Diary of A.L.J. 1915

The work of a curious fellow

This page is a year's entries from the diary of Alice L. Jones, who was my father's mother. She kept a diary from 1909 into the 1970's. I have recovered 7 volumes of her effort and transcribed her very legible handwriting into these web pages. I have not corrected her word usage, abbreviations or spelling. Please send an email to jdj@mcanv.com if you would care to question or comment.

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Diary of Alice L. Jones


Fri. Jan. 1st

Two inches of snow.

Sat. Jan. 2

Ben took Mills to town in A.M.

Sun. Jan. 3

Cloudy. Edw-, Fleta and Izetta down in A.M. Girls spent day. I took them home in P.M. Mills rode out in P.M. with Mr. Ireland. Immigrants stopped here all night. Hazel and Neal arrived from Xmas recess at home.

Mon. Jan. 4

Good day. Mills went to town with Dick in morn. Came back at night. Ben sick with cold.

Tues. Jan. 5

Snowed in P.M. Mills went to town in morn. back at night. Mr. Edwards and Izetta down in P.M. Izetta and I went to school.

Wed. Jan. 6

First sleighs out. Coiner took Mills to town in A.M.

Thurs. Jan. 7

Cloudy. Ben and I, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Don Terhune and Billy Wickham went up the creek and got 2 live coons in A.M. Don gave us one.

Fri. Jan. 8

Rainy, Drizzily day. Mr. Edw- here in P.M.

Sat. Jan. 9

Some cloudy. Don and kids in in A.M. to see coon. I went over to Miss Gensman in P.M. Don, Luce Lee and Andrew here in eve. Bernie and Ivan here in eve. Played cards.

Sun. Jan. 10

Some cloudy. Mills came out on train in A.M. Ben and I went up to Edwards’ in P.M.

Mon. Jan. 11

Cloudy. Mills went to town in morn. Izetta started going to school. One day was the limit. Mills out all night.

Tues. Jan. 12

Cloudy. Rainy eve. Ben took Mills to town at 5 A.M.

Wed. Jan. 13

Rainy in P.M.

Thurs. Jan. 14

Cloudy. Ice went out of creeks. Ivan here in A.M. to tel.

Fri. Jan. 15

Good day. I went up to Edw- in P.M. Ben and I went to town in eve. Mills came out with us.

Sat. Jan. 16

Cloudy. Mills went to town in A.M. Ben went to town with hay. Edw- went to Spokane. Fleta and Izetta down in P.M. Don and Andrew, Lucy Lee and I went over to Gensman’s in eve.

Sun. Jan. 17

Fine day. Mills came out in morn. Ben and I went up to Edw- in P.M. Mills went up to Edw- in P.M. with Dick.

Mon. Jan. 18

Cold and cloudy. I took Mills as far as Railroad Crossing in morn. Izetta, Geneva and "Gib" in in P.M.

Tues. Jan. 19

Cold and cloudy. (News from home shown in italics... JDJ) Melvin Fowler’s body brought from N.H. and put in tomb at the Falls.

Wed. Jan. 20

Cold and cloudy. Izetta, Geneva and Gib down in P.M. Ben and I rode up to Edw- in eve. on errand.

Thurs. Jan. 21

Cold and cloudy. Ben shot Nellie at 3. 15 A.M. Ben went to the Dalles with two loads of hay. Fleta and Izetta down in P.M.

Fri. Jan. 22

Cold and cloudy. Ben went to town 2 trips with hay.

Sat. Jan. 23

Cold and cloudy. Ben went to town 2 trips with hay. Ivan in in P.M. to telephone. Izetta and Geneva down in P.M. I went up to Leonards’ in P.M. Wickham had dance in eve. Frank Toothacher died.

Sun. Jan. 24

Cold and cloudy. Mills came out on train. Edw- in in A.M. on way home from week’s trip to Spokane.

Mon. Jan. 25

Cold and cloudy. Mills went to town in A.M. Ben went to town in A.M. with hay. Stocking agent here to dinner. A. O. Ripley died of a shock while at Bowdoinham on “biz”.

Tues. Jan. 26

Clear. Very windy in eve. 14° above in morn. Mr. Edw- and Izetta in in A.M. Ivan in in P.M. I went up the creek with Ben after wood.

Wed. Jan. 27

Cold. Snowed a little all day. I went up to Edw- in P.M. Dion and Andrew in in eve.

Thurs. Jan 28

Snowed a little nearly all day. Ben went up to Upton’s in A.M. after hay. Dr. Russell died.

Fri. Jan. 29

Warmer. Snowed nearly all day.

Sat. Jan. 30

Warm, partly cloudy, rainy in eve. Ben went to town in A.M. with hay. Fleta, Izetta and Geneva came down in P.M. Stayed all night. Don, Lucy lee, Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. Reade, Ed, Grace and 2 babies, Gracie and Doanie here in eve. Played games, etc.

Sun. Jan. 31

Partly cloudy. Mills came out in A.M. I took the girls up home in P.M. Ben walked up. Heavy rain fall in eve.

Mon. Feb. 1st

Ben took Mills to town in morn. Ivan in in morn.

Tues. Feb. 2

Snowed nearly all day.

Wed. Feb. 3

Showery. Ivan in in P.M. Miss Gensman and Neal in in P.M.

Thurs. Feb. 4

Rainy in eve. Ben and I went up round the big pasture hunting up colts in A.M. Shot first prairie chicken.

Fri. Feb. 5

Showery part of day. Mills came out on train in A.M. Went back on train in P.M. Ben “rheumaticky”.

Sat. Feb. 6

Cloudy. Ben “rheumaticky”. Coiner went to town in P.M. I went up to Leonards’ in eve. Andrew came down after me. Reade’s family there and brought me home.

Sun. Feb. 7

Cloudy. Coiner arrived in A.M. and went to “Big Eddy” in P.M. Edwards in in P.M. Ed --- here in P.M.

Mon. Feb. 8

Lovely morn. Cloudy in P.M. I went up to Edwards’ in A.M. Mr. Coiner left at 5 A.M. for “Big Eddy” I went up creek with Ben in P.M. after wood. Izetta down in P.M.

Tues. Feb. 9

Fair. Ben and I went up to Leonard’s to dinner to celebrate Mr. L’s birthday. Ireland’s family there. Mr. and Mrs. Ed-, Leonard and Hazel Gensman.

Wed. Feb. 10

Lovely warm day. I went with Ben after wood in A.M. Izetta and Mr. Edw- down in P.M. I went with them after wood. Ben began ploughing.

Thurs. Feb. 11

Cloudy in A.M. Fair in P.M. Fleta and Izetta down in P.M. We made chocolates, then went to Crossing and waited for Mills. I took girls up home with “Dick”

Fri. Feb. 12

Partly cloudy. Ben sick. Mills rode to town with Ivan. I was taken sick in P.M. same as Ben.

Sat. Feb. 13

Good day. Lucy Lee down in P.M. Don helped Ben do his chores in P.M. Mills and Mr. Schaefer walked out in eve. Reade’s had one of their times in eve. Alice Folsom in hospital. Gladys Danforth in hospital with carbuncle on breasts. Marion Ford in hospital with broken ankle. Ma and Jim called on them all.

Sun. Feb. 14

Fine day. Very cool morn. Don and Andrew down in A.M.

Mon. Feb. 15

Good day. Ben sick. Schaefer went to town in A.M. to carry Mills. Geneva, “Gib” and “Fat” in in morn.

Tues. Feb. 16

Snowed about an inch in morn. Ben and Schaefer hauling hay to fill car at Petersburg. I went up to Edw’s in A.M. Brought Izetta down to dinner and spend P.M. I was taken with tonsillitis.

Wed. Feb. 17

Partly cloudy. Ben went up to Edw- in morn. to get Fleta to work for us. Dr. Lowe out to see us in A.M. Izetta and "Gib” in in P.M. Mr. Edw- here to dinner, hauling hay. Ben went to town in P.M. Neal and Hazel arrived from home in A.M.

Thurs. Feb. 18

Partly cloudy. Mr. Edw-, Geneva and Gil down in P.M. Neal and Hazel in in P.M. In bed all day. Ben sick.

Fri. Feb. 19

Dark and cloudy. Geneva, Gil and Thornton down in P.M. Mrs. Leonard in in P.M.

Sat. Feb. 20

Cloudy. Fleta went home in P.M. Izetta came down with her and stayed all night. I got up for good. Wm. Montfort dropped dead at the paper mill.

Sun. Feb. 21

Partly cloudy. Fleta, Izetta and I rode up to Reade’s in P.M. then Fleta and I took Izetta home.

Mon. Feb. 22

Partly cloudy. Izetta and Inez made their first trip down in P.M.

Tues. Feb. 23

Partly cloudy. Mills came out on train. Stayed all night. Fleta and I went up to Leonard’s in P.M. Ben took Fleta home in eve. so “Daddy” Mills could have her bed.

Wed. Feb. 24

Ben went up to Edw- in morn. after Fleta. Showery all day. Ben took Mills to town in P.M. Fleta and I went to school in P.M.

Thurs. Feb. 25

Clear and windy. Edw- here ploughing and here all night. Fleta and I called on Hazel and Neal in eve. found them in bed. “Mum was the word.”

Fri. Feb. 26

Good day. Fleta and I went to town in A.M. Ben went up to Edw- in morn. Edw- ploughed here and stayed all night. Mrs. Reade, Grace, 2 babies came down in P.M. Gracie and Doanie came down from school and ate lunch with us. I took them home with Dick. Don, Lucy Lee, Bessie Bauer and Andrew here in eve.

Sat. Feb. 27

Very rainy day. Mr. Edw- went to town in A.M. Ben sick.

Sun. Feb. 28

Cloudy. I took Fleta home in A.M. Mills came in A.M. Don down in morn. Ben sick. Fleta and Izetta down in P.M. We went up to Leonards’. Edw- here to supped and all night.

Mon. Mar. 1st

Rainy day. Dr. Lowe out at noon to see Ben. Mills rode to town with him. Edwards here working all night.

Tues. Mar. 2

Good day but quite cold. I went up to Edw- in A.M. to get Fleta to help me wash. Brought “Fat” down. Edw- here working all night. Izetta came down in P.M. We went up to school then I took the girls home.

Wed. Mar. 3

Fair and windy. Ben sick. Edw- here ploughing and all night. Mills came out on train and stayed all night. Hazel and Neal in in P.M.

Thurs. Mar. 4

Fair and Windy. Ben sick. Edw- here. Went home in eve. Mills up to town in morn. Geneva in at noon. Sybil in in P.M.

Fri. Mar. 5

Cold and windy. Edw- came to work in morn. Here all night. Gil down in P.M. Caleb (Injun) here in P.M.

Sat. Mar. 6

Fine day. Edw- went to town. He went home in P.M. Gil down in P.M. “Brewery Grade” wall fell into lower road.

Sun. Mar. 7

Fine day. Jack went to town in A.M. and brought Mills out for dinner. I went up to Edw- in P.M.

Mon. Mar. 8

Clear and windy. Mills went to town in A.M. Edw- here working all night.

Tues. Mar. 9

Fair and windy. Edw- went home in A.M. to work. Fleta and Izetta down in P.M. I rode up home with them.

Wed. Mar. 10

Fair and windy. Hazel in in P.M.

Thurs. Mar. 11

Partly cloudy. Ed in in A.M. and P.M.

Fri. Mar. 12

Rainy in A.M. Fair in P.M. Mills out in his auto all night, first time for season.

Sat. Mar. 13

Some rainy. Mills went in A.M. Margaret Crosman died of double pneumonia.

Sun. Mar. 14

Good day. Mills out in A.M. and all night. Ben and I went on little walk. Fleta, Izetta, Geneva, Gilbert, Doanie and Gracie here in P.M. Mr. Edw- and “Fat” down after horses.

Mon. Mar. 15

Fine day. Mills went in A.M. Miss Gensman and Sybil in at noon.

Tues. Mar. 16

Good day. Ben and I went up after cows in P.M. then I went up to Edw-. Mel Crosman died of bronchial pneumonia.

Wed. Mar. 17

Squally in P.M. Mills out in A.M. with cow prospectors, out again in P.M. and stayed all night. I spent the day up to Ireland’s.

Thurs. Mar. 18

Fair and windy. Mills went in A.M. Edw- down in morn. Mel and Margaret Crosman’s funeral from their home.

Fri. Mar. 19

Fine day. Ben and I went up to big pasture in P.M. hunting up horses. School kids down at noon. Percy in in P.M.

Sat. Mar. 20

Fine day. Ben and Jack working on the hill. I went over to Gensman’s in P.M. Hazel and I went up to School house. Mrs. A. M. Bumpus died.

Sun. Mar. 21

Lovely day. Miss Gensman and Neal over in A.M. Mills, Charlie Bernard, Mr. Cooper (Cy) here to dinner. Ben and I went up to Edw’s in P.M. Mills went in P.M.

Mon. Mar. 22

Fine day. Very dusty. Ben and I went up creek in P.M. fixing fence.

Tues. Mar. 23

Partly cloudy, cooler and windy. Ben and I went up on hill to wheat field in A.M.to carry grain to Edw- to drill. Fleta and Izetta down in P.M. Made candy then went up to school Mills out all night.

Wed. Mar. 24

Fine day. Mills and I went up to Boyer’s in A.M. Then he went to town. Fleta and Izetta in in A.M. Fleta went to Curtis’ to work. I rode up to Edw- with Mr. Edw- and Izetta in P.M. Rode back home with Edw-. Bess died. Miss Gensman and Neal in in eve.

Thurs. Mar. 25

Partly cloudy, cold and windy. Izetta down in A.M. We went up to school house to “Agricultural Lecture” in A.M. Mrs. Ireland, Ray and Dorothy here to dinner. In P.M. we went up to school. Ben went to town to get our first load of groceries, etc. Raymond Small died of tuberculosis.

Fri. Mar. 26

Partly cloudy, windy. I rode up to Edw- in P.M. with Ben on load of hay. Aunt Maria Grover died.

Sat. Mar. 27

Partly cloudy. Mills out all night. Gil- down to tel. in P.M.

Sun. Mar. 28

Cloudy, rainy in eve. Mills here. Dr. Eames out to see colt. Izetta and Geneva down in P.M. We went over to Hazel’s.

Mon. Mar. 29

Showery. Ploughed our garden in P.M. Mills out in A.M.

Tues. Mar. 30


Wed. Mar. 31

Slight showers. I went up to Edwards’ in P.M. Frank Townsend died of tuberculosis.

Thurs. Apr. 1st

Showery. Ben and I went to Edw-‘s in eve.

Fri. Apr. 2nd

Showery. Mrs. Smith up to tel. in morn. Geneva and Grace down at noon. I went up to Edw’s in P.M. Izetta, Inez and I went up to Ireland’s in P.M.

Sat. Apr. 3rd

Good day, windy. Izetta and I went to town . Went to “Pastime” with Fleta and Naoma Rice. Izetta stayed in town.

Sun. Apr. 4th

Good day. Mills out in A.M. and all night. Hazel and Neal down in P.M. Mills took Hazel, Neal, and I on ride up by Ireland’s in A.M. Hazel and I took walk down road in P.M.

Mon. Apr. 5th

Fine. Mills went in morn.

Tues. Apr. 6th

Fair. Ed here in A.M. to get Ben’s 30-30 to go hunting with his father up near Mt. Hood. Izetta came in on way from town. Heavy rain in night.

Wed. Apr. 7th

Fair and cool, very windy. Izetta down in P.M.

Thurs. Apr. 8th

Partly cloudy. Izetta down in P.M. Ben and I took her home. Ben went up into Bernard’s after horse.

Fri. Apr. 9

Fine day. Ben and I went up to Edw- in P.M. to help make a hog yard. Mills out all night.

Sat. Apr. 10

Partly cloudy. Mills out all night.

Sun. Apr. 11

Rainy in P.M. Mills, Ben and I went up to Ireland’s in P.M. to help celebrate her birthday. Brought Hazel and Neal home with us.

Mon. Apr. 12

Mills went in A.M. Ed came out on train. Stayed all night. Rainy in P.M.

Tues. Apr 13.

Cold and windy. Ed went home in A.M. Ben and I went up to Edw-‘s in P.M. Izetta came down home with me. Percy Reade in in P.M. Immigrant in in eve.

Wed. Apr. 14

Lovely day. Mills up Xwpa hunting sheep.

Thurs. Apr. 15

Lovely day. Hazel and Neal in in P.M.

Fri. Apr. 16

Lovely day. Ben had “lunatism” in his foot. He quit work an noon. Izetta got her pony. Ed up in P.M.

Sat. Apr. 17

Fine day. Ben “layed up” with foot. “Red” no. 2 here all day looking for work, to dinner and supper. Mills came out in P.M. Ben went back with him to drive home 80 sheep. Mills here all night. Marion Kelly and Albert C. Thrower married. I went over to Hazel’s in eve.

Sun. Apr. 18

Fine day, very warm. Izetta came down to spend day. Geneva came down in P.M. We went over to Gensman’s in P.M. Hazel down in P.M.

Mon. Apr. 19

Very windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Mills and I went up to Ireland’s in eve. Sedone came to shear sheep. Geneva and Goldie Rickard down in P.M. Gil and “Fat” in in P.M. Ben worked.

Tues. Apr. 20

Very windy and cold. Mills went in A.M. Izetta down. Ben sick in P.M. with rheumatism. I went to Smith’s in P.M. on errand for Ben.

Wed. Apr. 21

Fine day. Mills here all night. Sedone got thru shearing sheep in P.M. Ben in bed with Inflammatory Rheumatism. Dr. Lowe here in A.M.

Thurs. Apr. 22

Cloudy. Mills went in A.M. Ben sick in Bed. Izetta down in A.M. and P.M. Percy in in P.M. and eve. Mills and Fred here to supper. Mills here all night. Fred walked home in eve.

Fri. Apr. 23

Mills went in A.M. Back all night and brought sheep herder Jim Smith to work and brought Fleta home to stay over Sunday. Ben in bed. Hazel and Neal in in P.M.

Sat. Apr. 24

Cold and drizzily. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben got up in P.M.

Sun. Apr. 25

Beautiful day. Edw- in in A.M. Mills went to town in A.M. to see “Mabel Dear” Back all night. Izetta, Fleta, Mr. Edw- and “Fat” down in P.M.

Mon. Apr. 26

Windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Hazel and Neal in in morn. Ben in bed.

Tues. Apr. 27

Fine day. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben in bed. Edwards in in P.M.

Wed. Apr. 28

Windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Dr. Lowe here in A.M. Ben in bed. Smith began taking care of Ben. Edwards in in A.M. Mills brought Stanley out to work. Smith’s family up in eve.

Thurs. Apr. 29

Very cold and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Mrs. Smith in in A.M. to tel. Smith girls in in P.M. Edw- in in P.M. Hazel and Neal in in P.M.

Fri. Apr. 30

Cold and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Edw- in in A.M. Lorene Smith worked for me.

Sat. May 1st

Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Edwards in in A.M. Izetta down in P.M.

Sun. May 2

Mills went to town in P.M. Back all night. Izetta down all day. Jack went to town in P.M.

Mon. May 3

Mills went in A.M. Percy Reade in in A.M. Had Dr. Reuter for Ben in P.M. (acute Inflammatory Rehu). Mills and Mabel brought Margaret Mulligan out to work in P.M. Ed, Grace and babies down in eve.

Tues. May 4

Lovely day. Mr. Edw- in in P.M. Mills came out in eve. but was frozen out and returned to town "O, so sudden”.

Wed. May 5

Fine day. Celebration of opening of the Dalles-Cellio canal. Izetta in in P.M. Mr. Edw- in in P.M.

Thurs. May 6

Warm day. Mills out in A.M. for very short call. Jim Smith went to town in P.M. Maria Douglas died.

Fri. May 7

Windy. Jack went to town in P.M. Edw- in at noon. Between 1200 and 1500 lost from ship Lusitania sunk by Germans near coast of Ireland.

Sat. May 8

Very warm in A.M. Cool in P.M. Rainy in eve. Hazel and Neal in in A.M. Izetta down in P.M. Ed came out in P.M. Jim put sheep on hill. Mills out all night.

Sun. May 9

Showery all day. First thunder of season. Percy and Bernie in at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland in in P.M. Mr. Reade in in P.M.

Mon. May 10

Showery and cold. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Hazel and Neal down in eve.

Tues. May 11

Showery. Mills went in A.M. Bernie in in P.M. Ben went into front room for first time.

Wed. May 12

Rainy in A.M. Clear in P.M. Mills out all night.

Thurs. May 13

Showery. Mr. Edw-, Geneva and boy down in A.M. I went to town in A.M. with Mr. Ireland, Ray and Dorothy to meet Mary Ireland. Izetta down in P.M. Izetta, Hazel, Neal and I went up to Petersburg in P.M. to ship Hazel’s things to St. Johns. Hazel and Neal here to supper. Bernie in in P.M. Mrs. Reade and Gracie in in P.M. Mills out all night.

Fri. May 14

Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Hazel had breakfast here. She and Neal went to town with Mills in morn. Edw- and Gil down in morn. Sheep shearers came. Mr. Allen here to dinner. Miss Mulligan and I went up to Ketchum’s camp in P.M.

Sat. May 15

Lovely day. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Miss Mulligan got thru work. Izetta and I took her to town in P.M. Cook at the sheep shearer’s camp “fired” (Stanley).

Sun. May 16

Showery. Ben, Mills and I went up to sheep shearer’s camp in A.M. Izetta down in eve.

Mon. May 17

Showery. Mills went in A.M. Back all night.

Tues. May 18

Cool and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben and I went up to sheep shearer’s camp in P.M. Izetta down in eve.

Wed. May 19

Very cool and windy. Mills went in A.M. Ben and I went up to Nelson’s in P.M. and up to sheep shearer’s camp. Shearers got thru.

Thurs. May 20

Cool and windy. Ben and I went up to shearer’s camp in A.M. to help Jack load wool. I went up to Edw-‘s in P.M. Mills out all night.

Fri. May 21

Cool and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Mr. Campau from the Valley came in A.M. to visit Jack.

Sat. May 22

Slight showers. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Izetta down in eve. Jim got thru for Mills. Philbrick came to herd sheep. Ed called.

Sun. May 23

Rainy in P.M. Ben and I went up to Edw’s in P.M. and took supper. Our first meal there.

Mon. May 24

Cool, showery. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Jim went to town with Mills.

Tues. May 25

Cool and showery. Mills, Jack and Campau looked over Ireland’s place in A.M. Mills went to town in P.M. Back all night. Campau went home in P.M.

Wed. May 26

Showery, very cool. Mills out all night.

Thurs. May 27

Very cool. Rainy in P.M. Mills out all night.

Fri. May 28

Very cool and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben and I drove up on the hill in P.M. to see “Bob” and “Cutie”.

Sat. May 29

Mills went in A.M. Stanley went with him to “celebrate”. Jack went to Aurora, etc. in P.M. Izetta and I went to town. Brought Fleta home with us. I took girls up home then Ben and I went up to sheep-herders camp. Mills out all night.

Sun. May 30

Partly cloudy. Izetta and Fleta down in P.M. and to supper, then Mills took us on joy ride in eve. up round “Fairbanks”. Willie Lally died of congestion of the lungs.

Mon. May 31

Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Fleta down in morn. to ride to town with “Pap”. Gil down in A.M. and P.M. Ben and I went up to sheep camp in eve. Jack arrived from Valley in eve.

Tues. June 1st

Very cool Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Stanley left for town in A.M. Ben and I went up to sheep camp in eve.

Wed. June 2

Clear and very windy. Mills went in A.M. Izetta down in A.M. Ben and I went to Nelson’s in P.M. after “taties” and up to sheep camp. Ed. down from Reade’s in eve.

Thurs. June 3

Clear and windy. Mills out all night. Ben and I went up to Edw- in P.M. to celebrate Izetta’s birthday. Had lunch at 4 P.M.

Fri. June 4

Mills went in A.M. Gil down in A.M. First real warm day. Ben and I went up to sheep camp in eve. to clip “Cutie”.

Sat. June 5

Hot day. Ben went to sheep camp in eve. Then he and I went to Nelson’s.

Sun. June 6

Very warm. Mills came in A.M. Izetta and Geneva down in P.M. Izetta stayed all night. Ben, Izetta and I went up to sheep camp. Chester Walker died at Fred Buker’s.

Mon. June 7

Very cool. I took Izetta home at 5 A.M. Mr. Philbrick went to town in A.M. Ben herded sheep in A.M. and Jack in P.M. Gypsies here in morn. Crippled Bum here to supper. Mills went in A.M.

Tues. June 8.

Cool and windy. Mills out all night. Mabel Overturf and Gladys married at noon. Ben and I went up to sheep camp in eve. and to pull Wilson’s old mare out of the swamp.

Wed. June 9

Very cool and windy. Mills went in A.M. Wilson gave Ben his colt for shooting the mare. Ben and I went up to camp in eve.

Thurs. June 10

Very cool and windy. Izetta down in P.M. Ben and I went up to sheep camp in eve. and up to Edw-‘s in P.M.

Fri. June 11

Very cold and Windy. Edw- wore overcoat and Mittens to town. I went up to Edw’s in P.M. Izetta and Geneva down in P.M. Ben and I went up to camp in eve. Edw- had lunch here. Showery in P.M.

Sat. June 12

Cool and very windy. Geneva down in eve. Ben and I went up to camp in eve.

Sun. June 13

Fine day. Horace and Mills arrived in morn. Izetta, Geneva and Gil down all day. Made ice-cream. I went up to Edw- when Mills took them home when mills took them home. Ben Horace and I went up to camp in eve. Ben and I went to Nelson’s in eve. Ed in a jiffy.

Mon. June 14

Warm. Ben, Horace and I went up to Reade’s in P.M. and up to Ketchum’s shearing plant and up to our sheep camp in eve. Mills went in A.M.

Tues. June 15

Very windy. Mills out all night. Geneva here to supper. Mills and I took her home in eve. Moved the sheep down here to house.

Wed. June 16

Terrible wind, very cool. Mills went in A.M. Horace and I went to town in P.M. Grace Williams and Russell Cross married.

Thurs. June 17

Very cool and windy. Mills out all night. Izetta down in eve.

Fri. June 18

Windy and cool. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Jack went to town in A.M. I went up to Edw-s in P.M. Frank Tobie died of diabetes.

Sat. June 19

Mills went in A.M. Sybil and Mrs. Campbell called in P.M.

Sun. June 20

Mills out all night. Izetta down to supper. Izetta, Ben and I went up to Reade’s in eve.

Mon. June 21

Very warm. Mills went in A.M. Jack and Horace went to town. Horace and I went to Nelson’s in eve and up to Ewd’s.

Tues. June 22

Very warm. Chas Earle died of rheumatic fever.

Wed. June 23

Terrific gale. Mills out in A.M. Mr. Edw-, Geneva and “Fat” down in P.M. Killed Mrs. Pig.

Thurs. June 24

Very windy and cool. Horace and I went up to Edw- in P.M. Smith’s folks there.

Fri. June 25

Cool and windy. Mills out all night. He brought Izetta out. She had supper here. Hauled hay by moonlight til 12.

Sat. June 26

Cool. Mills went in A.M. Horace went to town in A.M. Billy and Edith married by Rev. J. P. Roberts and went to live in in Mr. Purington’s house. Double ring ceremony.

Sun. June 27

Warm day. Mills came in A.M. Stayed all night. Geneva down in P.M. Jack and Mr. Philbrick went to town in eve. to take his mare and “Kate” into the stable.

Mon. June 28

Very hot. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Horace and I went up to Edw’s in eve. Izetta and Gil sick. Mrs. Smith very low.

Tues. June 29

Very hot. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Jack went to town in A.M. Mrs. Smith died at 3 P.M. Geneva and Mr. Smith down here to tel. Had her funeral about 8 o’clock in eve. Buried directly.

Wed. June 30

Very hot. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Fleta, Izetta and Inez down in P.M.

Thurs. July 1st

Terrific heat. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben went up Mill Creek after “junk”. Fleta down in eve.

Fri. July 2

Slightly cooler. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Horace and I went up to Edw’s to ice cream party in P.M. Jack came up after us with “Dick”. Ben went to town in P.M.

Sat. July 3

Slightly cooler and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben and Horace went to town in A.M.

Sun. July 4

Very Muggy. “Nothing stirring”.

Mon. July 5

Very cool and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben and Jack worked up to Ewd’s Geneva down in P.M. Had home celebration at Ike’s.

Tues. July 6

Very light rain all day. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Horace and I went to Nelson’s in P.M. Horace went up to Edw’s in eve. to carry cake to Geneva for birthday.

Wed. July 7

Rainy all night. Mills went in A.M. Ben, Horace and Mr. Philbrick took sheep far as “Scotty” Milan’s in eve. on way to Mts. Mill brot Horace and Ben home.

Thurs. July 8

Cool. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Best day since we struck Oregon. Ed made little eve. call (?).

Fri. July 9

very cool and terrific gales. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Izetta and Geneva in in P.M.

Sat. July 10

Cool and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night.

Sun. July 11

Cool and windy. Mills, Jack and Horace went up to mts. to see sheep. Geneva down in P.M. Ben I went up to Reade’s in eve.

Mon. July 12

Mills went in A.M. Jack went up to Edw’s work.

Tues. July 13

Cool and windy. Rained a little. Horace and I went up to Edw’s in P.M. Ben and I went up to Reade’s in eve.

Wed. July 14

Rained hard part of A.M. Jack down in A.M. Horace went up to Edw’s in P.M. Izetta down P.M.

Thurs. July 15

Cool and windy. Mills out all night. Gil down in P.M.

Fri. July 16

Cool. Rainy A.M. and part of P.M. Izetta, Geneva, Horace and I went to Mr. Philbrick’s place picking apricots. Called on the Allen’s.

Sat. July 17

Warmer. Fine day. Mr. Edw-s here binding. “Pap” went in morn. Mrs. Edws spent day here.

Sun. July 18

“Pap” came in P.M. too late dinner. Izetta, Geneva and Gracie Reade called in P.M. Kids down to see Horace.

Mon. July 19

“Pap” went in A.M. Hot day. 89° in pantry at 7.30 P.M. with no fire. Ed, Shorty and Fred down in eve. Geneva and Dave here to dinner.

Tues. July 20

Terrible hot day. Jack came back in A.M. from Edw-. Mills out all night.

Wed. July 21

Slightly cooler. Mills went in A.M. Horace and I went to town in A.M. Izetta down in P.M.

Thurs. July 22

Hot. Mills out all night.

Fri. July 23

Very hot. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Izetta and Max in in A.M. Mr. Edw- down in A.M. Jack and Ben on hill. Izetta and kids down in eve. to pick berries.

Sat. July 24

Hot day. Mills went in A.M. Geneva went over to Curtis’ for visit. The “Eastland” sunk on River at Chicago. Over 1000 dead.

Sun. July 25

Cool windy day. Ben and I went up to Ireland’s in P.M.

Mon. July 26

Cool and very windy. Edw- in in A.M.

Tues. July 27

Cool and windy. Horace went to town with Mr. Edw-. I took first ride on M. E. B. Edw- in in P.M.

Wed. July 28

Cool and windy. Horace and I went up to Edw’s in P.M. I rode M. E. B. up to Edw-‘s in eve.

Thurs. July 29

Horace went to Dalles with Dick to take Mills to mts. to help drive sheep in to ship. “Shorty” down in A.M.

Fri. July 30

Slight showers. Izetta down to dinner. Boys all down in A.M. to pick berries. I rode up to Edw’s in P.M. with Izetta on M. E. B Percy in in P.M.

Sat. July 31

Izetta down in P.M. Horace arrived from mts. in P.M. Brought Roy Phillips out with him to work.

Sun. Aug. 1st

Pretty warm. Izetta down in P.M. Ben Izetta and I went up to Reade’s in P.M. Went up on the hill to see Grace and Nora.

Mon. Aug. 2

Warmer, very windy. Men began stacking on the hill. “Fat” and Dave down in P.M.

Tues. Aug. 3

Windy. Tribe of Gypsies along. Izetta down in P.M. “Fat” and Dave down in P.M. Ben and I went to Nelson’s in eve.

Wed. Aug. 4

Pretty warm. Gil here to dinner.

Thurs. Aug. 5

Hot day. I rode up to Edw- in eve. on M.E.B.

Fri. Aug. 6

Cool and very windy. Ben and I rode up to Ireland’s in eve. to get header box. Geneva came home from Curtis’. Izetta went over.

Sat. Aug. 7

Cool and windy. Jack went to town in P.M. He came back with Mill’s in eve.

Sun. Aug. 8

Roy went home in morn. Back in P.M. Geneva and kids down in P.M. Ben and I went to Nelson’s in eve.

Mon. Aug. 9

Hot. Mills went in A.M.

Tues. Aug. 10

Hot A.M. Mr. Philbrick out in morn. Took dinner with us. Took Dick home in P.M. on trial. Izetta, Mr. Edw- and kids down after peaches.

Wed. Aug. 11

Terrific winds.

Thurs. Aug. 12

Ben and Roy worked up to Edw-. Izetta and kids down in P.M. Horace and I rode up home with them.

Fri. Aug. 13

Roy got thru working here and went to town in P.M. Came out on saddle horse to visit us in P.M. ho, ho.

Sat. Aug. 14

Very cool and windy. Fleta, Izetta, Inez and Gil down in P.M. All went swimming.

Sun. Aug. 15

Windy. Fleta, Izetta and kids down in P.M. to swim. Ben and I went to Nelson’s.

Mon. Aug. 16

Terrible winds. Jack went to town in A.M. Left for Valley in P.M. – Pigs and all. Ed and “Shorty” in in eve.

Tues. Aug. 17

Windy. Fleta and Izetta in a jiffy. Mills out all night.

Wed. Aug. 18

Very hot. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Horace and I went up to Edw’s in P.M. Came home with Ben.

Thurs. Aug. 19

Very hot. 89° at 7 P.M. Mills went in A.M. Geneva down in P.M.

Fri. Aug. 20

Terrible hot. Ben, Horace and I went up to Reade’s in eve.

Sat. Aug. 21

Terrible hot. Ben and Edw’s- worked on the road. Homesteaders here to breakfast.

Sun. Aug. 22

Very hot. Mills came out in A.M. All of Edw’s- kids down in eve. after peaches.

Mon. Aug. 23

Mills went in A.M. Ben and Edw- worked on road. Horace left for Tacoma.

Tues. Aug. 24

Ben went to town with Edw- in A.M. Edw- and Izetta down in P.M. Mills out.

Wed. Aug 25

Slightly cooler. Smith came to work for us in A.M. I went up to Edws in P.M. Telephone man here to dinner.

Thurs. Aug. 26

Cooler. Mills out. Izetta down in P.M.

Fri. Aug. 27

Very hot. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben and I went to Nelson’s in eve. Homer brot “Dan” down for us to use.

Sat. Aug. 28

Terrible hot. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Joel Allen died.

Sun. Aug. 29

Fearful hot in P.M. Eve. cool and windy. Ben and I went up to Reade’s cook house in A.M. I rode “Dan”. Izetta in in A.M. and P.M.

Mon. Aug. 30

Cool and terrible windy. Mills went in A.M. Edws here working on new cement walk. Joel’s funeral was held.

Tues. Aug. 31

Cool. Edws here working. Mrs. Edws and Izetta down in P.M. We went to Nelson’s.

Wed. Sept. 1st

Very cool and windy. Edws here. Mills out all night.

Thurs. Sept. 2

Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Edw- working here. I went up to Edws’ in P.M. Came back in team with Izetta. and Gil – and went to Nelson’s. Gil and Izetta here to supper. Gil’s birthday.

Fri. Sept. 3

Clear and quite warm. Mills went in A.M. Edws down in P.M. Ben and I went up after sand in P.M. Mollie fell down over bank.

Sat. Sept. 4

Mills went in A.M. Edw- here working.

Sun. Sept. 5

Cool and windy.

Mon. Sept. 6

Very cool. School began. Mills went in A.M. Ben and I hauled wood in P.M.

Tues. Sept. 7

Very cool. Ben went up to Edws and James’ in A.M.

Wed. Sept. 8

Very cool and windy. I went up to Edws in A.M. Izetta came down with me to dinner. We went to Nelson’s in P.M. Then I took her home. Ben went up to Boyer’s in A.M.

Thurs. Sept. 9th

Very cool and windy. Edws down in P.M. Mills out all night.

Fri. Sept. 10

Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben went to James’ in P.M. to fix wagon. Fred Oertli here to dinner. Doanie in in P.M. Heavy thunder shower with lots of rain and hail in P.M.

Sat. Sept. 11

Very cool. Squally in P.M. Thunder, wind and rain. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Miss Patton in to tel.

Sun. Sept. 12

Cool and windy. Ben and I went up to Reade’s in A.M. to do blacksmith work. I took dinner with them. Edw- and Gil down in P.M. after 2 colts.

Mon. Sept. 13

Rainy part of day. Ben went to town with 2 loads of Edw’s grain.

Tues. Sept. 14

Cloudy and cold. Ben went to town with grain.

Wed. Sept. 15

Clear and cool. Ben went to town with grain. I went up on hill with him in P.M. after grain. Mills out all night.

Thurs. Sept. 16

Quite warm. Ben went to town with grain. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Thrashers came down here to board. Izetta came down in P.M. to help me.

Fri. Sept. 17

Pretty warm. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben went to town with grain.

Sat. Sept. 18

Quite warm. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben went to town with grain. Elza stayed all night. The other thrashers got thru and went to town. Edw- here to diner.

Sun. Sept. 19

Good day. Izetta and I walked up to warehouse in A.M. She went home in P.M. with her father. Elza went with rest of thrashing outfit out to Giffs in A.M. Ben and I took a walk in P.M. Joe came back here all night.

Mon. Sept. 20

Good day. Mills went at 5 A.M. Ben went to town with grain. Joe here to breakfast. Izetta down in eve.

Tues. Sept. 21

Very cool and extremely windy. Ben went to town with grain. Mills out all night with mustache shaved off. Burbank’s buildings burned in Litchfield .

Wed. Sept 22

Cool and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben went to town with grain. Ivan and wife down in P.M. Izetta down in P.M.

Thurs. Sept. 23

Cool and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night.

Fri. Sept. 24

Good day. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Ben went to town with grain. Geo. Frost died.

Sat. Sept. 25

Good day. Ben went to town twice with grain. Mills went in A.M. Back all night.

Sun. Sept. 26

Cloudy and cold. Showery. Ben, Mills and I rode up to Upton’s in P.M. Izetta down in P.M. We all went to pasture hunting the thieves that killed Rickard's hog. Sheriff Chrisman chased them to the Deschutes. Mills went to town in P.M.

Mon. Sept. 27

Good day, windy. Ben went to Rickard’s in A.M. and P.M. Percy Reade down in P.M.

Tues. Sept. 28

Fine day. Wasco Co. Fair began at The Dalles. Ben went to town with last load of grain. Ben went up to Reade’s in P.M. Izetta down in P.M.

Wed. Sept. 29

Fine day. Izetta in in A.M. Ben went up to Reade’s in A.M. Mr. Hanson (Mary’s father) shot himself.

Thurs. Sept. 30

Partly cloudy. Ben went to Fair on Dan in A.M.

Fri. Oct. 1st

Windy, partly cloudy. Mills out all night. Broke old Dick’s leg and had to have Nelson shoot him.

Sat. Oct. 2

Cold and windy. Mills went in A.M. Back all night. Mr. Stage (old miner) came here to work.

Sun. Oct. 3

Cold and windy. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland and Dorothy down in P.M. Ben and I rode up to Edws’ with them.

Mon. Oct. 4

Lovely day. Mills here all day skipping the juror’s bench. I walked up part way with Gracie and Doanie.

Tues. Oct. 5

Cool and windy. Mills went in A.M. Edws here to dinner.

Wed. Oct. 6

Cool and very windy. Geneva and Schaefer down in P.M. Dr. Reuter in in eve. to tel.

Thurs. Oct. 7

Fine day. School kids in in P.M. after drink. I walked up with Gracie and Doanie. Old Kate sick. Dr. Eames out to see her.

Fri. Oct. 8

Very cold and windy. Mills out with Helen and hunting in P.M. I went to school house to see Gil- in P.M.

Sat. Oct. 9

Cold and windy. Mills out all night. Stage went to town in P.M. Ed in in P.M. Hazel and Phillip Adams married.

Sun Oct. 10

Cold. Ben and I went gunning in A.M. and in P.M. Mills took dinner up to Edws’. Fleta home.

Mon. Oct. 11

Cold and windy. Mills went in A.M. Ben went up to Edws’ in eve. Helped Mrs. milk while Mr. E- and Andy Case were up mill creek after lumber.

Tues. Oct. 12

Dark and cloudy. Mills out all night.

Wed. Oct. 13

Rainy in P.M. Mills out all night.

Thurs. Oct. 14

Fine day, cold and windy. Mr. Ireland and Ray down in P.M. I went up to school house in P.M. and up with Gracie.

Fri. Oct. 15

Clear and cold. Ben went up to James’ and Edws’ in eve. Mrs. Reade, Grace and kids down in P.M.

Sat. Oct. 16

Clear and cold. Ben went to town with Mr. Ireland and Ray. Homer Clark came down to keep house for us in A.M. Surprise party at Reade’s. Crowd met here. Mills out all night.

Sun. Oct. 17

Partly cloudy. Mr. Ireland called for us at 7 A.M. to go to the mts. We called in town for Mr. Oaks. Arrived at Ketchum’s camps at 5 P.M. Stayed all night.

Mon. Oct. 18

Cloudy. Mr. Ireland shot first game – a native pheasant. Ketchum’s packer came in to get his dinner and ordered us out. We stayed all night. Ben and Mr. Oaks went over to Owens’.

Tues Oct. 19

Lovely day. Left camp at 8.45 A.M. Went to Long Prairie. Stopped over night.

Wed. Oct. 20

Left Long Prairie at 9 A.M. Came over Rocky Slope to Mill Creek. Arrived at Dutch Flat Road at 5 P.M. Camped all night. Frank Maines died.

Thurs. Oct. 21

Cloudy and damp in P.M. Left Camp at 10 A.M. Went up to Al Turner’s old homestead then back across creek to The Meadows. Arrived about 4.30 P.M. Made ourselves at home in forest ranger’s cabin with Chas. Nordberg.

Fri. Oct. 22

Very rainy in P.M. and night. Mr. Oaks went hunting. Ben helped the cook.

Sat. Oct. 23

Rainy and snowy in morn. Left Cabin at 9.10 A.M. Arrived at The Dalles at 2.30 P.M. Homer Clark went home with Mr. Ireland. Mills out all night.

Sun. Oct. 24

Cloudy and slight showers. Ben and I took walk in A.M. Smith and Rickard kids in in P.M. to tel.

Mon. Oct. 25

Beautiful day. Mills went in A.M. Ben went to town with Grain in P.M. Izetta down in A.M. I went up to Edwards’ in P.M. Telegram rec’d from Cal. announcing Ed Foster’s death.

Tues. Oct. 26

Showery in A.M. Ben went up to Edws’ in morn. to help Mrs. milk. while Edw’s was up Mill Creek. Arthur Penley died. Evelyn Plummer and Norman Litchfield married. I went up to Reade’s and after a load of wood with Ben and Stage in P.M.

Wed. Oct. 27

Partly cloudy. Old German silver agent here in P.M. Mills out all night. I went after wood in P.M. Old lady Crosman at Falls died.

Thurs. Oct. 28

Lovely day. Mills went in A.M. Ed in in P.M. I went up to Wickman’s way in P.M. after wood with men.

Fri. Oct. 29

Mills out all night. Goldie Rickard down in morn. with fresh pork for us.

Sat. Oct. 30

Showers in morn. Mills went in A.M. Edws in in A.M. Fleta down in P.M. Ed in in P.M.

Sun. Oct. 31

Mills out in A.M. Went back in P.M. Showery in P.M. Ben went up to James’ in P.M. I went up to Edws’ Met Mr. and Mrs. Conklin and Bert Case.

Mon. Nov. 1

Cloudy and colder. Grace Reade and babies down all day. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Southard in in eve. (from northern Maine).

Tues. Nov. 2

Showery. “Shorty” Arnold in in P.M. Ed in in eve.

Wed. Nov. 3

Cloudy and dark. I went up to Mrs. Rickard’s in P.M. and up where Ben and Stage were pulling thistles.

Thurs. Nov. 4

Partly cloudy. Mr. Edws in in A.M. Mr. Haight in in A.M. to tel. Ben went part way to town in P.M. to drive bucks in. I went up where men pulled thistles in P.M.

Fri. Nov. 5

Cleared off cold. I went up above bridge in P.M. with men to put in a new gate.

Sat. Nov. 6

Cold and clear. Gil in in A.M. Ben went up to James’ and Edw’s in P.M.

Sun. Nov. 7

Cold and cloudy. Mills came out in P.M. to dinner. He went to town in P.M. Ben went up to Rickard's and Boyer’s in A.M. and to Nelson’s in P.M.

Mon. Nov. 8

Hills covered with snow in morn. Rain and snow in morn. Mr. Oaks in in A.M. Mr. Edws in in P.M. Ben went up to Edw’s and James’ in P.M.

Tues. Nov. 9

Partly cloudy. Ben hauled rocks for foundation of Edw’s new barn. Mrs. Andrews (teacher) and kids in in morn. to see about getting rooms.

Wed. Nov 10

Cloudy. Ben and Stage worked in Edws’ barn. Izetta down in P.M.

Thurs. Nov. 11

Rainy part of day. I went up to Edws’ when men went to work on barn and took dinner. In P.M. Izetta came home with us. We went up to Rickard’s in P.M.

Fri. Nov. 12

Cold. Ben and Stage worked on Edws’ barn. Mills came out in P.M. and took me up to Edws “to see if they were building the barn right”.

Sat. Nov. 13

Very cold. Izetta went to Curtis’ on visit. Ben and Stage worked up to Edwards’.

Sun. Nov. 14

Partly cloudy. Gil in in morn. Ben and I went up on hill in morn. to herd sheep.

Mon. Nov. 15

Rainy day. Ben went up to Reade’s, Ketchum’s, etc. hunting sheep.

Tues. Nov. 16

Partly cloudy. I went up to Reade’s in P.M. Ida Kilgore and Wendall Jones married.

Wed. Nov. 17

Rainy day. Nothing stirring.

Thurs. Nov. 18

Rainy day. Ben walked to town after new band of sheep but Mills didn’t make the bargain. Edws down in A.M. Susan Underwood burned alive in her home.

Fri. Nov. 19

Dark and cloudy. Showery in P.M. Ben worked up to Edws’.

Sat. Nov. 20

Rainy. Ben worked at Edws’ in A.M.

Sun. Nov. 21

Showery. Cleared off cold in P.M. I went up on hill to sheep in P.M. Mills out to dinner and all night. Ben and I went up to Ireland’s in eve. with Maggie.

Mon. Nov. 22

Rainy P.M. Stage went to town with Mills in morn. on “biz”. Ben killed little piggy. Gave Mills our notice.

Tues. Nov. 23

Slight showers, nice eve. Stage went up to Edws’ in A.M. Ben went to Nelson’s in P.M. Izetta down in P.M.

Wed. Nov. 24

Fine day.

Thurs. Nov. 25

Rainy and very windy. Mills came out on train. Went back on train in P.M. Mrs. Ireland, Ray and Dorothy left on P.M. train for trip to Cal.

Fri. Nov. 26

Fair day.

Sat. Nov. 27

Fair day. Sybil up in A.M. Izetta down in P.M. I went up to Edws’ in P.M. Ed Reade in in P.M. to tel.

Sun. Nov. 28

Snowed nearly all day. Ed Reade in in P.M. to tel.

Mon. Nov. 29

Fair day. Ed in in eve.

Tues. Nov. 30

Dark and cloudy. Ben went up to Edws’ in P.M. after butter.

Wed. Dec. 1st

Cold and cloudy. Andy in in A.M. to tel. Ben went to town with Mr. Ireland. Mr. Ireland here to dinner. Mr. Flavel (homesteader) here to supper.

Thurs. Dec. 2nd

Dark and cloudy. Mr. Flavel here to breakfast. Izetta and Andy down at noon to tel. Ben went up to Edws’ after butter.

Fri. Dec. 3rd

Rainy day. Mr. Hammond from Sherman county here to breakfast. Mr. Treat in in P.M. to tel.

Sat. Dec. 4

Fine, clear day.

Sun. Dec. 5

Rained pouring most all day. Ben herded sheep on the hill. Mills came out on train to breakfast and went back on train in P.M.

Mon. Dec. 6

Foggy and cloudy. Bernie Reade here in A.M. Man stopped here all night and played to us on his rag-time violin.

Tues. Dec. 7

Dark and cloudy. Mr. Violin man left after breakfast. Ben went up to Edws’ in P.M. after butter.

Wed. Dec. 8

Dark and cloudy. Ben went up to Edws’ in A.M. to help kill old Warren.

Thurs. Dec. 9

Slight showers in A.M. Treat in in P.M. to tel. Ben and I went up to Reade’s in eve. Clear and cold.

Fri. Dec. 10

Cold and cloudy. Snow in P.M. Dennis in in P.M. to tel. Izetta in in P.M. to tel.

Sat. Dec. 11

Fine day.

Sun. Dec. 12

Fair in A.M. Cold and cloudy and very windy in P.M. Mr. Rickard in in A.M. Mr. Stage went up to Taylor’s in A.M. to see “Joe”. Mr. Ireland down to send the day. Mr. and Mrs. Edws down in P.M.

Mon. Dec. 13

Dark and cloudy. Ed down in eve. til 2 A.M. to make last call.

Tues. Dec. 14

Good day. Fleta and Izetta down in P.M. to make last call. Mr. Treat, Nova, Norma and Grace down in P.M. to make last call. I took grace and Babies home with Maggie and Ben went up on “Dan” to take supper.

Wed. Dec. 15

Good day. Mr. Edws up in P.M. to tel. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson up in eve.

Thurs. Dec. 16

Stormy all day (rain and snow). Fleta down in A.M. Mr. Edws and Ben went to town.

Fri. Dec. 17

Ben went to town and up to Edws’ in eve. I went up to Edws’ in P.M. with Maggie. Fleta came down with me to ride to town with Mr. Goit (mail man).

Sat. Dec. 18

Squally. Mr. Edws came down at 7 A.M. to take us to The Dalles to start eastward. Left at 12.40 noon. Woodrow Wilson and Edith Galt married.

Sun. Dec. 19

Fine weather.

Mon. Dec. 20

Fine weather.

Tues. Dec. 21

Fine day. Arrived at Chicago at 11 A.M. Took dinner at the “Crown”. Left at 5 P.M. by Standard Pullman on G.T.

Wed. Dec. 22

Snowed most of day. Arrived at Montreal at 7.45 P.M. Took supper at the “Great Britain” on St. James St. Left at 8.20 P.M. for Lewiston.

Thurs. Dec. 23

Arrived at Lewiston at 6.50 P.M. Ben took the 7 A.M. train for the Falls. I went up to Folsom's to breakfast. Ella, Alice and I did our Xmas shopping. Got to the Falls at 12. Went up to Jennie P’s. Jim came after us. Called in to see Edith. Pa went after Ben.

Fri. Dec. 24

Sick with Grip. Jim went to Falls. Edith and Billy came up in morn. to spend Xmas. Had Xmas tree in eve.

Sat. Dec. 25

Sick. Jim went to Xmas tree at Wheeler school house. Ella and Billy went to west Bowdoin Xmas tree.

Sun. Dec. 26

Rain and snow and wind.

Mon. Dec. 27

Edith and Billy went home in P.M. with daisy.

Tues. Dec. 28

Billy up in A.M. Ma sick in bed.

Wed. Dec. 29

Snow in late P.M. and eve. Charlie Allen here all night and to supper with a sick horse of Mr. Lange’s

Thurs. Dec. 30

Charlie Allen went home in A.M. Ella sick in bed. Jim went to P’s Corner in eve. Billy sick (everybody doing it). Sade and Lester down in eve.

Fri. Dec. 31

Fine day. Ma and Ella both sick.

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