Diary of Alice L. Jones
Thurs. Jan. 1st
Sleet in A.M. Ben at Mill. Gram spent the day here. Dave over.
Fri. Jan. 2nd
Clear and cold. Ben at mill. Dad in on his way to Litchfield Cor. in P.M. Ben down home in eve.
Sat. Jan. 3rd
Clear and colder. Ben at mill. I went down home in eve. Jim came back with me and spent eve. Ma up in A.M. Lester Rideout cut his finger off in hay cutter. Dr. Plummer called.
Sun. Jan. 4th
Clear and cold. 4° below. Jim up in A.M. Ben, Everett and I spent the day down home. Drs. Plummer and Windham called to dress Lester’s finger.
Mon. Jan. 5th
Clear and cold. Jim up at noon. Ben at mill. Everett took first steps alone. Sugar from $12 to $28 a lb.
Tues. Jan. 6th
Good day, warmer. Ma spent the day with us. Ben at mill. Jim in in P.M.
Wed. Jan. 7th
Cloudy, warm. Ben at mill. E- and I went down home in P.M. Jim up in eve. Mr. S. Mullen, Max Pierter and Rachael Ann Curtis died.
Thurs. Jan. 8th
Partly cloudy, warm. Ben at mill. Ma spent the day with us. We went up to Lester’s in P.M. Ma spent the day with us. We went up to Lester’s in P.M. Ma stayed up to supper. I went down with her in eve.
Fri. Jan. 9th
Very little snow fell, not enough for sleighing. Ben at mill. Mamie Jasper called in in eve.
Sat. Jan. 10
Lovely day, little colder. Ben hurt his knee so could not work. Bill Booker and Roland in in morn. I went down home in morn. Ma up in P.M. Jim brot up groceries and took her home.
Sun. Jan. 11
Cloudy. Ben, Ev and I spent the day down home. Dave over in eve. Ben went to Bowdoin Ctr. in P.M.
Mon. Jan 12
Good day, windy. Ben at mill. Ben went down home in eve. Jim up in eve.
Tues. Jan. 13
Snowed most of day. Ma spent the day with us. Eva in on way down home. Eva and Frances in on the way home. Bill Booker and Dave in in eve.
Wed. Jan. 14
Clear, windy and colder. Ben sick. I went down home in morn. and in P.M. Dad in at noon. Jim did our chores at night. Del had bossy in.
Thurs. Jan. 15
Clear, cold and windy. Ma spent the day with us. Dad came up in A.M. to do chores. Jim came up.
Fri. Jan. 16
Good day. Dad came up to do chores night and morning. I went down home and P.M. Dave in in eve. National Prohibition in U. S.
Sat. Jan. 17
Snow storm (7 or 8 in.). First sleighing. Jim did our chores in A.M. Billy at home from Gray and did our chores in eve. Bill Booker in in A.M. on way to Falls.
Sun. Jan. 18
Good day, windy. Billy up in A.M. and took dinner. Jim here on way to No. 9. Billy went to Falls in P.M. and to Gray on Mon. Jim up in eve to do chores.
Mon. Jan. 19
Fair and cold. Jim up in A.M. to do chores. Ben began doing chores in P.M. Dr. Burr up in P.M. Bill Booker and Raymond in in P.M. Robert Risska died of wood alcohol poison. Drank in fancy Boston whiskey.
Tues. Jan. 20
Stormy part of day. I was taken sick in P.M. vomiting. Ben went down home in morn. Ben sent Mr. Gott down home in P.M. to get some help and telephone to Dr. Dave went up after Sade. She didn’t come so Dave went down and brot up Ma. Jim up in eve. People coming down everywhere with the Grippe. 2300 cases of the “Flu” in Chicago and spreading rapidly.
Wed. Jan. 21
Snowed little in morn. then clear and windy. Jim up in A.M. and P.M. Bill Booker in in P.M. Dave over. Rufus Penley’s trial for murder of Clara French by illegal operation.
Thurs. Jan. 22
Good day. Ben went down home in morn. Dave over. Jim up in A.M. to take Ma home. Jim and Dad both sick with Grippe but up and around. Everett sick.
Fri. Jan. 23
Cloudy and slightly warmer. Dave over in A.M. and P.M. Ben went down home in A.M. and P.M. Bill Allard here in P.M. Jim up in eve.
Sat. Jan. 24
Snowed most all day and cold. Potatoes $1 a pk. in Boston – eggs $.95 to $1. The Dutch refuse to surrender Kaiser Bill (who fled to their country) to aliens. Much trouble in Mexico and in old countries – Poland, etc.
Sun. Jan. 25
Snowed a little in morn. then cleared away cold. Ben went down home in A.M. Bill Allard and his man came in P.M. to skin Pete and Joe and buy our bossy. Dave over in A.M.
Mon. Jan. 26
14° below down home in morn. 20° below at Litchfield Cor. Nice day – warmer. Jim up at noon. Dave over in A.M., P.M. and eve. Ben washed.
Tues. Jan. 27
Warmer and cloudy. Ben went down home in morn. and over to mill in P.M. Then he, Everett and I went down home. Dave over.
Wed. Jan. 28
Snowed a little most of day then cleared off cold. Ben went over to Booker's mill again to work. Jim and Dave here in eve.
Thurs. Jan 29
Lovely day. Ben at mill. Billy up in P.M. All thru his work at Gray.
Fri. Jan. 30
Clear and cold. Ben at mill. Billy began working for Haines on Sheloske-Morgan lots. Ben down home in eve.
Sat. Jan. 31
Clear and cold. 20° below down home, windy. Ben went to mill but so cold they could not run. Ray Booker called in in P.M. Dave over. Ben went down home in P.M. and eve. People on Orrs Island blocked in with ice called on the U.S. Govt to help then get food and fuel.
Sun. Feb. 1st
Warmer and cloudy. Billy came up and took dinner with Ben. Dave over. Ev and I spent day down home. Jim and Edna called in in A.M. Ben came down home in eve.
Mon. Feb. 2nd
Good day, warmer. Ma rode up here and stayed while Dad went to see Geo. Ricker about Bill Wilson. Bill Booker and Ray here to dinner. Ben went down to Haines’ in A.M. Dave over.
Tues. Feb. 3rd
Lovely day. Ben at mill. Mrs. Coskery called and took Ev. and I down home to dinner while she went to Arno’s. Frances down home. Jim up in eve.
Wed. Feb. 4th
Nice day. Ben at mill. E-. and I went down home in P.M. Jim brot us home. Edna and Frances went home in morn. Dave over. Iva Upham taken with influenza.
Thurs. Feb. 5th
Began snowing hard in P.M. Ben at mill.
Fri. Feb. 6th
Snow, wind and sleet and rain. Ben at home. Billy up in P.M.
Sat. Feb. 7th
Snow and rain in A.M. Cleared away in P.M. Dave over. Ben down home in A.M. Jim and Billy up in eve. Billy stayed all night.
Sun. Feb. 8th
Beautiful day. Very heavy crust blocking roads everywhere. Dave over. Billy went down home to dinner. Came up in P.M. to board with us. Jim up in eve.
Mon. Feb. 9th
Good day, partly cloudy. Billy in woods. Ben down home and working on road. Men had to go ahead of then teams to cut up the crust. Mail man made it down as far as Bill Small's.
Tues. Feb. 10
Snow part of day. Billy in woods. Ben at mill.
Wed. Feb. 11
Lovely day. Jim brot Gram up in morn. when he went to Bowdoin Ctr. and came after her in P.M. Billy in woods. Ben at mill.
Thurs. Feb. 12
Snowed very little. Billy in woods. Ben at mill. Jim up in P.M. Mass. and New York trying to clear their streets of snow and clear railroad tracks.
Fri. Feb. 13
Five of 6 in. of damp snow fell. Ben worked for Haines. Billy worked until 3 P.M. Dave over.
Sat. Feb. 14
Beautiful warm day. Ben broke roads with Haines’ team. Billy went to Gray. Dave in in eve.
Sun. Feb. 15
Very damp snow in A.M., rain, then more snow and wind. Dave over.
Mon. Feb. 16
Cloudy most of day and cold. Ben broke out roads and went to Albert Small’s old place with Haines’ horses after hay. Bill Booker and Ray here to supper and stayed all night and to Breakfast. Jim up in eve.
Tues. Feb. 17
4° below zero in morn. down home. Jim brot Ma up to spend the day. Dad came up after her at night and brot Billy up. Ben at mill. Dave over.
Wed. Feb. 18
Warmer. Partly cloudy. Billy went down home in morn. and brot Ma up to spend day. Jim came up after her in P.M. Billy spent the P.M. and eve. down to Vivian Harriman’s. Ben at mill.
Thurs. Feb. 19
Rainy in morn. Wildest, windiest snow storm of the season. I went down home in A.M. Billy spent the day up to Lester’s. About 15 in. of snow fell.
Fri. Feb. 20
Lovely day, colder. Ben and Billy shoveled on the road. Haines and Booker’s mill shut down. Bill Booker and Ray in in P.M. on way to Falls.
Sat. Feb. 21
Nice day. Jim up in A.M. to shovel. Ben and Billy shoveled in A.M. Lester in in P.M. to get Ben to help them shovel. Billy went to West Bowdoin with Jim.
Sun. Feb. 22
Snow in A.M. Nice in P.M. Grammy and Gramp spent the day with us. Dave over. Billy went to Falls to go to work in pulp mill. Stopped at Haines’.
Mon. Feb. 23
Good day. Ben helped Hervey and Lester shovel in A.M. and went over to Booker’s mill in P.M. to close up things indefinitely. Jim in in eve.
Tues. Feb. 24
Cold and cloudy. Ben went down home in P.M. Dave over. Snowed a little all day.
Wed. Feb. 25
Snowed and blowed a blizzard. Ben went down home in A.M. Jim brot him back in team with sewing machine.
Thurs. Feb. 26
Wind blew a gale. No shoveling on roads. Dave over in A.M. I went down home in P.M. on snow shoes. Billy got toes jammed at pulp mill.
Fri. Feb. 27
Windy, no shoveling - 6° below at Rideout’s at 6.30 A.M. Lester and Wallace in in A.M. Dave over in A.M. and in P.M. after hay.
Sat. Feb. 28
Mostly cloudy. Ben shoveled on road and went down home late in P.M. Jim 4 hrs. going to West Bowdoin. Dave over.
Sun. Feb. 29
Nice warm day. Jim brot Ma up in A.M. when he came up to shovel and Ben took her home in P.M. Bill Rideout's folks moved back after spending the winter with Wilbur Tarr at Litchfield.
Mon. Mar. 1st
Colder, nice day. Dad came up in A.M. and took E-. and me down to Gram’s and brot us home in P.M. Ben came down in P.M. Dave over.
Tues. Mar. 2nd
Several degrees below zero. Ben went down home in A.M. and shoveled some on the road.
Wed. Mar. 3rd
Lovely warm day. Ben went up to Rideout’s in A.M. Jim brot Ma up in A.M. on his way to Bill Small’s and Dad came up after her in P.M. Dave over in eve.
Thurs. Mar. 4th
Warm and cloudy. Ben went over to the woods in P.M. to see about chopping for Gagne. Jim took Edna over home in P.M. for a visit. Ben, E- and I went down home in P.M. Dave over.
Fri. Mar. 5th
Warm and cloudy. Fog showers in P.M. Ben, E- and I went down home in P.M. Dave over.
Sat. Mar. 6th
Heavy rain all night, turned to snow during forenoon and kept growing cold, heavy winds. Ben went down home in A.M.
Sun. Mar. 7th
Cold and windy most of day. clear. Dave over. Ben lugged Everett to Gramp’s. I went on snow shoes. E- and I stayed down.
Mon. Mar. 8th
Ben came down to dinner. Dave in in P.M. Men broke out roads. No mail.
Tues. Mar. 9th
Good day, warmer. Ben and Jim went to Falls. Took steer and calf to Farrar’s to be butchered. I came home in A.M. Got our little black Topsy pig home from Dad’s.
Wed. Mar. 10
Very little snow in early morn., warmer. Jim went to Falls after flour and grain. Stores very short of provisions. Most electric lines discontinued on a’cc’t of rails being iced in and snowed in. Steam cars blocked on most lines.
Thurs. Mar. 11
Partly cloudy, warm. Jim brot me home from Gram’s in morn. and went over to Buker’s to get Edna.
Fri. Mar. 12
Warm and showery, foggy. Ben helped Dad to chores while Jim led the hereford bull to Farrar’s to be killed. Dave in. Heard Billy and Wallace Rideout were in Auburn working for Herbert Prout.
Sat. Mar. 13
Warm and rainy. Jim up in eve. Ben went down home in A.M. and in P.M. Dave over. No mail.
Sun. Mar. 14
Colder and windy, squally in A.M. Ben went down home in morn. Ma and Dad spent the day up here.
Mon. Mar. 15
Warmer. Ben went down home in morn. He had one of Bill Rideout’s horses and went down home in A.M. after sled. Hauled wood from the Carrigan lot in P.M. Ella and Roy came in P.M. E- and I went down home in P.M. Ben came after us with team. Gene Buker went to CMG hospital to have jaw bone scrapped. Dave over.
Tues. Mar. 16
Warm and cloudy. Ella Ma and Roy spent the day here. Ben hauled wood in A.M. from Carrigan’s. E- sick.
Wed. Mar. 17
Pleasant but windy. Ben, E- and I spent most of the day down home. Dad took Ella and Roy to Falls in P.M. and went to Lewiston to have his teeth attended to. I went over to Lena’s in P.M. Most of them sick.
Thurs. Mar. 18
Lovely day. Ben went down home in A.M. then cut wood.
Fri. Mar. 19
Lovely day. I went down home in early morn. to telephone to Dr. Burr. Everett sick (cutting teeth). Ben went down home in P.M.
Sat. Mar. 20
Heavy fall of snow and very windy, another blizzard. Lester down in A.M. Edna went over home in A.M.
Sun. Mar. 21
Nice day. Ben broke out roads with Bill Rideout’s horses. E- and I and Ben spent most of day down home.
Mon. Mar. 22
Lovely warm day. Ben hauled wood for the folks down home with Bill Rideout’s team. E- and I spent the day down home.
Tues. Mar. 23
Lovely day, warmer. Ben hauled wood to the Falls for Jim with Rideout’s team. E- and I spent the day down home.
Wed. Mar. 24
Beautiful day, warmest. Ben worked down home putting on roofing. Sade down in P.M. Dave and Alfred in in eve.
Thurs. Mar. 25
Beautiful day, very warm. Dad brot Ma up to spend day and came after her after supper. Ben worked down home.
Fri. Mar. 26
Foggy, little rain. Ben worked down home. Dave over.
Sat. Mar. 27
Foggy, showery, sun and everything. Dave over. Ben worked down home. Billy came home. Charlie Clark’s brother Frank brot from Mass and buried in N.H. Died of pneumonia.
Sun. Mar. 28
Nice day. Billy came up in morn. with team. The we all spent the day down home. Billy got Bill Rideout with his team to help move his piano up to our house. Dad brot E- and me home at night. Billy went back to Auburn.
Mon. Mar. 29
Rainy most of day. Ben worked part of the day down home on the roof. Brot Haines’ team home with him at night. Ben went over to Perl West’s in morn. to get his tools from Booker’s mill.
Tues. Mar. 30
Good day. Ben began hauling logs for Haines. Home for dinner. Lena Ride- over in P.M.
Wed. Mar. 31
Nice day. Dad brot Gram up in morn. and came after her after supper. Ben in woods, home for dinner. Lena Ride- over in P.M.
Thurs. Apr. 1st
Partly cloudy, little sleet in A.M. Ben began taking his dinner to woods. Ev- and I went down home in P.M. Dad went to Falls to see Coolidge about getting Bill Wilson’s money from Rangeley Bank. Saw Billy and Herbert Prout at the Falls.
Fri. Apr. 2nd
Cooler. Rainy most of day. Ben worked in woods in A.M. and shod Charlie Harriman’s horses in P.M. Charlie and Vivian Harriman in in P.M. Gramp up in P.M. to see Everett. Alfred and Garfield in in eve.
Sat. Apr. 3rd
Nice day. Ben in woods. Ben went down home in eve.
Sun. Apr. 4th
Cloudy most of day. Ben, Ev- and I spent day down home. Jim and Edna called in in A.M. Mr. Trufant brot Nellie up in P.M. to begin the spring term of school.
Mon. Apr. 5th
Rainy day. First thunder in P.M. Ben went down home in A.M. Jim up in A.M. and in P.M. Dave over in eve.
Tues. Apr. 6th
Cold and windy. Ben in woods.
Wed. Apr. 7th
Cold and squally. E- and I went down home in P.M. Ben in woods. Mary Emma Penley dead.
Thurs. Apr. 8th
Cold and squally. Ma spent the day here. Dad up in A.M. and after supper.
Fri. Apr. 9th
Partly cloudy. Nellie went home in P.M. Ben at mill. E- and I went down home in P.M. and waited for “Dadder”.
Sat. Apr. 10
Lovely day, warmer. Ben in woods. I went up to Lena’s in P.M. Billy, Edna and Frances spent eve here.
Sun. Apr. 11
Nice day. Billy and Frances up in morn. Edna called for Frances and spent eve. here.
Mon. Apr. 12
Partly cloudy. Nellie came in morn. Ben in woods.
Tues. Apr. 13
Heavy rainfall. Ben shod horses down home. Ma spent the day and night with us.
Wed. Apr. 14
Ma home in morn. Ben in woods.
Thurs. Apr. 15
Good day. Ben in woods.
Fri. Apr. 16
Good day. Nellie went home in P.M. Ben in woods. E- and I went down home in P.M.
Sat. Apr. 17
Lovely day. Ev- and I rode down home when Ben went to woods and helped get sitting room ready for papering. Gram came up home with us to dinner and spent P.M. Dave over in eve. Garfield Rideout and I went down home in eve.
Sun. Apr. 18
Nice day. Ben, E- and I spent day down home. We went over to Douglas' and Flanders' camp in P.M. Dave over in. Several cases of scarlet fever at Falls.
Mon. Apr. 19
Fair, very windy. E- and I rode to Gram’s when Ben went to woods, to paper the sitting room.
Tues. Apr. 20
Nice day. Nellie came in morn. E- and I wen down home in P.M. Ben in woods.
Wed. Apr. 21
Cloudy, little rain in P.M. Ben in woods. Gram spent the day with us.
Thurs. Apr. 22
Cloudy. Ben in woods. E- and I went down home in P.M. Bill Booker in in eve.
Fri. Apr. 23
Rainy day. Ben down home most of day. Nellie went home in P.M. Dave in in eve.
Sat. Apr. 24
Rained very little, cloudy. Ben in woods. E- and I went down home in P.M. Billy came home. Dad, Edna and Billy came up in eve. Snowed a little in eve.
Sun. Apr. 25
Cloudy and cold most of day. Ev-, Ben and I went down home. Billy up in morn. on way to Buker’s (first time since Xmas). Agnes Benson died.
Mon. Apr. 26
Good day. Nellie came in morn. Ben in woods.
Tues. Apr. 27
Cold and cloudy. Ben in woods. E- and I went down to help Gram paper kitchen in A.M. Lydia Dyer died. Cooper place burned. Philips living there.
Wed. Apr. 28
Cold, rainy day. Ben went to woods but came home in A.M. Sugar very scarce again.
Thurs. Apr. 29
Cold and cloudy. Ben in woods. Ma spent the day with me and took supper. We went up to see Grace Card's baby in P.M. Dave in in eve.
Fri. Apr. 30
Very little warmer. Ben in woods. Nellie went home in P.M. E- and I went down home in P.M. Alfred Wheeler died of tuberculosis at Lawrence Adams’. Karl Hatch left one of his driving horses here for us to have thru the summer.
Sat. May 1st
Cloudy. Ben in woods. E- and I went down home in P.M. Ray Booker in.
Sun. May 2nd
Cloudy and showery. Ben, E- and I spent the day at Gramp’s. Nellie came in P.M.
Mon. May 3rd
Colder and showery all day. Ben and Dad went to Bowdoin Ctr. and West Bowdoin. Dave over. Wallace Ride- in in P.M.
Tues. May 4th
Heavy frost in morn. Ben went to Lewiston. E- and I went down home in P.M.
Wed. May 5th
Heavy frost in morn. E and I rode down home with Ben in A.M. with Mr. Labbee’s “Louis” horse to get Dad’s cart to haul away our banking. Nice day. Frances Buker in in P.M.
Thurs. May 6th
Good day, warmer. Ma spent the day here. We went up to Sade’s in P.M. Nellie, E- and I went down to Sheloske’s in eve. Mr. Morgan came up to measure our kitchen for wall board. Andrew up in eve. Ben in mill.
Fri. May 7th
Wallace Trufant came up in A.M. after Nellie. Her Grandmother Trufant very low. E- and I went down home in P.M. and came home with Ben. Ben in woods. Ma Edna, E- and I went to mill.
Sat. May 8th
Began raining in P.M. Ben in woods. E- and I went down home in P.M. Ella and Roy came. We all went over to mill. Billy here all night.
Sun. May 9th
Nice day. Billy, E- and I went down home. Ben went to West Bowdoin in P.M. Dad took Billy and Wallace to Falls in P.M. Ella, Roy, Ma, Jim, E- and I went mayflowering. Ella and Roy up to supper and all night.
Mon. May 10
Partly cloudy, very windy P.M. and cold. Ben in woods. I went down home in morn. Dad and I took Ella and Roy to Falls in P.M. Nellie came in A.M. Gram took care of Everett. Nellie’s Grandmother died.
Tues. May 11
Partly cloudy. Ben in woods. E- and I rode down home with Andrew Sheloske in P.M. Lloyd Flanders, Mabel, Catherine, Oscar Douglas and Eva, Jim and Edna hung us a may-basket in eve.
Wed. May 12
Nice day. Ben finished up for Haines on the pond lots. They got thru sawing. Gram spent the day with me. E- and I went down home with her after supper. Nellie went home in P.M. for Gram Trufant’s funeral. A “Rural New Yorker” agent here to dinner.
Thurs. May 13
Mostly cloudy, warmer. Ben, E- and I went to Bowdoinham in A.M. after maple syrup and butter nuts from Vermont. We all went to Gram’s in P.M.
Fri. May. 14
Andrew Sheloske came and finished our ploughing and harrowing. Good day.
Sat. May 15
Showery, a little thunder. Ma and Blanche came up in P.M. E- and I went down with them to supper. Ben came down in eve. Blanche stayed all night.
Sun. May 16
Lovely day. Sade down in morn. Blanche went home in morn. Ben, E- and I went down to Trufant’s in A.M. for a ride. Went from there to Gram’s. Jim Fowler, Edith and Willis up in P.M. Blanche came home with us and stayed all night. Nellie came in eve. Billy spent week-end at Card’s.
Mon. May 17
Beautiful day. Ma came up at 4.30 A.M. to get Blanche so she could ride to Falls with Dad. Nellie, E- and I went down home in P.M. Ben helped move Haines’ boiler. Bill Booker and Dave here in eve. Guy Card and Grace moved to Bowdoin Centre.
Tues. May 18
Lovely day. Ben down home in A.M. Had Bill Rideout’s horses to work on garden. I went over to Lena’s in P.M. Ben, E- and I went to West Bowdoin in P.M.
Wed. May 19
Best yet (like York’s rum). Ben, E- and I went down home in A.M. after team for Ben to haul dressing. Edna called in at noon. She and Clara on way to Sade’s. Nellie and I went over by Jean’s (Than Card place) after school.
Thurs. May 20
Nice day. Mrs. Buker called in morn. Nellie and I went up by Coskery’s after school. We were all down home in eve.
Fri. May 21
Cloudy most of day. Ben, E- and I went down home in A.M. to help Gramp plow. Nellie went home in P.M. Dave over in eve.
Sat. May 22
Cold, rainy day. Jim up in A.M. and in P.M. to get Ma. She spent the day with us. Ben went down home in A.M.
Sun. May 23
Cold and cloudy. We spent the day at Gram’s. Billy came in A.M. from Cards. Ben went down to Sheloske’s in A.M. ED Buker spent day down home. I took Billy to Falls in P.M.
Mon. May 24
Cloudy, warmer. Nellie went home in P.M. to attend Junior Dec- at Bowdoinham. Grace got second prize. Ben, E- and I went down to Haines’ mill at Bowdoin Ctr. and round by West Bowdoin in P.M. Ben down home in eve. Bill Rideout’s family moved to Haines’ mill.
Tues. May 25
Good day. Nellie came in morn. Ben went to Haines’ mill in A.M. and down home in eve.
Wed. May 26
Beautiful day. Ben worked at mill. Sade came down in morn. Ma spent the day here. Nellie went to Litchfield Cor. to dance with Andrew and Annie in eve.
Thurs. May 27
Nice day. Ben at mill. I went down home in P.M.
Fri. May 28
Nice day. Ben at mill. Nellie went home in P.M. E- and I went down home in P.M. then went to meet Ben. I went down home in eve.
Sat. May 29
Lovely day. Cady's arrived in P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Mary and Gene Pattee. Ben at mill. I went down home in P.M.
Sun. May 30
Good day, very cool in P.M. Gram up in morn. We spent the day down home. Jim and Edna over home. Ben, Ma, E- and I went down to mill in P.M. Brot Billy back with us from Card’s Jim and Billy up in eve. Billy here all night.
Mon. May 31
Much warmer. Nellie came in morn. Ben at mill. Billy went down home in A.M. E- and I went down in P.M. E- and I went down with Ben at night.
Tues. June 1st
Hot. Distant thunder. Ben at mill.
Wed. June 2nd
Nice day. Ben at mill. E- and I took him down in morn. He brot Haines’ team home at night. Ma spent the day here. Nellie went to “Echo Glen” in eve.
Thurs. June 3rd
Partly cloudy. Ben hauled manure from down home. Lester down in eve.
Fri. June 4th
Partly cloudy. Nellie went home in P.M. E- and I went down home in P.M. Jim up to work on garden while Ben helped them down home harrow.
Sat. June 5th
Rainy day. Ben went down home in morn.
Sun. June 6th
Fog showers part of day. Billy, Ma and Dad up to dinner. E- and I stayed down home to supper while Ben went to Falls with Billy. Nellie came in eve. Jim went to Bowdoinham in P.M. to get Mrs. Dickinson to take care of Edna. Cold.
Mon. June 7th
Fog showers, little warmer. Ben went to West Bowdoin in A.M. and over to Penney lot after wood in P.M. Nellie and I went down home in eve.
Tues. June 8th
Partly cloudy. Gram spent the day with us. I went down home in morn. Jim up in eve.
Wed. June 9th
Lovely day. Ben worked at mill. E- and I went down home in P.M. I went down home in eve. Nellie went to “Echo Glen”. Mrs. Cady, Mary and Mr. Hickey here in eve. Lila Purington’s 4th baby born.
Thurs. June 10
Good day. Ben at mill. Gram up in morn. E- and I went to school in P.M.
Fri. June 11
Fair, hot and muggy. I went down home in morn. Nellie went home in P.M. Ma and Mrs. Dickinson up in eve.
Sat. June 12
Beautiful day. Ben, E- and I went down home in P.M. Ben sold our buggy to Charlie Coskery and bot one of Dad. Ma came up to supper. Billy came up in eve.
Sun. June 13
Lovely day. Billy up in morn and got Topsy to take Ma down to Mrs. Card’s at Bowd- Ctr. to spend the day. Ben and I and E- went up to Geo. Allen’s in P.M. Nellie came in eve. Jim up in eve.
Mon. June 14
Nice day. Ben went down home in P.M. Dad came up to help cultivate. He and Ma came in to supper.
Tues. June 15
Rainy in A.M. Lovely P.M. Ma up in morn.
Wed. June 16
Very little rain. Jim up in A.M. Ma up in P.M. and took care of E- while Ben and I went to Bowd- Ctr. to get Topsy shod. Arthur Card came up in eve. to take Nellie to Echo Glen.
Thurs. June 17
Cloudy and cool. Ben went down home in A.M. Sade down in eve. Nellie and I went down home in eve. Rain in night.
Fri. June 18
Cloudy. Rainy night. Wallace came after Nellie in A.M. to go to graduation. Ma up in P.M. and to supper. Maxey Kendrick married during June.
Sat. June 19
Good day. Ma up in A.M. and in P.M. Geo. and Weston Allen down here and down home sawing wood. E- and I and the men folks all down home to supper. Billy, Hickey, Sade, Lester, and Wallace all here in eve.
Sun. June 20
Lovely day. Billy, Ma and Dad spent day here. I took Billy to Falls in P.M. E-stayed with Gram. Called into Butler’s. Nellie came in eve. Mrs. Cady went to Medford with Burt and Gene.
Mon. June 21
Rainy day. Ma up in morn. on way to Sade’s. Ben down home part of day. I went down home in eve. Jim went up after Sade.
Tues. June 22
Thunder shower in P.M. Ben worked over to Booker’s. E- and I went down home in P.M. June Evelyn born about 5 P.M. Dr. Burr attending physician. Mrs. Dickinson and Sade nurses.
Wed. June 23
Hot, muggy. E- and I went down home in P.M. and I went strawberrying for first time with gram. I went down home in morn. Sade in in A.M. on way home. Ben worked for Booker. Burt Coombs came up to take Nellie to Echo Glen. Grace came home with her.
Thurs. June 24
Nice day, showery in eve.. Ben and Eve- went to West Bowdoin in A.M. Nellie, Ev- and I took Grace home in P.M. (Fred Foote and Hazel Farrar married during June.
Fri. June 25
Lovely day, thunder and few sprinkles in P.M. Nellie had entertainment and treat in P.M. Sade, Annie Sheloske, Everett and I went. Nellie and I went down home then I took her home. Ben took care of E-. Jim up in A.M.
Sat. June 26
Nice day. Ben went down home in morn. to get Dick to use. E- and I went down home in P.M. Went strawberrying then I helped Gram cook. Ben brot us home.
Sun. June 27
Dandy day. Jim in in A.M. on way to Buker’s. Ben, E- and I spent day down home.
Mon. June 28
Hot, muggy, fair. Ben went down to Haines’ mill in morn. then went over to Bill Booker’s mill to work. Jim and Dad up in A.M. I went down home in eve.
Tues. June 29
Muggy, foggy, very little rain. Ben worked at mill in A.M. and went up to Geo. Allen’s in P.M. E- and I went down home in P.M. Ben came down after us. Dave over.
Wed. June 30
Ben at mill. Billy up in eve.
Thurs. July 1st
Lovely day. Ben went to Lewiston to have teeth pulled. E- and I spent day down home strawberrying.
Fri. July 2nd
Good day. Ben at mill. Jim up in A.M.
Sat. July 3rd
Rainy P.M. Ben at mill. E- and I went down home in P.M. Ben came after us. Jim and Billy up in eve.
Sun. July 4th
Thunder showers most of day and night. Billy brot Sadie and Don up in A.M. Ma, Dad and Jim came to dinner. Ben went to Falls in P.M. after “Aunt Rarrar”. Ma came up in eve. and stayed the night.
Mon. July 5th
Nice day. Last day of Centennial celebration at Portland. Ella went down home in A.M. Billy took Sadie home in morn. and spent the day. Came back in P.M. and took E- and I down home then went to Litchfield in Arthur’s truck to dance. Ma went home at 4 A.M. Ben went down home in A.M. Sade and Dave in in eve. Vivian Harriman called on us.
Tues. July 6th
Nice day. Billy left in morn. for Auburn. Ella came up in A.M. Ben went down to Dad’s with us. Dad took Ella, Everett and me to the Falls to the 3 P.M. car (Fools Time) for Gray. Roy met us. Joe had pan of trout for us.
Wed. July 7th
Good day. Ella and I picked last of her strawberries in P.M. Ella went up to store in P.M.
Thurs. July 8th
Nice day. Geo. came home at noon. Aunt Hattie up in P.M. Ella, E- and I went down there in eve.
Fri. July 9th
Rained pouring for 15 or 20 min. in P.M. Geo. went to Portland in morn. Everett sick. Ella and I papered her bed room. Ella went down to Aunt H’s in P.M.
Sat. July 10
Nice day. Pa Mc. came in P.M. Dr. Ellingwood up to see Everett in A.M. Joe went fishing in A.M. Men all went to dance in eve. Ben came in eve.
Sun. July 11
Ella and Roy brot Ben, E- and me to meet the 4 P.M. car. Nice day. Got home about 7 P.M. Billy here in eve. Dave over in eve.
Mon. July 12
Rained most all day. Ben at mill. Ma up in P.M. Billy went to Abel Grover's to work. Dave over.
Tues. July 13
Hot, clear day. Ben at mill. Gram came up in P.M. Sade down in P.M.
Wed. July 14
Partly cloudy, hot. Ben at mill in A.M. E- and I went down home in P.M. Ben, E- and I rode down to Sheloske’s in eve. Mabel Polly McLean very low. (Baby born last week.)
Thurs. July 15
Good day, little shower at noon. Ma called in on way to Clara Allen's raspberrying. Ben and I went down home in A.M. after sprayer and took it back in P.M. Jim and Dave in.
Fri. July 16
Nice day. Ben at mill. E- and I went down home in P.M. Charlie, Jennie and Cat. came in P.M. Charlie, Billy and Cat up in eve.
Sat. July 17
Nice day, showery in late P.M. Bill Booker, Edna, etc. drove in during shower (on their way to Wheeler’s to Roland’s reception). Ben at mill. Edith Fowler, Helen Maloon, Willis Fowler, Jennie, Cat., Ma and Annie Hall (recently bot the Patten place) here in the P.M. Cady’s arrived at 10 P.M. Frances and Charlie DeClerk came with them.
Sun. July 18
Nice day. Frances over about 5 A.M. to see us. Burt and Charlie over in A.M. before going back to Medford. Mrs. Cady over in P.M. Billy up in morn. Took E- and me down home then took Cat. to church. Ben came down home to dinner. Billy and Cat. went over to Holbrook’s and up to Sade’s in P.M. Came back here to supper and spent the eve. Frances Clark and Charlie DeClerk married sometime in July.
Mon. July 19
Rainy part of day and little thunder. Billy and Jim up in A.M. Billy stopped to dinner, then went to West Bowdoin. and came up here again in eve. Mrs. Cady over. Ma, Jennie and Cat. up in P.M. Ma and Cat. went up to Sade’s. Ben went to mill at noon. No one there.
Tues. July 20
Ben at mill. Cat. up in A.M. Ma, Jennie and Cat. up in P.M. and to supper. Mrs. Cady over in P.M. Billy, Jim and Dad up in eve. to get rack out of the barn. Sade in on way to West’s.
Wed. July 21
Lovely day. E- and I spent the day down home. Ben came after us when he came from mill. Mr. Sheloske and Andrew began cutting our hay.
Thurs. July 22
Nice day. Ma and Jennie called in in A.M. in their way to spend the day with Sade. Cat. came up in P.M. and went up to Sade’s with E- and me. They all came back here to supper.
Fri. July 23
Rainy part of day. Jim Fowler came up after the Clarks in A.M. Jim and Billy went over to Buker’s in A.M. after calf and Billy stayed here to dinner and supper. Mabel Polly McLean died Thurs. eve. leaving an infant daughter.
Sat. July 24
Rainy part of day. Billy went to Gray with Cat. Ma up in P.M. and to supper.
Sun. July 25
Lovely day, very cool. Jim up in A.M. Ben, E- and I went down to Leslie Bickford’s to meet Billy. Sade, Wallace and Billy here in eve. Mabel McLean buried.
Mon. July 26
Nice day. Ben at home sick. Ben, E- and I wen to ride in P.M. Ben left us with Nellie while he went to Bowdoinham.
Tues. July 27
Lovely day. Ma and Dad called on their way over to Allen’s after raspberries and called at night on way home. Ben at mill.
Wed. July 28
Nice day. Ben at mill. Very little rain in P.M. Mrs. Cady and Mary over.
Thurs. July 29
Lovely day. Ben at mill. Ma spent the day with us.
Fri. July 30
Rainy morn. Thunder showers during A.M. E- and I went down home in P.M. Ben at mill. Ma came up with us.
Sat. July 31
thunder showers during P.M. and night. Heavy rain. Ben at mill. We drove down home when Ben came. Burt, Mrs. Lebuff (?) and Reggie came down. Frances and Charlie DeClerk came down on their vacation. Frances stayed here all night.
Sun. Aug. 1st
Good day. Billy came up in A.M. with Arthur Card’s truck and took us down home for the day. Jim took Edna and June over home for the day. Billy here to supper then went back to Card’s to finish haying. Frances stayed here all night.
Mon. Aug. 2nd
Good day. Ben at mill. Turner and Viola Grover were both taken sick. Burt over before going back to Medford. Frances took hike alone to Richmond Cor. Ben, E- and I drove down home after work.
Tues. Aug. 3rd
Rain during night. Ben at mill. We drove down home after work. good day.
Wed. Aug. 4th
Lovely day. Gram spent the day with us. We called on Bill Coskery's wife in P.M. Seawood Tarr in in eve.
Thurs. Aug. 5th
Nice day. Ben worked in shop for Tarr in the A.M. E- and I went over to Edna Booker’s in P.M. when Ben went to work. We drove down home after work.
Fri. Aug. 6th
Good day but muggy. Ben at mill. Ma up in P.M. and to supper. Billy here in eve. Finished haying for Arthur Card. Ma, E- and I went up to Bill Small’s in P.M.
Sat. Aug. 7th
Muggy, foggy, very little rain. Ben at mill. E- and I went down home in P.M. Ella and Roy came home. Ma, Dad, Jim, Billy, Ella, Roy, Frances Clark, Charlie DeClerk and Mrs. Cady here in eve.
Sun. Aug. 8th
Clear, hot day. Billy up in morn. Ben, E- and I spent day down home. Billy went back to work for Herbert Prout in P.M. when Aunt Nellie and Uncle Ros- went home. Jim took Edna and June over home for visit. Ella and Roy came up to supper and stayed all night.
Mon. Aug. 9th
Hot day. Ben at mill. Ella, Roy, E- and I went down home in morn. Ben went down home in early morn. to take our luggage. We did Gram’s washing and my washing in A.M. Ella, Roy and Ma went to Gray in P.M. Jim took them to Falls. Ben down home in eve. Billy came back with Jim. No work at Prout’s. E- and I stayed at Gram’s all night.
Tues. Aug. 10
Hot and very muggy. Ben at mill. Went up to Lester’s in eve. E- and I stayed up home all night.
Wed. Aug. 11
Rainy part of day. Dad went up to Harry Fischer’s. Billy went to West Bowdoin. Eva brot Edna and June home in P.M. Ben came after E- and me at night.
Thurs. Aug. 12
Foggy, muggy, thunder. Ben at mill. He took E- and me down home before he went to work and came after us at night. Ed Tripp and Delia Ewing made us a call.
Fri. Aug. 13
Foggy. muggy. Ben at mill. He took E- and me down home before going to work and we came up with Billy in P.M. on his way to Booker’s mill. He came back with Ben to supper.
Sat. Aug. 14
Thunder showers, rain, fog. Ben at mill til 11. Billy took him over in morn. then took E- and me down home then took Topsy to Len Coomb’s and home by West Bowdoin. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman and baby called at noon. Jim went to Falls. Ma came home from Gray. Ben came down after us after supper. Bill Booker and Edna and kids and Grace Booker called on Ben during shower. Frances Clark and Bob’s lady slept here.
Sun. Aug. 15
Foggy, showery in P.M. Billy up in A.M. Mr. and Mrs. Cady Sr. over in A.M. Ben, E- and I went down home to dinner. Frances and Charlie went back. Mrs. Cady, Sr. Mrs. Carter and Harriet down for 2 weeks. Billy came up in eve. to board with us. Jim and Ma up in eve. Chas. Henry Holbrook died.
Mon. Aug. 16
Hot, foggy, fair in P.M. Bill began working over to Bill Booker’s mill chopping. Ma up in P.M. and to supper. Sade. down in P.M. I went down home in eve. with Ma. Woodbury Higgins died of tuberculosis at Mrs. Healey’s.
Tues. Aug. 17
Fog, very hot, little rain and thunder in late P.M. Ben and Billy over to mill in A.M. Ben worked on garden in P.M. Billy helped get in hay down home.
Wed. Aug. 18
Nice day. Ben at home. Ben, E- and I went down home in eve.
Thurs. Aug. 19
Good day. Ma spent the day with us. Billy up in eve.
Fri. Aug. 20
Nice day. E- and I went down home in P.M. and took supper. Ben came down after us from the mill.
Sat. Aug. 21
Nice day. Ben at mill. Mrs. Cady over to sew. Billy up in eve. and stayed all night.
Sun. Aug. 22
Rainy part of day. Ben and Billy went over to mill in morn. Booker’s mill burned flat. Ma and Dad spent the day with us. Billy went home in eve.
Mon. Aug. 23
Nice day. Ben, E- and I went down home in morn.
Tues. Aug. 24
Lovely day. Ma called in in A.M. on way up to spend day with Sade. and called in in eve. Billy up in eve. Mrs. Cady, Mary, Mrs. Cady, Sr. Mrs. Carter and Harriet over in P.M.
Wed. Aug. 25
Lovely day. Ben and I went to Falls to see Dr. Racine and from there to Brunswick to get my teeth treated. Everett stayed with Gram. Billy up in eve.
Thurs. Aug 26
Nice day. Ma spent the day with us. Ben went to help move Booker’s mill from Gene Small’s lot to Wilson’s place on Cross road. Billy up in eve. Ben went down home in eve.
Fri. Aug. 27
Lovely day. Ben over to mill. Ben and I went up to Sade’s in P.M. after vinegar. Jim and Billy up in eve.
Sat. Aug. 28
Good day, very hot. Ma up in A.M. Ben over to mill. Ben E- and I went down home in P.M. Billy up all night.
Sun. Aug. 29
Foggy part of day, sultry, hot. We all went down home in morn. Ben went to Falls to meet Alice, John and Uncle Israel. Billy came up to board with us and work in the woods over to Booker’s mill. Ma, Uncle Is- Alice and John up in eve.
Mon. Aug. 30
Foggy some, sultry and hot. Alice and John up in A.M. Mr. Barrett came in P.M. to tune the piano. Uncle Is- and Alice up in P.M. Billy went to West Bowdoin in eve. Ben and Billy worked in woods.
Tues. Aug. 31
Rainy in P.M. and eve. Ma up in morn. E- and I spent day down home. Ma, Alice, Uncle Is- and John came up in P.M. and took supper. Ben and Billy in woods.
Wed. Sept. 1st
Rainy in A.M. and eve. Ben and I went to Falls to see Dr. Racine. Left E- at Gram’s. Billy worked in morn. in woods. I took dinner with Sadie and Lottie.
Thurs. Sept. 2nd
Lovely day. Ma, Alice, Uncle Is- and John spent day here and eve. Alice, John and I went over to mill on Cornish lot. in P.M. All men except Ben went Rep- rally at Bowdoin Ctr. in eve. Lester went with Billy. Ben and Billy in woods. Alice and John here all night. Burt Cady came down for week. Helen Metcalf dead.
Fri. Sept. 3rd
Nice day. E- and I went to Lewiston in P.M. with Mrs. Cady, Burt and Mary. Billy went down home in eve. Ben and Billy in woods.
Sat. Sept. 4th
Lovely day. Ben and Billy in woods. E- and I went down home in P.M. to see Aunt Fannie, Guy, Edd Pettengil and Myra. Ma, Alice, Uncle Is- and John up to supper and spent eve. Frances Clark, Charlie DeClerk, his sister and mother came for week.
Sun. Sept. 5th
Nice day. Ben took Alice, John and Uncle Is- to Falls in A.M. E- and I spent the A.M. with Gram. Billy went down home to supper. John Gagne moved from Mitchell place in No 9 district to Rob Rideout’s old place.
Mon. Sept. 6th
Partly cloudy. Ben at home sick with “lunatics”. Billy worked in woods in P.M. Billy went down home in eve. We went over to Cady’s in eve.
Tues. Sept. 7th
Rainy day. I went down home in P.M. Billy went to Lewiston in P.M. Stayed all night. Jim up in A.M. Dad sick with rheumatism.
Wed. Sept. 8th
Nice day. Billy came in A.M. and worked in woods in P.M. I went down home in A.M. Burt, Mrs. Cady and Mary went back to Medford. The Cady’s had smash up and had to leave the car at Kennebunk.
Thurs. Sept. 9th
Lovely day. Billy worked down home helping Dave Parris plow. Ben and I went to the Falls to have Dr. Racine work on my teeth. Everett stayed with Gram. Ben, E- and I went over to Maloon’s, Allen’s and Giguere’s in P.M. Billy up in eve.
Fri. Sept 10
Rainy in P.M. Ben, E- and I called on Annie Hall and took dinner with Alice Bubier then went up to Ed Dingley’s to see some buggy wheels.
Sat. Sept. 11
Nice day. Ma up in A.M. Ben went over to mill in P.M. Billy up in P.M. and here all night. Ben, E- and I went down home in P.M.
Sun. Sept. 12
Heavy mist and fog, some rain. Ben, E- and I spent day down home.
Mon. Sept. 13
Heavy wind and rain in P.M. and eve. Ben and I went down to town house to vote for Gov. etc. First time women voted in Maine. Everett stayed down home with Gram. Billy and Ben went over to Richmond Cor. fishing in P.M. Billy stayed here all night. Republicans carried this state by about 65,000 majority.
Tues. Sept. 14
Rainy most of day. Ben worked in mill in A.M. We all went down home in P.M.
Wed. Sept. 15
Fair in P.M. Ben worked over to mill. E- and I went to Bowdoin Ctr. in P.M. after work. Billy up in eve.
Thurs. Sept. 16
Rainy in P.M. Jim went to State Fair. Saw Ella and Roy there. Ma up to dinner and spent P.M. Billy up in P.M.
Fri. Sept. 17
Colder and windy. Rained a little in P.M. Ben over to mill. E- and I went down home in P.M. Sade and Ma came up home with us. Ma stayed to supper. Billy came up in eve. to work in woods again.
Sat. Sept. 18
Nice day, heavy rain and wind in eve. Ben and Billy in woods. Ma and Melva came up in P.M. and took supper and spent eve. Jim came up in eve. Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve.
Sun. Sept. 19
Lovely day, colder. Melva came up in A.M. then we all went down home to dinner. Billy took Melva to Falls in P.M.
Mon. Sept. 20
Good day. Ben and Billy in woods. Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve.
Tues. Sept. 21
Lovely day. E- and I went down home in morn. Ma up in P.M. Ben and Billy in woods. Billy down home after work.
Wed. Sept. 22
Grand weather. E- and I spent day down home helping Gram clean house. Ben and Billy in woods. Jim went to Norway Fair with Clara, Perl, Gene Small and Clarence Bates. Billy went down after work to help Dad do chores.
Thurs. Sept. 23
Much warmer, very pleasant. Ma and Dad spent day with us. Ben and Billy in woods. Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve.
Fri. Sept. 24
94° at West Bowdoin in shade, 90° at Lisbon Falls. Jim up in A.M. Ma came up to take care of Everett and get supper while I went to Falls with Jim in P.M. Ben and Billy in woods.
Sat. Sept. 25
Clear hot day. Jim up in A.M. Billy went away in eve. on “Spike”. Ben, E- and I went to West Bowdoin after work. Ben and Billy in woods. Bill Rideout’s family moved back from the borough.
Sun. Sept. 26
Clear hot day. Billy and Dave in in morn. Ben, E- and I spent day down home. Oscar Douglas and Eva up in A.M. down home. Mrs. Card, Sadie and Don called in P.M. on us. Wilbur Tarr in in eve.
Mon. Sept. 27
Cloudy part of day. Ben and Billy worked in woods. Gram came up in P.M. Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve. Scott Penley’s team run into by Wilson’s auto in Auburn. He died soon after reaching hospital.
Tues. Sept. 28
Cloudy. Ben worked at mill. Billy at home sick with Grippe distemper going the rounds. Rainy night. Jim up in eve. Billy went down home during day.
Wed. Sept. 29
Lovely day. Scott Penley buried from south River Road church. Ma spent day here. We went up to Sade’s in P.M. and helped her paper. Billy went down home in P.M. Ben at mill.
Thurs. Sept 30
Rainy day. I went down home in A.M. Heavy wind and rain in night. Perl West over in P.M. Jim called in P.M. on way to Maloon’s.
Fri. Oct. 1st
Cleared away in P.M. Gram up in A.M. and took dinner. Billy went to West Bowdoin with Jim in A.M. Ben went to Bowdoin Ctr. in P.M.
Sat. Oct. 2nd
Nice day. Ben at mill. I went down home in morn. Billy went hunting in A.M. Everett and Billy went down home in P.M. Jim up in eve. Clocks in Lewiston set back at midnight to standard time.
Sun. Oct. 3rd
Lovely day. Sade down in A.M. Ben went up to Charlie Coskery’s in morn. Ben, Billy, E- and I spent day down home. Dad went down after Ella and Roy on the 12 0’clock car. Mrs. Holbrook, Blanche and Herman called in P.M. Aunt Nellie and Uncle Ros- down in P.M.
Mon. Oct. 4th
Beautiful day. Roy and Jim up in A.M. Ma, Ella and Roy up in P.M. Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve.
Tues. Oct. 5th
Lovely in A.M. Rained most all of P.M. Billy worked in woods. Ben, E- and I went to Litchfield Fair. Ma, Dad, Ella and Roy went to the Fair. Ella and Roy stayed here all night. Billy went down to West Bowdoin in P.M. after Mr. Frye. Jim came up in eve. Frye stayed down home all night. Billy bot Bill Coskery’s horse in P.M.
Wed. Oct. 6th
Lovely day. Ben and Billy in woods. Ma and Mr. Frye came up to spend the day. Mr. Frye stayed all night. Ella, Ma, Roy, Mr. Frye, Everett and I went over to mill in P.M. Billy went down home to bring Dad up to supper and spend the eve. Mr. Hickey came down in eve. Sade and Lester came down in eve.
Thurs. Oct. 7th
Lovely day, very warm. Billy worked in woods. Ben took E- and me to Gram’s then went to woods. Dad took Ma, Ella, Roy and me to Falls. Mr. Frye left in morn. and bot out the second hand store with Frank Allen. Ella, Roy, E- and I met Alice Keegan in Lewiston. Had E-‘s first pictures taken. Harry met us at Gray Cor. on the 4.10 car. Aunt Hattie up in eve.
Fri. Oct. 8th
Lovely day. Pa Mc. came home in eve. Ella, E- and I went down to Aunt Hattie’s in P.M. Harriet Jordan died.
Sat. Oct. 9th
Lovely day. Harry went to Portland in in A.M. Roy went to Gray Cor. in P.M. after organ Aunt Hattie bot for Ella. Charlie, Jennie and Cat. came about 6 P.M.
Sun. Oct. 10
Lovely day. Charlie took E- and me when he took Ella, Jennie and Cat. to church and when he went after them. Mrs. Jordan’s funeral.
Mon. Oct. 11
Colder, Lovely day. Pa Mc. left about 5 A.M. Charlie, Jennie Cat. E- and I left about 9 A.M. for Bowdoin. Reached home about 11.40. Took dinner at Gram’s then Charlie brot E- and me home. Charlie, Jennie, Cat. and Ma came up about 5 P.M. to see Ben and Billy a few minutes then left for the Falls. Billy rode down with them to see Andrew then went up to Lester’s in eve. Ben and Billy in woods. Jim up in eve.
Tues. Oct. 12
Lovely day. Ben and Billy in woods. Jim went to Topsham Fair. Ma up in P.M. Wilbur Tarr, Mrs. Tarr, Seaward, Eleanor, Herbert and Andrew Sheloske here in eve.
Wed. Oct. 13
Lovely warm day. Ma, Dad, Billy and Lester went to Topsham Fair with Andrew Sheloske. Mill shut down for Fair. Ben, E- and I went to West Bowdoin in P.M.
Thurs. Oct. 14
Cloudy. Billy came home in early morn. Thunder shower about noon. Billy came home at noon. Took Everett down home with him for ride in P.M. Jim up in eve.
Fri. Oct. 15
A little rain in A.M. Ben in woods. Billy went to Lewiston with Jim. Ma came up in A.M. E- and I went down home with her to dinner and waited for Billy. Billy took Everett to Bowdoin Ctr. with him in P.M.
Sat. Oct. 16
Billy and Ben worked in woods. Billy went to West Bowdoin with Dave in eve.
Sun. Oct. 17
Warm, partly cloudy. Ben, Billy, E- and I went down home. Billy and Dad went to Bowdoin Ctr. in P.M. Aunt Fannie, Guy and Freda down in P.M.
Mon. Oct. 18
Mostly fair, little fog. Ben and Billy in woods. Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve. Jim up in eve.
Tues. Oct. 19
Warm and pleasant, some fog. Ben and Billy in woods. Ma spent the day here. We went over to Edna Booker’s and to mill in P.M. Billy went down home with Ma in eve. Lester down in eve. Dad called in on his way up to Ed Tripp’s
Wed. Oct. 20
Warm, partly cloudy. Ben and Billy in woods. Ma spent the day with me. We went up to Sade’s in P.M. Edna and Frances went up to Sade’s in P.M. Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve. Rain during night.
Thurs. Oct. 21
Lovely A.M. Very little rain in late P.M. Ben and Billy in woods. E- and I went down to Gram’s to dinner. Picked a sauce dish full of raspberries back of barn.
Fri. Oct. 22
Good day, warm. Ben and Billy in woods.
Sat. Oct. 23
Nice day. Ben at home. Ma up in P.M. Billy went to Center in eve. Ruby Maloon and Arthur Mitchell married.
Sun. Oct. 24
Lovely day. Ed Tripp and Delia began moving to Pratt place. Ben, E- and I spent day down home. Ben and I went down to Prout’s in P.M. Billy and Ben got home about midnight (out hunting for Irene caught in one of Cunningham’s traps).
Mon. Oct. 25
Lovely day. Mr. Snow (Supt. of schools of Bowdoin, Bowdoinham and Richmond) here in A.M. Ben went to Augusta to State House to see Fish and Game Commissioner. Ma up in P.M. We went up to Tripp’s in P.M. Jim went up in eve. Billy went to Lewiston. Marion Douglas and Mr. Morse or Lisbon Ctr. married.
Tues. Oct. 26
Cloudy. Billy in woods. Wallace and Grace brot Nellie up in P.M. to teach school. Ma up in P.M. Ben went up to Coskery’s in eve.
Wed. Oct. 27
Foggy, misty. Heavy rain in eve. E- and I went up to Tripp’s in A.M. Ben and Dad went to Bowdoin Ctr. and Ed Buker's. Billy went to Ctr. in eve. Madelyn Pooler over to get Nellie to go to dance at Richmond Cor. with Bill and Edna. Jim up in A.M.
Thurs. Oct. 28
Rained part of day. Billy gone all day. Mr. Bodge (Grand Union Tea man) here to dinner. Nellie and I went down home in eve. Lester and Wallace down in eve.
Fri. Oct. 29
Colder, cloudy, rained some. Jim up in morn. Nellie went home in P.M. Billy went down home in A.M. and in P.M.
Sat. Oct. 30
Cloudy most of day. Ben went down home twice in morn. I went down home in P.M. Billy went to West Bowdoin in eve. Billy worked in woods.
Sun. Oct. 31
Good day. Ben, E- and I went down home. Billy down home. Ma E- and I rode up to see Delia Ewing in P.M. when Billy went up to Brown’s.
Mon. Nov. 1st
Rainy part of day. Nellie came in morn. Ben went over to Lincoln St. and up round by Jack Byrne’s. Billy went to Ctr. in eve.
Tues. Nov. 2nd
Partly cloudy. Billy went to vote in A.M. and worked in woods in P.M. Ben went to vote in A.M. Ma up in P.M. Ma, E- and I went up to see Delia in P.M.
Wed. Nov. 3rd
Nice day, windy. I went down home in A.M. Ben finished picking apples. Billy in woods. Edna Pooler Booker came over at 5 o’clock to wait for Andrew to take her and Nellie to Richmond Cor. to dance. Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr.
Thurs. Nov. 4th
Lovely day. Ben went to work over to mill. Billy in woods hunting. Dad took Ma, E- and me to Falls and brot us home at night. Took dinner with Mrs. J. P. Roberts. Ned Cody buried.
Fri. Nov. 5th
Partly cloudy. Ben in mill. Billy in woods. Ma up in P.M. Nellie went home in P.M. Billy went down home in eve. Sade called in A.M. on way to Clara’s.
Sat. Nov. 6th
Partly cloudy, cold and windy in P.M. Billy and Dad went over to Uncle Howard's and from there to Gray with Billy’s horse. E- and I took Ben’s dinner over to mill. Mr. Upton and Alexander here in P.M. and to supper from Augusta. Ben made “Warden”. Ben went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve to see Ed Buker. Jim up in eve.
Sun. Nov. 7th
Lovely A.M. Cloudy in P.M. Ben gone most all day. E- and I spent the day down home. Jim Fowler brot Edith and Willis up. Ben went down home in eve.
Mon. Nov. 8th
Mostly fair. Ben at mill in A.M., at home in P.M. Billy came from Gray in P.M. Nellie came in morn. Ben up at Coskery’s in eve. Billy went to B. Ctr. in eve.
Tues. Nov. 9th
Rainy part of day. Billy and Ben worked in woods in A.M. Wallace Rideout here in P.M. Ben gone all the P.M. Billy went down home in eve.
Wed. Nov 10
Good day, colder. Ma spent the day here. Billy in woods. Ben worked til between 2 and 3 o’clock. Edna Booker over at 5 to wait for Andrew to take her and Nellie to Richmond Cor. masquerade ball. Edna stayed here all night. Billy went to Centre.
Thurs. Nov. 11
Good day. Ma up in P.M. Billy in woods. Ben out with gun in A.M. Nellie and I went down home in eve with Ma.
Fri. Nov 12
Partly cloudy. Ben and Everett went to West Bowdoin in A.M. Ma and Dad up in P.M. Ma, E- and I went up to see Delia in P.M. Nellie went home in P.M. Billy went out in eve.
Sat. Nov. 13
Clear and cold. Ben went down home in A.M. I went down home in P.M. Billy in woods. Billy and Wallace went to Bowdoin Ctr. after work. Jim up in eve. Madelyn Pooler in in eve. on way to Litchfield Cor. to masquerade ball.
Sun. Nov. 14
Lovely day. Ben spent the day up to Jack Byrne’s. E- and I spent day down home. Billy gone all day.
Mon. Nov. 15
Nellie came in A.M. Billy went to Ctr. in eve. Cloudy. Ben went down home in morn. after a team to bank the house. Billy went to Ctr. in A.M. and helped Ben in P.M.
Tues. Nov. 16
Cloudy. Snowed very little during night. Ben went to Falls. Carl Webber here in eve. to see Nellie. Ben painted dining room.
Wed. Nov. 17
Rained part of day. Ma spent day here. Billy went down home after dinner and brot dad up Ben down home in A.M. Billy up to Rideout’s in P.M. Ed Tripp, Mr. Hickey and Dave here in eve.
Thurs. Nov. 18
Ma up to help me paper the dining room. Billy took her home at night. Billy went hunting.
Fri. Nov. 19
Mostly cloudy, warmer. Ben took Everett down home on sled in morn. Billy in woods. Jim up in P.M. Nellie went home in P.M. I went home in P.M. Billy and Mr. Savage went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve.
Sat. Nov. 20
Billy in woods. Ben went down home in A.M. Ma came up P.M. We went up to see Delia. Ben came up after us with team, then Billy took Ma home. Jim up in eve. Nice day. Madelyn Pooler over in eve. to wait for Andrew.
Sun. Nov. 21
Began snowing in P.M. We all spent day down home. Frances spent week-end with Edna.
Mon. Nov. 22
Snowed part of A.M. Ben went deer hunting in A.M. Ben went down home in morn. and down to Sheloske’s in A.M. to take cider barrel home. Ma and Dad came up in P.M. to help butcher our black pig. Billy went to Ctr. in eve. Frank Adams died of pneumonia in Boston. Ed Rideout died of cancer in stomach.
Tues. Nov. 23
Rained hard most of day. Jim up in A.M. Billy went up to Ed Tripp’s and stayed all night and did chores while Ed was gone to Lewiston with poultry. Karl Hatch came after Topsy. First day he used his horse for the season. Train wreck at Lisbon Falls station. Few hurt, none seriously.
Wed. Nov. 24
Cloudy, spit rain very little. Ben went to Falls. Nellie went home in P.M. Jim up in eve. Billy down home in P.M. and went to Ctr. in eve. after Sade and Don.
Thurs. Nov. 25
Snowed nearly all day. Ma and Dad spent day with us. Ben, Everett and I went up to Hickey’s in P.M. to get him to come down spend the evening. Jim up in eve. Heard Grace Arno Tarr’s baby was dead.
Fri. Nov. 26
Fair most of day. Billy took Sadie and Don home in A.M. Everett and I took Billy to Falls in P.M. to take car for Gray. Ben went down home, to the mill and to Sheloske’s.
Sat. Nov. 27
Cloudy part of day. Ben went down home in morn. Ben and I went up to John Brown’s and Wallace Small's in A.M. Ben went down home in P.M. Dad brot Ma up in P.M. Ben and Everett took her home.
Sun. Nov. 28
Clear and cold. We went down home. Ben went down to Sheloske’s and over to Sand Hole in P.M. then came down after E- and me.
Mon. Nov. 29
Nice day. Ben went to Falls and Lewiston. Ma went to Falls and spent day. Everett and I went out sliding in P.M.
Tues. Nov. 30
Nice day, warmer. Ben went to Bowdoin Ctr. in A.M. Ben, E- and I went down home in P.M. Ben went down to “Fon” Bickford’s in eve. to see Tom Merrill about shooting deer without a license. Dave and Jim here in eve.
Wed. Dec. 1st
Rained most of day. Everett and I went down home in morn. Ben went to Falls after Billy and round up some hunters. Ma spent the day with us. Billy took her home in eve. when he went to Bowdoin Ctr. Ed Tripp down in P.M.
Thurs. Dec. 2nd
Cleared away windy and colder in A.M. Mr. Hickey here in A.M. Billy came home in P.M. from Bowdoin Ctr. Ben went down home at noon. Ed Tripp here in P.M. Billy went down home in P.M. to work. Wallace Rideout here to supper and spent eve. Nellie and I went sliding in eve. Carl Webber here. He and Nellie went to ride about midnight. Dave here in eve. Addie Purington died at 10 P.M.
Fri. Dec. 3rd
Cloudy. Ben, E- and I went down home in P.M. Nellie went home in P.M. Ed Tripp and Dave here in eve. Tom Merrill here in eve. to see Ben on deer case.
Sat. Dec. 4th
Snow, rain, sleet. Ben, E- and I went down home in morn. Billy and Dad called in in A.M. on their way up to Joe Lancaster’s to trade old Dick. E- and I went up to see Delia in P.M. Billy came up in P.M. and went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve. Mr. Williams from the borough here to get boarded.
Sun. Dec. 5th
Rained hard most of day. Ma and Dad spent day here. Billy went down home in P.M. Dave over in eve. Addie Purington’s funeral at 2 P.M. Thunder and Lightning.
Mon. Dec. 6th
Nellie came in morn. Ben and Billy began work for Haines. Ben drove team. Ma and Dad called in in P.M. on way up to Tripp,s. Mr. Williams came at super time to board with us. Ed Tripp here in eve. Lovely day.
Tues. Dec. 7th.
Lovely day. Ma spent day with us. Ben and Bill in woods. Ben and Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve. Ed Tripp down in eve. Uneeta Hanson had 11 lb boy.
Wed. Dec. 8th
Nice day. Billy went to Ctr. in eve. Carl took Nellie down home in eve. E- and I went down home down home in P.M. Ma and Dad brot us back on the horse sled. Ben and Billy in the woods.
Thurs. Dec. 9th
Snowed little in P.M. Ma spent day here. We went up to see Delia in P.M. Ben took Joe Gouins, Carl Baily and Frank Smith to State House for Sun. hunting.
Fri. Dec. 10
Rainy day. I went down home in morn. Jim up in A.M. Billy and Mr. Williams went to Bowd- Ctr. in P.M. Ben down home in P.M. Nellie went home in P.M.
Sat. Dec. 11
Snowed during night and Sat. about 5 or 6 inches. Men worked in P.M. Williams went home in P.M. Billy down home in A.M. Ed Tripp down. Billy went to Ctr. in eve.
Sun. Dec. 12
Nice day. Ben, E- and I went down home. Billy down home in A.M. Ben went down to see Tom Merrill on deer case. Ed Buker spent day down home.
Mon. Dec. 13
Good day. Ben and Billy in woods. Williams came in A.M. E- and I went down home in P.M. Billy and Williams went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve. Nellie came in morn.
Tues. Dec. 14
Rained torrents most of day. Ma came up to take care of Everett while Billy took me to Falls to go to Lewiston. Met Ella at union square. We went up to Keegan’s to dinner. Billy and I stayed at Holbrook’s all night. Electrics out of commission after 7.15 Heavy gale along coast. Blanche Holbrook and Wm. Little Married (sometime previous).
Wed. Dec. 15
Warm. Squally in A.M. Billy and I came home in morn. Ma went home in A.M. Ben, Billy and Mr. Williams in woods. Williams got thru for Haines and went home in P.M. E- and I went down to see Eva Douglas in P.M. Billy went up after work and brot Hickey down to spend the eve. Grace, Bert Coombs and Carl Webber here in eve.
Thurs. Dec. 16
Nice warm day. Ben and Billy in woods. Ma spent the day here. We went to see Delia in P.M. Dave over in eve. Heard the Cadys had sold out to Sheloske.
Fri. Dec. 17
Partly cloudy. Ben out sick with a cold. Billy drove the team. Nellie went home in P.M. Mrs. Douglas up in P.M. I went down home in P.M.
Sat. Dec. 18
Cloudy. Ben went down home in A.M. and P.M. Billy drove Dan and Rodger. Ma up in P.M. Jim up in eve. Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve.
Sun. Dec. 19
Nice day. Ben and Billy and I spent day down home. Philip Adams up to see Ben and took dinner.
Mon. Dec. 20
Ben and Billy in woods. Billy went to Ctr. in eve. Nellie came at noon. Andrew in in eve. after apples. Good day.
Tues. Dec. 21
Good day. Billy and Sadie went to Lewiston. Ben in woods. Ma up in P.M. Sade down in P.M. Jim in in A.M. on way to Gene Buker’s to shoot Maud.
Wed. Dec. 22
Billy came home in morn. and went to woods. Ben in woods. Cloudy. Began storming at night.
Thurs. Dec. 23
Rain, sleet and snow. Cleared away in eve. Ben worked down home. Billy down home in A.M. Nellie, Billy and I went to Ctr. in eve to Xmas tree. Frances Buker in in P.M.
Fri. Dec. 24
Nice day. Ben and Billy in woods. Everett went to school with Nellie in A.M. E- and I went down to Gram’s in P.M. to see Aunt Rarrar and Uncle Roy. Billy went to Ctr. in eve. Nellie went home in P.M.
Sat. Dec. 25
Clear and cold Billy, Ben, E- and I went down home. Billy went down to Card’s in A.M. after Sadie and Don. We all took dinner with Gram. Jim, Edna and June went over to Buker’s. They all came up to supper and spent the eve. Sadie and Don stayed here all night. Dad, Ma, and Ella went up to see Delia in eve. Ina Maloon and Ernest Hebb married.
Sun. Dec. 26
Cloudy most of day. I went down home at noon to see Ella and Roy before they went home. Ma came up with me to dinner. Billy took Sadie and Don home in P.M.
Mon. Dec. 27
Snow storm. Billy worked in A.M. Ben worked all day. Nellie came in A.M. Jim up in P.M. Billy went down to Gram’s in P.M.
Tues. Dec. 28
Nice day. Ben and Billy in woods. Billy went down home in eve. Dave over.
Wed. Dec. 29
Good day. Ben and Billy in woods. Edith Fowler, Frank (in U.S. Navy at Charleston, Mass), Kenneth and Willis spent the day here. Ma spent the day here. Billy went to Bowdoin Ctr. in eve. Mr. Pinette came here to room. Grampa came up after Gram.
Thurs. Dec. 30
Good day, much warmer. Ben and Billy in woods. Pinette went home for night. Jim up in A.M. E- and I went down home in P.M. Ben went down home in eve.
Fri. Dec. 31
Good day, colder. Ben and Billy in woods. Pinette arrived at 6 A.M. Wallace came after Nellie in P.M. Gramp and Gram came up in P.M. after milk and swill.