinham. Called at Mary Young’s. Baby-sat for Marg- in eve. Cal came in eve.

Sun. July 17

Nice day. Harry, Sr., Win and I went to church in A.M. Harry took us to ride up No. 9 in P.M. – to Tacoma Lake, No. Litchfield, down to Vinie Brown’s – back up to Albert Ridley’s to see Eva Coffin, home by Bowdoin Ctr. Had a flat tire on Ctr. Rd. Larry Stewart came along and changed it. Margaret’s Siamese cat stole a ride with us. Win and I took a ride through Pine Grove Park in eve.

Mon. July 18

Nice day. We went to Arleen Butcher’s in A.M. She was gone so we went to Hazel Foote’s Margaret and Deano had dinner with us then took Win and me to Doris Morrison’s. Everett and Freda came in eve. I went with them to CMG to see Gramp Small then came home with them.

Tues. July 19

Nice A.M.. Thunder showers in evening. Freda and girls went out to breakfast. Everett and Freda went out in eve. They went to town to get Everett’s new glasses in A.M.

Wed. July 20

Nice day, cooler. I went to town and Cundy’s Harbor with Everett in A.M. Sandi and Mayota took me to Bowdoin College Playhouse in P.M. to “Little Me”. Freda got up a nice chicken supper – invited Ernest and Mayota. Had birthday cake, etc. Ruth Wilson here to dinner (at Sandi’s). Larry Hall and Ida called in P.M.

Thurs. July 21

Nice day. I went down to Estelle and Marion Smith’s in A.M. Freda took me to CMG to see Gramp Small in P.M. then to Doris’ for a visit. Arnold, Doris, Joyce and I went shopping in eve. Will Fisher in Mercy hospital for bladder X-rays.

Fri. July 22

Nice day. We worked on string beans and peas for freezer. Harvey Calderwood in Togus hospital.

Sat. July 23

Nice day. Barbara Bishop came down in eve. Arnold too all the kids out for a ride in eve. – older ones went for swim in P.M. Gramp Small discharged from CMG and taken to Regional at Brunswick.

Sun. July 24

Nice day. We all went to church in A.M. Arnold, Joyce, Kathy, Sylvia and I went up to Whitney Pond in Oxford to baptism in P.M. Doris took Don and Joyce to “young peoples” in eve. Arnold, Doris and I went down to Bruce Witham’s in eve.

Mon. July 25

Nice day. Doris, Donald and I went down to John and Priscilla’s place to get Arnold in P.M. (haying there). Shirley Rand and children came in eve. Larry Hall gave up his 3rd job since coming home Cal. (Hillcrest Poultry Co.). Michael Norton fell from father’s car and rushed to hospital.

Tues. July 26

Hazy part of day, cooler. Judy, David and Darrell came up in P.M. Mayota and Ernest’s mother came up in P.M. Shirley Rand and kids called in eve. Gramp Small in Regional hospital.

Wed. July 27

Nice day. Joyce had pajama party. Carol went to dance. Arnold went to prayer meeting. Joe Mc- came up in A.M.

Thurs. July 28

Dark day, few sprinkles – thunder shower in eve. The party girls stayed til after dinner. Had several callers. Arnold, Galen, Joyce and Carole went to city in eve. Larry and Ida Hall left for California.

Fri. July 29

Light rain in P.M. – cloudy morn. – clearing in late P.M. Joyce and Carol left after dinner for “Word of Life” Camp in N.J. for a week. Galen left after supper. Arnold, Kathy, Sylvia and I went to Lewiston shopping for living room furniture.

Sat. July 30

Nice day. Laura, Judy and boys up in P.M. Arnold and Doris went to went to CMG to see Micky Norton in eve. Kathy, Sylvia and I went along. Barbara Bishop down in eve.

Sun. July 31

Nice day. We went to church (except those at camp). Doris went to Sabbathday Lake in eve. with Barbara Bishop to bring the boys home.

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