Diary of Alice L. Jones
Mon. Jan. 1st
Fair. Ben and Ev- went to Sheloske’s in P.M. Ben was stricken with apoplexy on way home. Called Dr. Goss. Billy came up in eve. when Leonard Crosman and Douglas Taylor came to take the body to undertaking rooms. Merton over in eve. Winnie and little Harry up in P.M. Win- up in eve. Royce and Nettie went to Falls to notify Billy. Ben passed away about 4.30 P.M.
Tues. Jan. 2nd
Fair and cold, 2° above. Ev-, Freda and I went to Falls in A.M. and to Litchfield in P.M. to see Mr. Small about a lot in Plains Cemetery. Crosman brot Ben up in P.M. June spent the day here. Win- up in P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman called in A.M.
Wed. Jan. 3rd
Clear and cold. Lester down in P.M. to bring message in from Alice K. Billy, Amy, Bobby and Howard came up in eve. with Kendall Pattee. Winnie, Mac, Bob, Cal- and Dot and baby called in eve. Ev- and Freda went up home in P.M.
Thurs. Jan. 4th
Clear and cold. Everett and Freda went to Falls to meet Alice K. and her father in A.M. Eleanor and Harry brot Ella over in A.M. Funeral services for Ben at 2 P.M. Edna came (after a 2 yrs. Absence) Winnie, Mac, Bob and Leo came in eve.
Fri. Jan. 5th
4° above, mostly clear. Everett, Freda and Dad went to Topsham in A.M. to get Marsh’s dog, “Peter”. Win- and Nettie here in A.M. Ev- went hunting a bit in P.M.
Sat. Jan. 6th
Clear, cold, breezy. Merton and Ev- went hunting in morn. Merton was the first to eat at Freda and Ev-‘s table. He went to Falls with them in P.M. Freda and Ev- went up to Small’s in eve. to bring a radio down.
Sun. Jan. 7th
2° above, clear. Harry came up while Mac and Bob went to church. Winnie and Harry, Jr. up in P.M.
Mon. Jan. 8th
6° above, mostly cloudy. Freda, Ev-, Dad and I went to take radio and present our claim to the Social Security office. Freda and I called on Nettie in P.M. Mr. Brown, Supt. At Gypsum and Mr. Lice called in P.M. Ev- went to work.
Tues. Jan. 9th
Clear and cold. Ev- worked.
Wed. Jan. 10
Clear and cold. Ev- worked. Freda and I went to Stew’s in P.M. to first sewing club meeting. Nettie and Mrs. Young there. Ralph called in eve.
Thurs. Jan. 11
Clear, milder. Ev- worked. Freda and I rode down a piece with him and called on Winnie and Nettie on way home.
Fri. Jan. 12
Snowed very lightly most of day. Ev-, Dad and I went to Falls and Lewiston in A.M. to Social Security office. Ev- worked. Freda went to Stew’s in late P.M.
Sat. Jan. 13
Mild, cloudy. Ev- went fox hunting in A.M. Merton here to dinner. Ev- and Freda went away in P.M. and eve. Harry, Sr. Harry, Jr. and Winnie up in eve.
Sun. Jan. 14
Cloudy. Ev- and Freda went to church then to Small’s. Leo came home with them to spend night. They went to Stew’s in eve. then Bob and Mac came up to play. I went to Nettie’s and Winnie’s in P.M. Ralph called.
Mon. Jan. 15
Heavy rain. Leo went to school with Bob and Mac. Everett rode to work at 10.30 P.M. with Dick Frohock.
Tues. Jan. 16
Colder, mostly fair. Ev- set up Small’s Sears, Roebuck radio here. He and Freda and Mac took “Peter” home to Marsh Metcalf’s in early eve. Winnie and Harry, Jr. came up to dinner. We went up to Mrs. Coskery’s in P.M.
Wed. Jan. 17
7° below, clear Harry, Jr. spent the day here while Winnie went to Kendrick’s to work. Granville and Leo came down in eve. Mac came up to practice.
Thurs. Jan. 18
Clear, 10° below. Ev- and Freda went to pictures in eve.
Fri. Jan. 19
Snowed few flakes then clear. Winnie, Harry, Jr. and I went up to Rideout’s’s in P.M. Freda and Ev- went to Litchfield in eve. Sen. Borah of Idaho passed away at 8.45 P.M.
Sat. Jan. 20
Fair, cold. Bob Adams brot Ray (Adams) up in A.M. and bot our old Dodge. Ev- and Freda went to Gardiner in P.M. and to Falls in late P.M. Billy came up to spend day and went home with Ev-.
Sun. Jan. 21
Few flakes came during night, fair. Ev- and Freda took me to church in A.M. They went skating in P.M. on pond. I went to Stew’s. Mac and bob came up to supper with Ev- and Freda. Mr. Young came down in eve.
Mon. Jan. 22
Mild, nice day. Freda on “retired list”. Everett at home.
Tues. Jan. 23
Fair, cold. June came over in P.M.
Wed. Jan. 24
Fair, cold. Had Neighborhood Club at Nettie’s – Winnie, Mrs. Young, Freda and I. Ev- and Freda went to Pictures at Falls in eve.
Thurs. Jan. 25
Snowed about 3 inches. Nettie and Lester called in P.M. Freda and I went to Stew’s in eve. Mr. Young called. Ralph called in A.M.
Fri. Jan. 26
Fair, cold. Freda went up home with Mac and Bob in morn. Ev- went up after her at night. Little Billy came down with her.
Sat. Jan. 27
Fair, cold. Freda and Billy took dinner at Stewart’s. Ev- and Freda took Billy home in eve. and went to Purgatory to get his “Amplifier” he loaned Welch the previous fall.
Sun. Jan. 28
Fair, cold. Ev- and Freda went to church in P.M. then went up to Small’s. Ralph called in eve.
Mon. Jan. 29
Fair, cold. Freda and Ev- went to Falls in A.M. Freda and I went to Coskery’s in P.M.
Tues. Jan. 30
Fair, cold. Freda, Ev- and I went to Falls to see Sear about taking Kinto to board, then over to Nate Doughty’s. Nettie and I went up to Mrs. Coskery’s in P.M. Winnie and Freda went up to Susie Small’s in eve.
Wed. Jan. 31
Fair, slightly milder. Winnie left Harry here in A.M. while she went up to Coskery’s. She came back here to dinner then Winnie, Harry, Freda, Nettie and I went over to Wheeler’s. Ralph called in eve.
Thurs. Feb. 1st
Fair. Everett and Freda took Kinto to Sear’s to board. Granville, Cecil, and Aunt Edith called in P.M. Freda and I went to Young’s and Rideout’s in P.M. Lura Small very sick – nervous breakdown.
Fri. Feb. 2nd
Fair. Freda and I called at Stewart’s (Winnie up to Susie’s) so we called at Nettie’s. We went to Stew’s in eve. Lura taken to hospital.
Sat. Feb. 3rd
Partly cloudy. Ev- and Freda went to Falls in P.M. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Evelyn Small taken to hospital. Trouble with her ear.
Sun. Feb. 4th
Fair. Ev- and Freda took me to church in A.M. Mr. Young called in A.M. Ev- and Freda went up home in P.M.
Mon. Feb. 5th
Fair. Ev- worked 7.30 A.M. – 3.30 P.M. Freda and I went to Stew’s in P.M.
Tues. Feb. 6th
Cloudy, milder. Freda sick with stomach and bowel trouble. About 2 in. damp snow fell in eve.
Wed. Feb. 7th
Partly fair, mild. Neighborhood Club met with me. Nettie, Winnie and Harry, Jr. came. Freda and Ev- went to Rideout’s in eve. to telephone.
Thurs. Feb. 8th
Fair, mild day. Mrs. Young spent day with us. Freda and Ev- went to ride in eve. Royce called in eve.
Fri. Feb. 9th
Fair, colder. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Winnie and Harry, Jr. up in late P.M. Harry went to Nettie’s in A.M. – first time he went alone.
Sat. Feb 10
Snowed lightly most of day (about 3 in.) Everett, Freda, Dad and I went to Center then to Falls. Called at Bill’s. He was crippled up with fallen arches. Everett taken sick with Freda’s distemper. In late P.M.
Sun. Feb. 11
Rained part of day. I was sick like Ev- and Freda. Jr. Young called.
Mon. Feb. 12
Mostly fair. Ev- and Freda spent day at Augusta and at Small’s. Mac, Win- and Harry, Jr. came up in eve.
Tues. Feb. 13
Snowed few flakes during night. Leo came down to spend night. Ralph called in eve.
Wed. Feb. 14
Cloudy, breezy. Leo took Freda up home to spend the day. She took our washing to do up there. Ev- broke the foot lever on ours. Ev- went up in P.M. after work and brot her home. June came over in A.M. She went with Winnie, Harry, Jr. Nettie and me up to Club Meeting at Young’s to covered dish dinner. Della Sheloske came up to late dinner and spent P.M. Heavy wind during night and 2 or 3 in. of snow. The other N.E. states buried in deep snow. 22° above here.
Thurs. Feb. 15
Windy, partly cloudy. Nettie spent A.M. at Freda’s
Fri. Feb. 16
Clear. Dad spent day at Billy’s. Freda went to Stew’s in P.M.
Sat. Feb. 17
Fair. My tonsils getting bad again.
Sun. Feb. 18
Fair. Clyde Sheene came in A.M. to look over wood to cut for us. He took dinner with Ev- and Freda. Win, Harry, Jr. Nettie and Mrs. Darling called in P.M.
Mon. Feb. 19
Fair. Mrs. Young and win- called in P.M. Geo. Sheloske brot his wife over to see me in eve.
Tues. Feb. 20
Snowed, estimations run from 6 in. to 14 in. The wind drifted it. First drifts of the year.
Wed. Feb. 21
Fair, mild. Nettie went to city for visit. Ev- went to Litchfield in morn. to call Dr. Goss for me.
Thurs. Feb. 22
Fri. Feb. 23
Fair. Win- and Harry, Jr. up in A.M. Della Sheloske came in P.M. Freda went to Win’s in P.M. Abscess broke in night. Nettie came home from town. Wm. H. up to spend day.
Sat. Feb. 24
Mostly cloudy, snowed half in. in eve. Ev- and Freda went to town in A.M. Win- up in eve.
Sun. Feb. 25
Mild. Mostly cloudy. Charlie Clark passed away Ev- and Freda went to church in P.M. then to Small’s to supper. Harry Stew- up in eve.
Mon. Feb. 26
Clear, near zero. Win- and harry up in P.M. Mr. Young came down in eve.
Tues. Feb. 27
Partly cloudy. Freda went to Stew’s in P.M. Win- sick. Lester called Funeral services for Uncle Henry Baxter.
Wed. Feb. 28
Snowed lightly all day. Everett took Freda up to Plains church to all day Farm Bureau meeting. He slept at Ma Small’s
Thurs. Feb. 29
Beautiful day. Freda had dinner with Win-. Win- came up in P.M.
Fri. Mar. 1st
Nice day. I went to Sheloske’s in P.M. with Ev- when he brot Freda, Nettie and Winnie home. Club met at Sheloske’s. Leon Merrill passed away.
Sat. Mar. 2nd
Nice day. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to Falls in late P.M. Harry Stew- came up in eve.
Sun. Mar. 3rd
Nice day. Ev- and Freda went to Topsham in P.M. to see Marsh and Carrie also Lewis and Mary Young. Lester Rideout came down in P.M. Win- called few minutes.
Mon. Mar 4th
Mostly cloudy. Steve Small called to take Dad to Town Meeting. Nettie went, too, first time to vote here.
Tues. Mar 5th
Snow, rain and mist. June and Ervin over in P.M. Mac up in eve.
Wed. Mar. 6th
Snowed part of day, mild. Ev- at home. Ev- and Freda went to Stew’s in A.M. and took Winnie to Senior play at Grange Hall in eve. with them.
Thurs. Mar. 7th
Drizzly most of day, snow and rain. Merton took dinner with us. Lura Small rode up from Falls with Everett and had supper with me. Ev- and Freda took her home in eve. then they went to Gardiner to see Doctor. Lester Ride- called in P.M.
Fri. Mar. 8th
Sat. Mar. 9th
Fair, warm, frost coming out. Everett, Freda, Dad and I went up to Small’s after Ev- got out of mill to celebrate Mrs. Small’s 50th birthday.
Sun. Mar. 10
Much colder, light snow flurries in P.M. Ev- Freda, Dad and I went to Gray. Got in snow bank below Stewart’s. Ralph pulled us out.
Mon. Mar. 11
10° above, cold and windy. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Mac, Bob and Evelyn Farrington here in eve.
Tues. Mar. 12
10° above, cold and windy. I went to Stew’s in P.M.
Wed. Mar. 13
8° above, milder, fair. Club met with Freda – Winnie, Harry, Jr. Nettie and Mrs. Young. Ev- and Freda went to Gardiner in eve.
Thurs. Mar 15
Snowed and rained all day.
Sat. Mar. 16
Fair. Ev- and Freda moved a few thing’s to Cal’s and Dot’s to stay there thru mud time. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Arthur Hall and Leslie Ames came up in eve. to play Chinese checkers. Fred Mitchell dropped dead at Advent church in Auburn.
Sun. Mar. 17
Fair. Winnie and Harry, Jr. up in P.M. Ralph brot grain up in eve. Ev- and Freda at Small’s over wk-end.
Mon. Mar. 18
Mild, clear day. I went to Mrs. Coskery’s on errand in A.M. and went to Allen’s and Stew’s in P.M. Junior prize speaking at church, Forrest Rowe 1st, Verna Smith 2nd, ______ Ricker 3rd. Ev- and Freda went to prize speaking.
Tues. Mar. 19
Snowed in A.M. about 2 in. Lester Ride- called in P.M. Winnie came up in eve.
Wed. Mar. 20
Mostly cloudy. Dad and I washed.
Thurs. Mar. 21
Light snow squall during night. Clear, cold and windy. I went to Stew’s in P.M. No one at home.
Fri. Mar. 22
Cold, windy, snow storm, about 10 in. Mac and Bob up in late P.M. Harry, Sr. came up in eve.
Sat. Mar. 23
8° above, clear and windy, roads badly drifted. Royce over in P.M. Everett and Freda spent this wk at Ma Small’s
Sun. Mar. 24
2° below zero. Easter. Roads not all broken. Everett and Freda came in A.M. Went back in P.M. to Bowdoin Center to Cal’s to stay. Lester R’ down in P.M. Stewart boys called. Ralph and Everett Small called in eve.
Mon. Mar. 25
Mostly fair, snow squall in P.M. 8° above. Everett and Freda came up in P.M. No steam at mill so Ev- didn’t work. Winnie and Harry, Jr. up in P.M. I went down there later.
Tues. Mar. 26
Clear, milder, 22° above. June over in P.M. I went over with her to meadow bars.
Wed. Mar. 27
Mostly clear, warmer, 26° above. Dad and I took some potatoes up to Mrs. Coskery’s on sled. I went up to Mrs. Young’s to Club meeting in P.M. with Winnie, Harry, Jr. and Nettie.
Thurs. Mar. 28
Nice day, mild. Winnie came up in eve.
Fri. Mar. 29
Fair. I went to Allen’s and Stew’s in P.M. with milk.
Sat. Mar. 30
Light rain most of day. Carol Ann (Cal and Dot’s baby) found dead in her crib – caused by strangulation during night. I went to Stew’s in P.M. to stay with Harry, Jr. and Bob while the rest went to Cal’s. Harry, Sr. came up in eve. Mail man had to walk.
Sun. Mar. 31
Warm, clear day. Everett and Freda didn’t come home. Funeral services (private) held for Cal’s baby. Susie Small called in P.M. I went to Stew’s in late P.M. Arthur Hall came down in eve. on errand for Mrs. Coskery.
Mon. Apr. 1st
Partly cloudy. Catherine Mac- sick with measles.
Tues. Apr. 2nd
Nice day. I went to Sheloske’s in P.M. with Winnie, Harry, Jr. and Nettie. Ralph and Everett Small came up in eve. to get Edna’s dining table.
Wed. Apr. 3rd
Lovely day. Ground frozen in morn. so Cal brot Dot and Freda up to spend the day. They stayed here in A.M. and had dinner at Winnie’s and spent P.M. there. Winnie, Harry, Jr. and I walked down as far as Campbell place when they went home.
Thurs. Apr. 4th
Snowed lightly most of day. Winnie up in P.M. (their wedding anniversary) Royce called in P.M.
Fri. Apr. 5th
Fair, windy. Winnie up in eve. Mac stayed at Kendrick’s over wk-end. Trouble in leg he cut. X-Rays taken at C.M.G.
Sat. Apr. 6th
Fair and heavy gales, ground frozen, 28°. Winnie, Harry, Jr. called in morn. Johnny Wagg came up in morn on errand for his father. Everett came up to dinner.
Sun. Apr. 7th
Clear, windy, 26°. Everett up few minutes. I went up to Stew’s in P.M. then Winnie came up.
Mon. Apr. 8th
Cloudy, light snow in late P.M. Little Harry up “all alone” in morn. – ground frozen.
Tues. Apr. 9th
Winnie called on way to Rideout’s June came over in P.M. and took supper. I went over as far as Jean’s with her.
Wed. Apr. 10
Nice day. Our club met at Nettie’s – Jen, June, Winnie, Harry, Jr., Mrs. Young and me. Della Sheloske and baby Barbara came home from nursing home.
Thurs. Apr. 11
Nice day. Harry, Jr. came up.
Fri. Apr. 12
Rainy day. Little Harry came down with chicken pox.
Sat. Apr. 13
Rained and snowed in P.M. Lester R- called in P.M. Winnie came up in P.M.
Sun. Apr. 14
Fair. Win- called in morn. Mac and bob came home in A.M. also Freda and Everett came for wk-end.
Mon. Apr. 15
Fair. Vera and Howard came in A.M. for few days. We walked a way with Ev- and Freda when they went back in P.M. Vera and I called at Stew’s.
Tues. Apr. 16
Rain and some snow. Vera went to Nettie’s and I went to Stew’s in late P.M. We played cards most of day.
Wed. Apr. 17
Fair. Nettie and I walked to Byras’ with Vera and Howard in P.M. They went home to from there to Falls with Everett. Nettie and I called at Della Sheloske’s. I called at Stew’s. Mr. and Mrs. Young called for potatoes.
Thurs. Apr. 18
Sleet, hail and rain. Royce called in A.M.
Fri. Apr. 19
Good day. Merton here to dinner. I went to stew’s in P.M.
Sat. Apr. 20
Mostly fair, began snowing and raining in eve. I went to Nettie’s in P.M. Harry, Sr. and Winnie came up in eve. Ev- and Freda didn’t come home this wk-end.
Sun. Apr. 21
Snowed and blowed all day. Mac came up in P.M.
Mon. Apr. 22
Snowed all day. Royce came over in A.M. Lester R- called in P.M. about 10-12 in. of heavy snow.
Tues. Apr. 23
Cloudy. I went to Stewart’s and Allen’s in P.M.
Wed. Apr. 24
Nice day. Club meeting at Jen’s postponed on account of snow drifts and sloppy traveling.
Thurs. Apr. 25
Light April showers in P.M. June came over in P.M. Ed Buker called also Winnie and Harry, Jr.
Fri. Apr. 26
Fair. I cleaned the dining room. Cool.
Sat. Apr. 27
Fair. I went to Stew’s on errand in A.M. Nettie and Royce got thru to Falls with truck, ice formed.
Sun. Apr. 28
Fair, ice formed. Freda and Ev- came up to late dinner and went back in at 5 P.M. Clocks set ahead one hour. Win and I walked down with Ev- and Freda, Cal and Dot and called in to see Ev- Small.
Mon. Apr. 29
Fair. I went to Rideout’s with Win in eve.
Tues. Apr. 30
Fair. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Mr. Hall came down in eve. Ralph called in eve.
Wed. May 1st
Lovely warm day. Winnie, Harry, Jr. Nettie, and I walked over to Wheeler’s to Happy-Go-Lucky Club meeting (all day)
Thurs. May 2nd
Showery. Winnie and Harry came up in P.M. to help me paper the kitchen.
Fri. May 3rd
Rainy. I went to Allen’s and Stew’s in P.M. Ev- and Freda came up over night.
Sat. May 4th
Showery, distant thunder. I went to Falls with Ev- and Freda in A.M. They bot Walton Smith’s house on Summer St. from Lewiston Trust Co. Ev- brot me up to Byras’ and I walked home.
Sun. May 5th
Cloudy. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Winnie and Harry, Jr. came home with me. Lute Young called in A.M. for potatoes. Ev- and Freda stayed in their new home.
Mon. May 6th
Fair. Ev- came up in A.M.
Tues. May 7th
Fair. Dad and Royce Allen hauled a load of manure to Ev- in eve. at Falls.
Wed. May 8th
Fair. June came over in P.M. Ralph called in P.M.
Thurs. May 9th
Fair. Dad went down to Ralph’s mill in P.M. Harry Stew- came up in eve.
Fri. May 10
Fair. Win- and Harry, Jr. came up in P.M. to help me die. Mrs. Rideout came down in P.M. Freda and Ev- came up for night. Funeral services for Bessie Curtis Boynton.
Sat. May 11
Fair. Ev- and Dad began cleaning out the barn. Royce hauled the piano and other goods to Falls in P.M. Bob and Mac helped load. Ev- and Freda went to Falls in P.M. Cecil rode down on bicycle in P.M. Cal came up in late P.M.
Sun. May 12
Nice day. I went to Litchfield Cor. with Nettie and Royce. In A.M. Ev- Freda, Billy and Howard came up to dinner and to get a load. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Cal came in late P.M.
Mon. May 13
Fair. Ralph called in eve. to mend the hay rack he broke last year. Winnie came up in eve. Light showers in eve.
Tues. May 14
Fair. I went to Stew’s in P.M. and Nettie’s.
Wed. May 15
Mostly fair, few sprinkles in P.M. Club met here. June, Vivian Curtis and Jen came to dinner. Winnie, Harry, Jr. Susie Small, Evelyn and three youngest children, Nettie and Mrs. Young and Mrs. Rideout came in P.M. and presented me with an electric lamp from the club members. We put a quilt together for Mildred Lane Kendall. I went to Stew’s in eve.
Thurs. May 16
Misty most of day. Little Harry stayed here all day while Winnie went to Lewiston with Kendricks. His father came up in P.M. and took him home. Royce took a load of furniture to Falls for us. Ev- and Freda came to supper then went to Richmond with them to see Mr. Watson. Mr. Hall came to see Dad in eve. A truckload of Freda’s folks called in eve. while we were at Richmond.
Fri. May 17
Rained most of day. I went up to Mrs. Coskery’s in A.M. Nettie, Mac, Mr. and Mrs. Young called in eve.
Sat. May 18
Cloudy, few sprinkles in P.M. Ev-, Freda and Billy came up in morn. to get ready for auction. I went to Falls in P.M. when they took Billy home. They went up to Ma Small’s for night. Win sick. I went down to cook in late P.M.
Sun. May 19
Beautiful day. Ralph Johnson died very suddenly at Bowdoin Center while judging at Coon Trials in Dan Coombs pasture. I went to Stew’s in A.M. Ev- came in P.M. Brot Arthur Hall to show him our place. They loaded up and went home early. Ralph and Ev- Small called in eve. June called to leave us some herring they caught.
Mon. May 20
Misty day. I went to Stew’s in eve. Win- gone to Falls to see Doctor. Cecil spending week with Ev- and Freda.
Tues. May 21
Misty, rainy part of day. Royce hauled a load of wood to Falls for us in P.M. Win- and Harry came up in eve. Mac, Win-, Nettie, Harry, Jr. and Della Sheloske spent day in Lewiston.
Wed. May 22
Wet day. Ev- Freda and Cecile came up in eve.
Thurs. May 23
Wet. June came over in P.M. Arthur Hall called in P.M. I went to Stew’s on errand. Smalls called in eve. to take me to Ev- to a party. I couldn’t go, about 12 there. Cecile went home with them.
Fri. May 24
Wetter. I went to see Della Sheloske and baby in P.M. and to Stew’s
Sat. May 25
Misty. Ev-, Freda and Billy came up in A.M. to help get ready for auction. Bill rode home with Royce in P.M. (he took load of wood down). Ev- and Freda went up to Small’s for supper. Came back in eve. and went home. Harry, Winnie, Harry, Jr. came up in eve. also Ralph. Mac and Bob took Della Sheloske and baby to Ashland for visit.
Sun. May 26
Cloudy. Mac and Bob came home from Ashland. John Wm. Coskery called on us in P.M. Win and Harry, Jr. came up in eve. Dad went up to see Arthur Hall in P.M. Not at home.
Mon. May 27
Clear, first fair day for week. I went to Falls in eve. with Nettie and Royce with load.
Tues. May 28
Cloudy, rainy in late P.M. Ralph called in A.M.
Wed. May 29
Fair. I went to Stew’s in P.M. on errand Mrs. Rideout, Nettie and Winnie called in eve. Ralph here to supper after he and Dad look over our woods. Ev- and Freda came up in eve. and took Dad and me up to Cemetery and to Small’s. We took Mrs. Rideout home.
Thurs. May 30
Fair. I went up to Mrs. Coskery’s in P.M. Grace Small Casey and her husband, father, etc. called in P.M. Ev- and Freda came up in eve. to show Ralph our back lot.
Fri. May 31
Rainy in P.M. June came over to spend the day and take their things from our barn to store over to Nettie’s Ralph brot up Dad’s big wheel. George Sheloske called in eve. to get my cactus for Della. Gid Wheeler's barn floor broke. Killed one cow.
Sat. June 1st
Cleared away warm. Lewey Taylor brot Bill’s family except Wm. up to spend day also Freda. Ev- had to work. He came up in P.M. June came in A.M. We had our auction, Clinton White, Auctioneer, Mr. Jordan bookkeeper.
Sun. June 2nd
Fair, distant thunder showers in P.M. Ervin, June and Edna called in A.M. I went to Baccalaureate with Ev-, Freda and Mr. Small in P.M. then we went to Small’s. they brot me home then went over to Michaud’s to trade radios and home.
Mon. June 3rd
Fair. The Purdy’s arrived at Stewart’s. Nettie and I called on them in P.M. then met Royce at Brick House after work and went to Bowdoinham. The Stewart’s up in eve. to move furniture to their house. June and Ervin moved her things to Nettie’s barn. Dingley came to get our cow in P.M.
Tues. June 4th
Nice day. Dad called on Arthur Hall and Mrs. Coskery in A.M. Ev- came in P.M. and took him up to Rideout’s then brot Dad and me to new home at Falls to stay after supper. Jen Wheeler and June called in P.M. also Joe Couture. Nettie and Royce brot our last load of furniture. Billy came in eve.
Wed. June 5th
Fair. Amy, Vera and June called in P.M. Freda and I went to Litchfield graduation with Cal and Dot.
Thurs. June 6th
Cool and heavy wind. We all went down St. in P.M. I called on Mrs. Smith. Hazel and Phil called in eve. Billy up in eve.
Fri. June 7th
Fair. Ev- went fishing with Oscar White down to Bradley pond then to Spear Pond. Gramp went to Bill’s in eve.
Sat. June 8th
Fair. Dad went down St. in P.M. Mr. Watson called to see Ev-. Granville came down for week-end in eve.
Sun. June 9th
Cold and cloudy. Ev- slept while Granville, Freda and I went to Baccalaureate at M. E. Church and to S. S. at Baptist. Sadie Bartlett, Lawrence and wife called in P.M. Also Uncle Howard, James and Lillian and Billy. Granville, Ev- and Dad went to Mere Pt. in P.M. to get boat Ev- traded for. Ev-, Gran-, Freda and I went to Baptist Church Children’s Day concert. In eve.
Mon. June 10
Cloudy, cool Evie called in P.M. Dad and I went to Bill’s in eve. to hear President. Ralph called in eve.
Tues. June 11
Cloudy, cool. I called at Laura’s in P.M. Grace Casey and husband called. She bot buttons while he put an electric motor in place of our gas motor in washing machine.
Wed. June 12
Wet. Bill and Ev- took our old Dodge from Ethel Nute’s in Topsham to Bickford’s Garage (Ray Adams had it since Jan.)
Thurs. June 13
Distant thunder shower and heavy wind in P.M. Wm. came in A.M. Dad went to Bill’s in eve. I went to Smith’s. Ev- met Freda down St. after work. Ralph called.
Fri. June 14
Nice day. Dad went to Cal’s in A.M. to call Dry Mills. Ev- came home at noon sick with measles. Eleanor and Helen Sawyer brot Ella and children over in P.M. for visit. Freda’s folks all came in eve. and Billy.
Sat. June 15
Showery in P.M. and eve. Distant thunder, rained in A.M. Bill and Howard up. Ella, I and children went down St. in eve. and to Laura’s.
Sun. June 16
Clear, cool. Dad went to Bill’s while Ella, I and children went to church. Freda’s folks called in P.M. Bill up in P.M. Dad went to Bill’s in eve. while we went to church.
Mon. June 17
Beautiful day. June, Amy, Vera and Howard came up. Bill and Merton came in eve. to play to Ev-. Fire in pines below Fechner’s. Ella and I went to see Mrs. Smith.
Tues. June 18
Nice day. Kinto and Er- called in P.M. then we went down home with them. Girls went to Bill’s. Called to see Ella Holt and Lizzie Proctor. Bill and Howard up in eve.
Wed. June 19
Showery in early morn. and late P.M. All but Ev- and Freda spent day at Bill’s. Wm. and Bobby came up in eve.
Thurs. June 20
Cold and showery in P.M. Freda went down St. in A.M. Ella and I went to Laura’s in P.M.
Fri. June 21
Mostly fair. Ev- , Freda and girls went to Webster and Litchfield fishing and to Small’s.
Sat. June 22
Fair, cool. Bill and boys up in A.M. We packed our supper and all went up to Small’s for party with Chester and Marian. Ev-, Mr. Small and Freda went to Gardiner and got outboard motor to use on Ev-‘s boat. Young folks went to Tacoma in eve. to Indian Pow-Wow.
Sun. June 23
Cold and cloudy, showery in eve. All but Dad went to church. Granville came for S. S. and dinner. Uncle Bert, Aunt Maebel, Evarts and Peggy came in P.M. also Bill and Bud. We went to Smith’s in eve.
Mon. June 24
Mostly cloudy. Ella, Dad, children and I went down St. in P.M. Linnie and Russell Parker here in P.M. Bill and Bobby up in eve. Ev- went to work after having measles.
Tues. June 25
Cold, showery in P.M. Ella, Roy, and I went to Grace Card's in P.M. Billy and boys came in eve. also Madeline Grant and Chau- Penley.
Wed. June 26
Cold, rainy day. Ev- went to Crosman School House in eve. to practice for entertainment. June, Ervin, Jen and Gid called in eve.
Thurs. June 27
Mostly fair, few sprinkles. We all went up to the Farm, picked strawberries, etc. Had dinner at Stewart’s. Most of the crowd went to show at Crosman Corner Schoolhouse in eve.
Fri. June 28
Fair. They all went down st. in A.M. but me. Ev- took Ella, children, Dad and me to Gray in P.M. Rained in eve.
Sat. June 29
Mostly fair, light showers in P.M. Ella and I went strawberrying in P.M. Dad went to Bullock's with us in eve.
Sun. June 30
Showery in P.M. distant thunder. We went to school house in P.M. Ella went to Gray Cor. Baptist in eve.
Mon. July 1st
Showery in P.M. Ella and girls picked berries at Bullock’s
Tues. July 2nd
Fair, no rain. Cat-, Doris and I walked over to Eva’s in P.M. Jane’s 3rd birthday.
Wed. July 3rd
Fair. No rain.
Thurs. July 4th
Cool rainy day, cleared in eve. We all went up to lake in eve. to see fireworks and Camp Gregory and Ken McKenzie’s camp with Bullocks.
Fri. July 5th
Partly fair, thunder showers in P.M. Cat- went to Foster’s Cor. Mr. and Mrs. Bullock took us over to Plains to Dan Foss’ in eve.
Sat. July 6th
Fair, much warmer. Dad, Ella and I went up to Smith’s store in P.M. Cat- spent the night at Bullock’s with Gloria Grant.
Sun. July 7th
Fair, hot. We went up to school house in P.M. Ev- and Freda came in P.M. Took us home in eve.
Mon. July 8th
Fair, hot. Ev- and Freda went to Harry Edgecomb’s in P.M. after strawberries. They went up to Small’s after supper to spend the night. Bill and Bob came up in eve.
Tues. July 9th
Mostly cloudy, hot, few sprinkles in P.M. Freda and Ev- came home in A.M. Leon Bard hauled the fitted wood from the farm to us in P.M. Ralph called in eve.
Wed. July 10
Fair, hot morn. Dad had fainting spell in A.M. Lady called to see him from Old Age Assistance Div. Hazel Adams called in P.M.
Thurs. July 11
Cooler, few sprinkles. Ev- went to moving pictures at mill in P.M. Bill up in eve.
Fri. July 12
Cool and mostly cloudy, rain in night. Kinto and Ev- up in P.M.
Sat. July 13
Fair and cool. Freda and I went down St. in P.M. Gramp went to Bill’s in eve. but Bill had to go to Durham to practice.
Sun. July 14
Lovely day. June and Ervin called in morn. Freda, Ev- and I went to church. Granville came to Sun School and spent P.M. Bill and 3 others came to play. Ev- went to work at 11.30 P.M.
Mon. July 15
Fair, cool. Ev- played at Crosman Cor. School.
Tues. July 16
Showery in P.M. June spent the day here. She went to Lewiston with Ervin during noon hour. Crowd came to practice in eve.
Wed. July 17
Fair. Ev- and Freda took boys over to Litchfield Plains church to play. Lewis and Mary young called in eve. F.B.S.S picnic at Bear Pond.
Thurs. July 18
Fair. Ev- and Freda took boys over to Bill Schutt’s to practice.
Fri. July 19
Fair. Laura Smith and I went over to Bend to Eureka Grange hall with Ev- and boys to Red Cross Benefit.
Sat. July 20
Partly cloudy. Kinto came up in P.M. while Sear went with Edith Sullivan and husband to see Frank.
Sun. July 21
Partly cloudy Freda and I went to church. Mrs. Small, Granville and Albert came to Sun. School. Ev- and Freda went to Orr’s Is. with them after dinner to bring Mrs. Small home.
Mon. July 22
Thunder shower, light rain in late P.M. Dad and I went to Bill’s while Ev- and Freda went to Landry’s in Durham to practice. Ralph called in late eve.
Tues. July 23
Hot, partly cloudy.
Wed. July 24
Partly foggy. I went down St. in P.M. Called to see Annie Heisternian and at Bill’s. John Sullivan brot Edith, Kinto and Ev- up to call in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to Bert Wakely’s to practice. In eve. Granville and Leo also came down to Wakely’s.
Thurs. July 25
Partly cloudy. Ev- and Freda spent the day and eve. in Gardiner and Litchfield. Mac brot Winnie, Nettie and Harry, Jr. down in P.M. (first call on us) Hazel Adams came up in eve.
Fri. July 26
Very bleak in morn. thunder shower.
Sat. July 27
Mostly fair, shower in P.M. June spent the day here. Ervin came up to supper. After supper I rode up with them to spend week-end at Stewart’s. We went to surprise shower at Wheeler’s in eve. for June and Ervin. Over 100 there. Ev-, Freda and Gramp went.
Sun. July 28
Fair. Win- and I went up to my place in A.M. Della Sheloske and baby came in P.M. I went up to Nettie’s in eve.
Mon. July 29
Fair. Win and I went berrying up to my farm in A.M. and up to Wallace Small's in P.M. Called at Susie’s. Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Langalier from Cal. called to look over farm. Harry, Arthur Hall, Winnie and Harry, Jr. brot me home in eve. Heavy rain in eve. Ralph called in eve.
Tues. July 30
Mostly Foggy, heavy thunder shower in P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Langalier called to rent our farm buildings in Bowdoin. Ev- and I went up to take few furnishings. Bobby called in eve.
Wed. July 31
Fair. Ev- and Freeman Bartlett went fishing in Litchfield and called at Small’s.
Thurs. Aug. 1st
Mostly fair, few sprinkles in P.M. I went down St. in P.M. Called at Sear’s and Bill’s. Ev- went deep sea fishing with Litchfield Indians. Small catch.
Fri. Aug. 2nd
Fair. I played croquet in P.M. at Hazel’s.
Sat. Aug. 3rd
Nice day. Ev- and Freda went to Litch- in morn. then to Orr’s Is. for weekend.
Sun. Aug. 4th
Nice day. Small’s all went to cottage at Orr’s. I went to church in A.M. Merton called in P.M. Dad and I went to Bill’s in eve. We went down to Davis St. to his garden.
Mon. Aug. 5th
Mostly fair, few sprinkles. Amy and Vera came up in A.M. Ev- and Freda came home in early eve. from cottage. Chester and Marian came with them and took Ev’s car to Litchfield.
Tues. Aug. 6th
Fair, few sprinkles in late P.M. Small’s all came down in eve. also Marian.
Wed. Aug. 7th
Nice day. Ev- and Freda went up to Litch- to get garden truck to can while Winnie and I went blueberrying on the farm. Gran- came down in eve.
Thurs. Aug. 8th
Fair, Dad, Ev-, Freda, Laura and I went to Lewiston to buy refrigerator and baby crib.
Fri. Aug. 9th
Fair. Chester, Marian and Leo called in morn. Addie Allen called in A.M.
Sat. Aug. 10
Nice day. Dad, Everett, Freda and I went to the wedding of Cecil and Emerson at Small’s at 2 P.M. Granville and Everett played the out-of-door wedding match. Marian and Chester came home with us for wk-end.
Sun. Aug. 11
Fair. Dad and I went to Bill’s in A.M. Freda’s aunt Winona, uncle Otis and Miss Gray called at noon. They brot Mrs. Small to spend P.M. here. Even Carlson came up in P.M. Ev- worked 7.30 – 3.30. Everett and Freda took Mrs. Small, Chester and Marian to band concert at Brunswick in eve. Granville took them home from there. Dad and I went to Bill’s in eve.
Mon. Aug. 12
Fair. June spent day with us. Dad, Ev- and Freda took me to Greene for visit. They stayed to supper.
Tues. Aug. 13
Mostly cloudy, showery in P.M. Mrs. Porter called in A.M.
Wed. Aug. 14
Beautiful day. W.C.T.U. Com. Met with Alice.
Thurs. Aug. 15
Grand day. Alice and I spent day in Lewiston. Did errands in A.M. Had dinner then went to Empire (Maryland) She went to choir rehearsal in eve.
Fri. Aug. 16
Nice day, warmer. Alice received word in morn. of Fred Cormier’s death. (Ida Hodgkin’s husband) She went to New Castle to see her.
Sat. Aug. 17
Fair, hot. Billy “layed up” with sciatic rheumatism.
Sun. Aug. 18
Nice day. Alice and I went to Church. Everett took Freda to Litch- to wait for Mrs. Gardner to take her to Gardiner for few days then he came to Greene to get me. Dad went to Burnham with Merton, Billy, Amy, Wm. and Howard.
Mon. Aug. 19
Heavy wind and rain.
Tues. Aug. 20
Lovely cool day. Eben Carlson up in A.M. Dad went to Bill’s in P.M. I went to Smith’s in eve.
Wed. Aug. 21
Nice cool day. Kinto came to spend the day. She went to see Grace Card in P.M. while Ev-, Dad and I went up to farm and Stewart’s. Mrs. Hodgkins and Charles Walker called in P.M. Dad and I went to Bill’s in eve. Ev- went to Gardiner after work (11.30 P.M.) to bring Freda home.
Thurs. Aug. 22
Fair. Hazel and I went to Edith Boyderis’ in P.M.
Fri. Aug. 23
Partly cloudy. June and Vera spent P.M. with us.
Sat. Aug. 24
Clear, cool. Dad went to Bill’s in P.M. Mrs. Small, Granville and Albert came in P.M. I went home with them in late P.M. I went to Cecile’s reception with Arthur Brown, his wife and Mrs. Rogers at Emerson’s home. Frost in places.
Sun. Aug. 25
Clear and cool. I went to Union services at Plains. Mr. and Mrs. Small, Freda and I blackberrying in P.M. Called at farm on way home. Frosty night.
Mon. Aug. 26
Nice day. boys brot Winnie and Harry, Jr. to spend day with me. Ev- Gramp and Freda went to Lewiston in P.M. Dad went to Uncle Bert’s. Evie and Kinto came up in P.M. Kinto went home with Winnie for visit. I went Smith’s in eve.
Tues. Aug. 27
Nice day. Dad went to Bill’s in eve. Freda and I went to Laura’s to hear Lorna over WCOU in Lewiston.
Wed. Aug. 28
Fair. Granville came down in P.M. Got work at U.S. Gypsum. Ev- and Freda went to Plains church in eve.
Thurs. Aug. 29
Fair. Hall boy sawed our wood. (on Johnson place) Mac. Stewart helped them. He had dinner with us. Freda and Ev- went to Crosman school to play.
Fri. Aug. 30
Began raining in late P.M. Hazel called in P.M. Mrs. Langalier from farm called in morn.
Sat. Aug. 31
Cloudy, muggy, showery in eve. Billy up in eve. Granville called in P.M. Ev- Ricker at C.M.G with double pneumonia.
Sun. Sept. 1st
Cloudy. Mr. and Mrs. Small, Gran- and Albert called in P.M. Ev- went to work in P.M. Dad, Freda and I went to Sear’s and Bill’s in eve. Freda and I intended to go to church – no services.
Mon. Sept. 2nd
Rainy in A.M. Ev- and Bill went up Dead River to see his boat in A.M. while I called at Stewart’s.
Tues. Sept. 3rd
Mostly cloudy. Ev- and Freda went to Dr. Reid’s to have her tooth out. They went home with Granville in P.M. to spend night.
Wed. Sept. 4th
Fair. Ev- came to work with Gran- and went back to Litch- in late P.M. to bring Freda home in eve. Clark Townsend called in eve,
Thurs. Sept. 5th
Showery in late P.M. James and Carrie Fowler called in A.M. Ev- Ricker passed away in eve. Clark T- came to supper and showed us moving pictures in eve. Lorna and Carol came over in eve. Bill and Howard up in eve.
Fri. Sept.6th
Light showers. Dad, Ev- and I went to Selectmen’s office to register in P.M. Ev- went to Marsh Metcalf’s in eve. Vera called in A.M. on “Biz” with Dad.
Sat. Sept. 7th
Showery and cold. Freda sick with cold. Ev- and Dad went to Roy Card’s – from there to Marsh Metcalf’s with outboard motor.
Sun. Sept. 8th
Lovely day. I went to church in eve. Dad went to Bill’s in eve.
Mon. Sept. 9th
Fair in A.M. rainy in P.M. and eve. Ev- and Harry Edgecomb went up to Dead River while I spent A.M. at Stew’s, Nettie’s and our place. We went to vote in P.M. First time Ev- voted. I went to Laura’s in eve. First time I’ve seen Nib since we moved here.
Tues. Sept. 10
Rainy day. Freda sick with cold. Dad went to Bill’s in eve.
Wed. Sept. 11
Mostly fair. Dad went to Bill’s in eve. I went to Hazel’s in eve.
Thurs. Sept. 12
Fair. Freda and Everett went to Gardiner in A.M. and had dinner at Ma Small’s on way home.
Fri. Sept. 13
Fair. Marsh, Carrie and Jackie Metcalf came up in eve.
Sat. Sept. 14
Fair. Ev- went to Topsham after work on errands. I went down St. in P.M. Bill and Vera came in eve.
Sun. Sept. 15
Beautiful day. I went to church in morn., to Bowdoin Center with Ray Allen in P.M. to Old Home Sun. and to church in eve. while Dad went to Bill’s
Mon. Sept. 16
Cold and Rainy in P.M. and eve. June spent the day with us. Merton called in P.M. Ev- and Freda went up to Cecil’s to spend night.
Tues. Sept. 17
Mostly cloudy. Ev- and Freda came home from Oak Hill in morn. Bill came up in eve.
Wed. Sept 18
Beautiful warm day. We all went up to farm to pick apples in P.M. Dad went to Bill’s in eve.
Thurs. Sept. 19
Partly cloudy. Granville brot Mrs. Small, Albert and baby Bobby Duguay and Mrs. Rogers down in P.M. I went to Smith’s in eve.
Fri. Sept. 20
Nice day. Florence Starbird called in P.M. Bill up in eve. Ev- Freda and I went to “Met” in eve. to see “Trail of the Lonesome Pine”. Freda had tooth out at Reid’s.
Sat. Sept. 21
Dark showery day, thunder in late P.M. and night.
Sun. Sept. 22
Mostly fair. I went to church in A.M. Eben Carlson, Bill and Howard came up in P.M. Dad went to Bill’s in eve.
Mon. Sept. 23
Lovely day. Ev- and Freda spent day at Father Small’s and on Dead River. Hazel called in eve.
Tues. Sept. 24
Mostly cloudy. I went to Lewiston in P.M. with Philip, Hazel and Maude. We all went to Harry Edgecomb’s in eve.
Wed. Sept. 25
Dark rainy day.
Thurs. Sept. 26
Fair, light frost. We all went to Billy’s in eve. 32°.
Fri. Sept. 27
Heavy killing frost, 30°. Fair. Freda and I went down St. in P.M. Freda and I went to Allen’s in eve while Ev- went to Eben Carlson’s and Dad went to Bill’s.
Sat. Sept. 28
Beautiful day. I went up to farm in A.M. with Linnie Parker and Mr. Hodgdon to look over place. We all went to farm in P.M. to gather apples. Bill and Howard came up in eve. Ev- and Freda went to Carlson’s in eve. Mr. Small and Gran- called in P.M.
Sun. Sept. 29
Nice day. I went to church in A.M. Smalls called in late P.M. on way home from Island. Granville came back to stay over night. Emerson and Cecil called in eve. Dad went to Bill’s in eve. Fran- and I went to church.
Mon. Sept. 30
Nice day. Freda went up home when Gran- went from work. Mrs. Langelier from Farm called.
Tues. Oct. 1st
Fair. Dad and I went to Litchfield Fair with Philip, Hazel and Maude. Ev- and Harry Edgecomb went duck hunting at 5 A.M. Freda came home with us.
Wed. Oct. 2nd
Nice day. June spent the day here. Ev- went duck hunting.
Thurs. Oct. 3rd
Fair. Ev- and Freda went to Gardiner while Dad and I picked apples up to the farm. Granville came down in P.M. to spend the night.
Fri. Oct. 4th
Nice day. Ev- and Granville went duck hunting, got one. Laura and I rode up as far as Charlie Smith’s when Gran- went home. We walked back. Bill and Howard came up in eve.
Sat. Oct. 5th
Beautiful day. Ev- Bill and Howard went duck hunting (Got 1) then picked apples up to farm. Dad went to Bill’s in eve.
Sun. Oct. 6th
Cloudy. The Purdy’s and Stewart’s called in P.M.
Mon. Oct. 7th
Beautiful warm day and eve. Ev- and Freda went duck hunting in A.M. Dad went down St. in P.M. He and I went to Bill’s in eve. Bobby up in P.M.
Tues. Oct. 8th
Showery. Ev- and Freda went duck hunting and to Small’s in A.M. Bill came up in eve. I finished papering Dad’s room.
Wed. Oct. 9th
Lovely day. Dad went to Topsham Fair with Ray Allen and family. Ev- went duck hunting down in brook in A.M. Hazel called in P.M.
Thurs. Oct. 10
Grand day. June came in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to ride in eve.
Fri. Oct. 11
Nice day. Kinto spent the day with us. Dad and I went to Bill’s in eve. Ev- and Mr. Langelier went duck hunting.
Sat. Oct. 12
Clear warm day. Ev- and Roy Card went to Bowdoinham duck hunting. I went down St. in P.M. Smalls, Chester and Marian, Emerson and Cecile came down in eve.
Sun. Oct. 13
Nice day. I went to church in A.M. Dad went to Bill’s in eve.
Mon. Oct. 14
Fair. Ev- Freda and I went up to Cal’s in eve. to surprise stork shower for Winnie (Her birthday) Bill and Howard stayed with Dad.
Tues. Oct. 15
Rainy P.M. Clear eve. Mrs. Langelier called. We all went to Gray about 4 P.M. to supper and spent eve.
Wed. Oct. 16
Fair. Ev- went to Landry’s in Durham to practice.
Thurs. Oct. 17
Fair. Bud, Bob Hall, Bill and Howard here in eve.
Fri. Oct. 18
Cold and windy. Ev- played at Durham for Eastern Star entertainment.
Sat. Oct. 19
Cold and windy. I went to Smith’s and down St. with Hazel, Phil and Carol in P.M. Ev- went duck hunting in morn. Ralph Wagg and Gladys Johnson married.
Sun. Oct. 20
Fair. I went to church and Sun. school. Rode home with Granville. Nib and Laura called in P.M. Eben Carlson came up in P.M. Ev- played at M. E. church with Eben in eve. I went to church in eve. Rode up with Ray Allen.
Mon. Oct. 21
Fair, cold, windy. Few flakes of snow in early morn. (first) Ev- took Freda to her mother’s for extended visit.
Tues. Oct. 22
Fair, cold, windy.
Wed. Oct. 23
Fair, milder. Ev- went to Litchfield.
Thurs. Oct 24
Fair and much warmer. Evie called in P.M. Amy and Howard came up in A.M. Dad went to Bill’s at noon to hear Wendell Wilkie on radio and in eve. Amy came up to spend eve. with me. Bob brot Winnie and Harry, Jr. down in P.M. then went to hospital to be operated on. (throat) Mac came up after work to take them home.
Fri. Oct. 25
Mostly cloudy, mild. Ev- went to Litchfield in A.M. Hazel called in P.M. Langeliers moved from my farm to Litch-.
Sat. Oct. 26
Cold, partly cloudy. Ev. went to Litchfield in A.M. Mrs. Lucien Langelier called in P.M. Vera on visit to Gray.
Sun. Oct. 27
Mostly cloudy and cold. Ella and family came over to spend day when Arthur Sawyer went to Towle’s at Bowdoin Ctr. to get Eleanor. Bill’s family up. Dad went to Bill’s in eve. while I went to church. Ev- went to Litchfield in A.M. He was sick with bowell trouble.
Mon. Oct. 28
Fair, cold. Dad and I went up to farm while Ev- went to Litch-. June and Ervin called in eve. Took Dad and me to Bill’s with them.
Tues. Oct. 29
Beautiful day. Granville called in P.M. on way to mill. Ev- went to Litch- at midnight. Names drawn from draft lottery in Washington.
Wed. Oct. 30
Fair. Ev- went back to Litch- with Granville after work.
Thurs. Oct. 31
Nice day. Ev- and Gran- brot down load of wood, bed, etc from farm. Ev- spent night in Litch-.
Fri. Nov. 1st
Nice day. I went down St. in A.M. Hazel and I went down St. in A.M. Hazel and I went down to Weymouth place in P.M. Ev- spent night at Litch-. Mac Stew- and Bill called in late P.M.
Sat. Nov. 2nd
Rained most of day. Ev- brot Granville down in P.M. Gran- went home at 11.30 P.M. Ev- stayed here over night.
Sun. Nov. 3rd
Partly cloudy, few sprinkles in P.M. windy. I went to church in A.M. bill up in P.M. Leo and Bob Stewart came in P.M. to take Ev- to Litch-. Bobby Wagg came up in P.M. I went to church in eve. while Dad went to Bill’s. Ev- stayed at Litch- over night.
Mon. Nov. 4th
Nice mild day. Dad and I went down St. in P.M. and called at Sear’s.
Tues. Nov. 5th
Fair, partly cloudy. Franklin D. Roosevelt elected U.S. President for third term by Democrats. Ev- took Dad and me to vote in P.M. After supper Dad and I went to Litch- with Ev- to spend eve. with Smalls. We went home with Granville when he went to mill.
Wed. Nov. 6th
Rainy part of day, very mild. James Delmar born about 6 A.M. Ev-came home in late P.M. Dad and I went to Bill’s in eve.
Thurs. Nov. 7th
Cold and cloudy. June spent day with us. Dad and I went down St. with Ev- for groceries. In late P.M. Took June to Bickford’s. We went up to small’s in eve. with Ev- to see James Delmar and came back with Granville. (on 1.30 P.M. shift)
Fri. Nov. 8th
Fair. Bob Hall came down in eve. to play also Bill, Vera and Howard.
Sat. Nov. 9th
Fair. “Nib” Smith and family left in morn. for Presque Isle to visit Lorna. Ev- went to Litch- in late P.M. Bob brot Winnie down in eve. to spend Week-end. Flora Small and Freddie Weeks married.
Sun. Nov. 10
Mostly cloudy. Granville came to breakfast from mill. He went to church and went to work again at 3.30. Mac came to get Win- in late P.M. I went to church while Dad went to Bill’s in eve.
Mon. Nov. 11
Cloudy. Bill and Bobby went to Litch-. Ev- and Gran- came in P.M. to work. Hazel came up in P.M. Nib and Laura came from Presque Isle.
Tues. Nov. 12
Rainy day, mild. Ev- and Gran- had day off so went to Litch- for night. Sadie Garland called in eve.
Wed. Nov. 13
Cloudy, some rain. Boys came in P.M. to work.
Thurs. Nov. 14
Rainy day. Ev- and Gran- went to Dead River to get Ev-‘s boat in A.M. I went to Smith’s in P.M.
Fri. Nov. 15
Rainy, colder. Boys went to Litch- in A.M. Hazel came up in P.M. Bill and Howard up in eve.
Sat. Nov. 16
Misty, clear in late eve. Ev- went to Litch- to spend day. Bill went up hunting to Bowdoin. Gran- went to Litch- at 11.45 P.M.
Sun. Nov. 17
Few flakes in morn., Mostly fair. I went to church in A.M. and eve. Bill and Amy called in late P.M. Dad went to Bill’s in eve. We rode home from church with Granville.
Mon. Nov. 18
Partly cloudy., mostly fair. Dad, Ev- and I went to Litch- to dinner.
Tues. Nov. 19
Beautiful day. June spent day with us. We went down St. in P.M. Called at Sear’s. Howard sick with mumps also Carol Smith. Wm. called in P.M. Gran- went to Litch-. Came back in eve. Ev- went to Litch at midnight.
Wed. Nov. 20
Partly cloudy. Ev- brot Freda and James home in A.M. Gran- went home in P.M.
Thurs. Nov. 21
Beautiful day. Ev- and Freda went down St. In A.M. We all went to Brunswick in P.M. Called on Mrs. Graves.
Fri. Nov. 22
Warm, pleasant. Ev- went hunting in A.M. Edith Boyden called in P.M. Freda and I took the baby to Smith’s in P.M. Dwight Webber’s wife hung herself while boarding at Lila Purinton’s.
Sat. Nov. 23
Colder, cloudy. Ev- went hunting in A.M. Granville went home in P.M. for wk-end Edna went to work at Geo. Pratt’s
Sun. Nov. 24
Light covering of snow on ground in morn. then snow and rain together. Merton and Eben Carlson here in P.M. Freda and Ev- went to church in eve.
Mon. Nov. 25
Clear, cold, windy. Granville brot his mother down to stay til 11.30 Edna came up in eve. Wm. called in P.M.
Tues. Nov. 26
Eben Carlson came up in eve. to play also Bill and Vera. Bud, Ray Allen and Lila’s husband Ervin Harrington called in eve.
Wed. Nov. 27
Good day. Ev- went to Gray after supper to get Ella and children. They met Chester in Lewiston at Bus Line. Left Ella here then he took Chester home and stayed at Pa Small’s over night.
Thurs. Nov. 28
Cold, cloudy. Ev-, Leo, Gerald Tucker and Don Severy went up to Wilson’s Mills hunting. Bill up. Bobby called. Snowed about 7 in. during night. Ella and I called on Laura.
Fri. Nov. 29
Snowed about 3 in. during night. Ella and I went down St. Called to see Kinto and Amy. Granville and Emerson went to Wilson’s Mills.
Sat. Nov. 30
Fair, snowed about 6 in. during night. Ella and I went down to see Ethel Beal and Sadie Bartlett in P.M. All but Dad and I called on Mrs. Smith.
Sun. Dec. 1st
Partly cloudy, cold bill up. Ella and I went to church and called on Edna at Geo. Pratt’s Ev- and Granville came at 9 P.M. Granville the only one getting a deer. Ella Cat and I went to Mrs. Smith’s in eve.
Mon. Dec. 2nd
Fair, cold. Ev- took Ella and children home in early morn. Freda and Jimmie went too. Freda and I went down St. in P.M. Ralph called in eve.
Tues. Dec. 3rd
Zero, clear, windy.
Wed. Dec. 4th
Cold. Rioux and Karkos came to play also Bill and Vera.
Thurs. Dec. 5th
Snowed about 3 in. Granville, Ev- Freda and baby went to Litch-. Ev- and Freda took baby to Gardiner.
Fri. Dec. 6th
Cold and clear. Ev- and Freda went to Rioux to play.
Sat. Dec. 7
Mostly cloudy, milder. Bill and Howard up in P.M. Granville went home in morn. for wk-end.
Sun. Dec. 8th
Nice, mild day, snow settled fast. Freda went to church in A.M. Gran- came in early eve. He and Freda went to Lisbon church to union services. I went to Smith’s in P.M. Winnie, Cal and dot came in eve. Also Edna.
Mon. Dec. 9th
Mild, partly cloudy. Ev- Dad, Freda, Jimmie, Laura and I went to Lewiston to do Xmas shopping.
Tues. Dec. 10
Mild, cloudy. Grace Card called in P.M.
Wed. Dec. 11
Mild, Fair, 26° above. Ev- went up to farm to cut wood. Broke his axe handle. Dad and I went to Bill’s in eve.
Thurs. Dec. 12
Snowed a very little. Ev- went up to farm to chop. He took the rest of us up to Stewart’s to spend the day. Ev- and Freda went to Lewiston in late P.M. Ev- went to practice in eve. Granville went home in late P.M.
Fri. Dec. 13
2° below, fair. Ev- went up to farm to chop in A.M. Gran- came in early eve.
Sat. Dec. 14
Clear, cold. We all went down St. in A.M. Gran- and Freda went up home in eve.
Sun. Dec. 15
Fair. Granville and I went to church. Freda took Jimmie to Sun. school. Ev- and Gran- went to church at 5.20 P.M. to practice Xmas carols. Freda went down at 6.30 to meeting. Ralph called in eve.
Mon. Dec. 16
Rain and sleet in P.M. Ev- and Gran- went up to farm in A.M. to cut wood. Bobby sick with mumps.
Tues. Dec. 17
Everything covered with ice, light snow and colder in P.M. Clear at night. June spent day here. I went down St. with her in P.M.
Wed. Dec. 18
Fair, cold. I called at Smith’s in P.M. Ev- and Gran went to target shoot for turkey at Grange Hall in eve. Given by U. S. Gypsum. (Score – 21)
Thurs. Dec. 19
Fair, milder. Ev-, Freda and Gran- went down St. in late P.M.
Fri. Dec. 20
Fair, mild. I went to Sand Hill School to Christmas exercises in P.M. with Laura. Minnie Tobie’s mother passed away. Bill, Vera, Howard and Gerald Rioux came to play in eve. Granville went to turkey shoot in eve. (score 18) Earthquake at 2.30 A.M.
Sat. Dec. 21
Fair, mild. I went down to Bill’s and Down St. in P.M. Vera and I called at Pratt’s. Everett and Freda and Jimmie went up home with Granville in eve. for wk-end.
Sun. Dec. 22
Snowed about 2 in. I went to church in A.M. Bill and Howard up in P.M. Ev- and Gran- sang in eve. at church Freda and I and Jimmie went too. Dad went to Bill’s.
Mon. Dec. 23
Fair, cooler. Freda and I went down St. in P.M. and to children’s tree at church in eve. Mac- Stewart called in P.M.
Tues. Dec. 24
Fair. Freda, Ev- and Jimmy went up home with Gran- in eve. to go to Plains tree. Bill, Amy and Bobby came up in eve. to bring end table I bot of Wm. for Ev- and Freda. Another earthquake about 8.45 A.M. Funeral services for Geo Pratt.
Wed. Dec. 25
Fair. Everett came down from Small’s in Granville’s truck to take Dad and me to Pa Small’s to spend day. Charlie Harvey’s family there too. Leo brot us all home at night.
Thurs. Dec. 26
Milder, cloudy. I went down St. in P.M. to Edna’s and to see Cal. I went home with Mac at midnight.
Fri. Dec. 27
Foggy. I came home with Mac in P.M. Ev- and Freda went to Bill’s in eve.
Sat. Dec. 28
Drizzly. Ev- Freda and Jimmie went to Litch- in late P.M. Gran- came after them for week-end. Bill up in A.M.
Sun. Dec. 29
Rainy day. Aura, Ernest, Priscilla, Philip, Evie and Sear called in P.M. Gran-, Ev-, Freda and baby came home in eve. They went to church here on way home.
Mon. Dec. 30
Heavy rain in morn. Freda went down St. in P.M.
Tues. Dec. 31
Cloudy. Freda spent day at Deering school to Farm Bureau. Gran- went after them. I went down St. in P.M. Called at Bill’s to see Merton, sick with the mumps. Freda, Ev- and Granville went to Choir rehearsal in eve.